Physio Psych Exam 3

  1. The process by which experiences change our nervous system and hence our behavior.
  2. What are the two types of stimulus-response learning?
    Classical Conditioning and Operant Conditioning
  3. Learning to automatically make a particular response in the presence of a particular stimulus
    Stimulus-Response Learning
  4. What contains these:
    Unconditioned Stimulus
    Unconditioned Response
    Conditioned Stimulus
    Conditioned Response
    Classical Conditioning
  5. What kind of conditioning was Watson's Little Albert Experiment?
    Classical Conditioning
  6. What is Operant Conditioning?
    Reinforcement (encouraging behavior to be more frequent) vs. Punishment (discouraging behavior)
  7. Motor Learning vs. Response Learning
    • Motor Learning - learning to make a new response
    • Response Learning - learning the relationships among individual stimuli
  8. Learning induces LTP. What does LTP stand for?
    Long-term potentiation
  9. What is LTP?
    A chain of events requiring NMDA receptor and results in additional AMPA receptor.
  10. Where is the hippocampus located?
    Temporal lobe
  11. Dentate gyrus (of the hippocampus)
    Underwent neurogenesis (creation of new cells)
  12. What is the world's most dangerous drug?
  13. Which brain areas important in reinforcement?
    • Medial Forebrain Bundle (MFB)
    • Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA)
    • Nucleus Accumbens
  14. What are the two different types of amnesia?
    Retrograde (forget past events) and Anterograde (forget events that will occur after brain damage)
  15. What are important in forming memories?
    LTP and synapses
Card Set
Physio Psych Exam 3
Chapters 12, 8, 14, 15, 16