LA Sx, Q3, I

  1. Why specifically do we castrate boars and billys?
    • Improve meat flavor
    • arrest scent glands in billys
  2. What is a negative factor of castration?
    • decreased rate of gain/feed efficiency
    • (esp if castrated around 1 yr old there is a large difference)
  3. How old is a horse when you castrate ideally?
    2 years
  4. Early castration of bulls can increase the incidence of what urinary problem?
    urethral calculi
  5. In pigs, sheeps and goats when do we typically castrate?
    within first 2 weeks of life
  6. what is a possible urgical complication of animals fed spoiled sweet clover?
    bleeding out- because the clover has dicumerol which is an anticoagulant
  7. In my PE before castrationg what should I palpate?
    testes and inguinal ring
  8. What are advantages to castrating a colt standing?
    • -rapid procedure
    • -no injury in going down or getting up with anesthesia
    • -reduced anesthetic complications
  9. What are the disadvantages of castrating a colt while standing?
    • -increased risk to surgeon
    • -restraint is not as reliable
    • -harder to manage any surgical complications that do occur
  10. What drug used to be used as chemical restraint for castration in horses that we dont use any more? why?
    succinylcholine- just a mm relaxer, no pain relief
  11. What local blocks can we use for castration? during which one are you more likely to get your ass kicked?
    • -testicular block w/lidocaine
    • -spermatic cord block- more dangerous!
  12. Using Xylazine and ketamine combos are common in equine castration, how long do these last?
    15-20 mins
  13. For bovine castration do we use anesthesia commonly?
    no- sometimes local anesthetics
  14. What is one restraint technique i can use when castrating a bull that prevents kicking?
    force tail up and over their back so they are less likely to kick
  15. How do i restrain a piglet for castration?
    hold piglet by rear legs and cradle body in between knees
  16. Do we use anesthesia on piglets or mature boars? what do we use?
    mature Boars- pentobarbitol injection into testicle or pentothal into ear vein
  17. When castrating what is a risk of using just ligatures instead of an emasculator?
    more hemmorrhage =(
  18. How many incisions am I making into the scrotum for equine castrations? where are they?
    2 incisions on most caudal/ventral scrotum
  19. Is the cutting edge of the emascultor cranial or caudal on the spermatic cord?
    • cutting edge is distal
    • (we want to crush it first then cut it!)
  20. do i need to keep tension on the spermatic cord when the emasculator is closed?
    NO!- no tension when emasculator is closed- this helps it crush better
  21. what is the most common castration post-op problem?
    poor drainage predisposing to infection
  22. When do i place a horse in dorsal recumbancy for a castration?
    when i suspect the patient is cryptorchid
  23. What is the clotting time for equine blood?
    10 mins
  24. What testical is removed first when a horse is castrated in lateral recumbancy?
    remove lower testicle first
  25. Scrotal ablation is more commonly done in what age of horse?
    mature horses
  26. When do we use an emasculatome?
    when tetanus is a problem, mainly in cattle
  27. What is the henderson castrating tool and what does it do?
    • -a power drill with a clamp w/ 2 jaws attached
    • -clamps spermatic cord and twists until it breaks
  28. What are the 2 methods used in bovine castration for the incision placement?
    • 1. remove ventral 1/3 of scrotum
    • 2. verticle incisions over each testicle
Card Set
LA Sx, Q3, I
LA Sx, Q3, I