Mental Depress-Bipol.txt

  1. Types of Depression
    • Reactive (exogenous) depression
    • Major (unipolar) depression
  2. Reactive (exogenous) Depression
    • temporay lasting for a few weeks or even a few months
    • feeling fades and the person returns to normal reoutines and outlook
    • Occurs in reponses to some specific and identifiable psychosocial stressor (loss of a loved one, divorce, financial loss)
  3. Major (unipolar) Depression
    • Women - dianosed 2x as often as men
    • Elderly - major depression often masked by physical illness, normal aging process
    • Childern - signs of major depression include - poor performance at school, irritabliltiy, loss of appetitie, social withdraw, pretending to be sick
  4. Four Subcategories of Major (unipolar) Depression
    • Season affective disorder
    • Postpartum depression
    • Dysthymia
    • Premenstral Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)
  5. Season affective disorder
    believed to be due to decreased sunlight exposure during the winter months
  6. Postpartum depression
    usually develops 2 weeks to 6 months following birth of child: Presistant care of newborn, sleep deprivation, social stresses, hormonial changes)
  7. Dysthymia
    • a chronic type of depression where a person's mood are regularly low
    • usually not as extreme as other types of drepession
    • Primary sysmtom - low, dark, sad mood nearly every day for a least 2 years
  8. Premenstral Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)
    • Marked by severe depression, irritablity, and tension before menstration
    • more severe than those seeen with PMS
  9. Potential phsical disorders of depression
    • altered hormonal levels
    • chronic diseases
  10. Potential psychological disorders
    • anxiety disorders
    • eating disorders
    • developmental disorders
  11. Potenial cause of Despression
    • genetic predispostions
    • social influences
    • environmental influences
    • medications
    • biologial - insufficent monoamine neurotransmitters (dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin)
  12. treatment for depression
    • tricyclic antidrepessants
    • monoamine oxidase inhibitors
    • Drugs to increase monoamine neurotrahnsmitter levels
    • -dopamine agonists
    • -dopamine reuptaek inhibitors (DRIs or DARIs)
    • -Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
    • -Selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (NRIs)
    • -Serotonin/norephineephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)
    • Psychotherapy
    • Electroconvulsive shock therapy
  13. Bipolar (manic-depressive) disorder
    • a mood disorder that causes quick mood swings between mania and depression
    • affects men and women equally
    • tends to run in families
    • typically develops in late adolescence or early childhood
  14. Mania Signs
    • energetic
    • irritable mood
    • not easilyt identified
    • lasting days to months
  15. Bipolar - Causes unclear
    • Genetic componet - autosomal chromosomes implicated; Y chromosomal abnormality
    • Biochemical causes - altered neurotransmitter levels; substance abuse; hormones
    • Environmental causes - illness, stress, diet and exercises
  16. Treatment for bipolar
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Mental Depress-Bipol.txt
Depression and Bipolar