Sociology SY1

  1. Cultural Diversity
    Describes a society in which many different cultures exist
  2. Culture
    The way of life of a particular society or social group
  3. Customs
    Traditional forms of behaviour associated with particular social occasions
  4. Deviannce
    Rule-breaking behaviour
  5. Ethnocentrism
    The belief that one culture is 'normal' and others inferior
  6. Feral Children
    Children brought up with limited contact with humans
  7. Identity
    The sense of who we are
  8. Instinct
    A genetic or biological code in animals that large determinds their behaviour
  9. Internalise
    Accept something so that it becomes 'taken for granted'
  10. Norms
    Rules of behaviour in social situations
  11. Primary Socialisation
    Socialisation in the verye early years of life, normally through parents
  12. Roles
    Positions in society such as 'mother' or 'police officer'. Roles are made up of norms
  13. Sanctions
    Actions that encourage or discourage particular behaviour suchas smiling or frowning at a young child
  14. Secondary Socialisation
    Socialisation that continues throughout life. Education, the media and religion are all important influences
  15. Socialisation
    The process by which we learn acceptable cultural beliefs and behaviour
  16. Society
    A social system made up of social institutions such as the family, education, law, politics, the media, religion and peer groups
  17. Sociobiology
    The study of similarities between the natural and social worlds
  18. Status
    Social position
  19. Subculture
    A group within a larger culture that shares some aspects of that culture but also has some of its own values and customs
  20. Values
    Widely accepted beliefs that some things are worthwhile
  21. Ageism
    Discrimination based upon negative stereotypes of age, usually foucusing on the elderly and the young
  22. Cultural Capital
    Cultural skills, such as knowing how to behave , speak and learn, passed on by middle-class parents to their children
  23. Differentiation
    Ways of distinguishing between social groups through variations in aspects of culture, language, customs, power, wealth and status
  24. Feudalism
    Medieval system of stratification based on the ownership of land
  25. Homophobia
    Prejudice and discrimination against gay people
  26. Life Chances
    Opportunities or lack of them to acquire material, social and cultural rewards such as jobs, qualifications or good health
  27. Manual Work
    Physical labour
  28. Meritocratic
    Where rewards are given on the basis of achievement i.e. effort, ability and intelligence
  29. Multicultural
    Characterised by a varity of ethnic groups
  30. Non-manual Work
    Work that mainly involves mental labour
  31. Patriachal
    Male dominated
  32. Power
    The ability to maintain inequality against the will of others
  33. Social Exclusion
    Missing out on opportunities and activities that most other people take for granted because of poverty or other factors beyond your control
  34. Status
  35. Slavery
    Form of stratification where people are either owned by others or are forced to work for no or very little pay
  36. Stratification
    Hierarchical ranking based on social status, resulting in patterns of inequality
  37. Underclass
    A social group in poverty which (depending on your perspective) is a product of workshy attitudes and an overgenerous benefit system or a product of economic recession
  38. Upward Social Mobility
    The ability to move upwards through the class system e.g. from working class to middle class
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Sociology SY1