Bio Ch. 32

  1. angina
    chest pain associated with reduced blood flow to the heart muscle; caused by an obstruction of the coronary arteries
  2. arteriole
    a small artery that empties into capillaries; constriction of these regulates blood flow to various parts of the body
  3. artery
    a vessel with muscular, elastic walls that conducts blood away from the heart
  4. atherosclerosis
    a disease characterized by the obstruction of arteries by cholesterol deposits thickening of the arterial walls
  5. atrioventricular node
    a specialized mass of muscle at the base of the right atrium through which the electrical activity initiated in the sinoatrial node is transmitted to the ventricles
  6. atrium
    a chamber of the heart that receives venous blood and passes it on to the ventricle
  7. blood
    a specialized connective tissue, consisting of a fluid (plasma) in which blood cells are suspended; carries within the circulatory system
  8. blood clotting
    a complex process by which platelets, the protein fibrin, and red blood cells block an irregular surface in or on the body; such as a damaged blood vessel, sealing the wound
  9. blood vessel
    any of several types of tubes that carry blood throughout the body
  10. capillary
    the smallest type of blood vessel, connecting arterioles with venules; their walls, through which the exchanges of nutrients and waste occur, are only one cell thick
  11. cardiac cycle
    the alternation of the contraction and relaxation of the heart chambers
  12. cardiac muscle
    the specialized muscle of the heart; able to initiate its own contraction, independent of the nervous system
  13. closed circulatory system
    a type of circulatory system, found in worms and vertebrates, in which the blood is always confined within the heart and vessels
  14. diastolic pressure
    the blood pressure measured during relaxation of the ventricles; the lower of the two blood pressure readings
  15. erythrocyte
    a red blood cell, which contains the oxygen-binding protein hemoglobin and thus transports oxygen in the circulatory system
  16. erythropoeitin
    a hormone produced by the kidneys in response to oxygen deficiency; stimulates production of red blood cells by the bone marrow
  17. extracellular fluid
    fluid that bathes the cells of the body; in animals, it leaks from capillaries and is similar in composition to blood plasma, but lacking the large proteins found in blood plasma
  18. fibrillation
    the rapid, uncoordinated, and ineffective contraction of heart muscle cells
  19. fibrin
    a clotting protein found in the blood in response to a wound; binds with other fibrin molecules and provides a matrix around which a blood clot forms
  20. fibrinogen
    the inactive form of the clotting protein fibrin; it is converted into fibrin by the enzyme thrombin, which is produced in response to injury
  21. heart
    a muscular organ responsible for pumping blood within the circulatory system throughout the body
  22. heart attack
    a severe reduction or blockage of blood flow through a coronary artery, depriving some of the heart muscle of its blood supply
  23. hemocoel
    a cavity within the bodies of certain invertebrates in which a fluid, called hemolymph, bathes tissue directly; part of an open circulatory system
  24. hemoglobin
  25. hemolymph
  26. hypertension
  27. intercalated disc
  28. leukocyte
  29. lymph
  30. lymphatic system
  31. megakaryocyte
  32. open circulatory system
  33. pacemaker
  34. plaque
  35. plasma
  36. platelet
  37. precapillary sphincter
  38. semilunar valve
  39. sinoatrial node
  40. spleen
  41. stem cell
  42. stroke
  43. systolic pressure
  44. thombrin
  45. vein
  46. ventricle
  47. venule
Card Set
Bio Ch. 32
Bio Ch 32