
  1. 你好
    Ni Hao (3rd tone + 3rd tone)

    - Hello
  2. Jiao (4th tone)

    • - Verb
    • - To call
    • - To be called
  3. 什么
    Shen me (2nd tone + neutral tone)

    • - Question word
    • - "What?"
  4. 名字
    Mingzi (2nd tone + 4th tone)

    • - Noun
    • - "Name"
  5. Wo  (3rd tone)

    • - Pronoun
    • - "I; me"
  6. Xing  (4th tone)

    • - Verb + Noun
    • - Surname
    • - To be surnamed
  7. Wang  (2nd tone)

    • - Noun
    • - A common Chinese surname
    • - "King"
  8. Shi  (4th tone)

    • - Verb
    • - To be
  9. 学生
    Xuesheng (2nd tone + 1st tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Student
  10. Xue  (2nd tone)

    • - Verb
    • - To learn; To study
  11. Ne   (neutral tone)

    • - Particle
    • - Tag question marker
  12. Bu  (4th tone)

    • - Adverb
    • - Not
  13. 老师
    Laoshi   (3rd tone + 1st tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Teacher
  14. Lao  (3rd tone)

    • - Adjective
    • - "Old"
  15. Ye  (3rd tone)

    • - Adverb
    • - Also; too
  16. 加拿大
    Jianada   (1st tone + 2nd tone + 4th tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Canada
  17. Ren  (2nd tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Person; people
  18. Ma   (neutral tone)

    • - Particle
    • - Question marker
  19. 中国
    Zhongguo  (1st tone + 2 tone)

    • - Noun
    • - China
  20. Zhong  (1st tone)

    • - Adjective
    • - Middle; center
  21. Guo  (2nd tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Country; nation; state
  22. Di   (4th tone)

    • - Prefix
    • - Used to indicate ordinal numbers
  23. Yi  (1st tone)

    • - Noun
    • - one; 1
  24. Er  (4th tone)

    • - Noun
    • - two; 2
  25. San  (1st tone)

    • - Noun
    • - three; 3
  26. Si   (4th tone)

    • - Noun
    • - four; 4
  27. Wu  (3rd tone)

    • - Noun
    • - five; 5
  28. Liu  (4th tone)

    • - Noun
    • - six; 6
  29. Qi  (1st tone)

    • - Noun
    • - seven; 7
  30. Ba   (1st tone)

    • - Noun
    • - eight; 8
  31. Jiu  (3rd tone)

    • - Noun
    • - nine; 9
  32. Shi  (2nd tone)

    • - Noun
    • - ten; 10
  33. Ling   (2nd tone)

    • - Noun
    • - zero; 0
  34. Bai  (2nd tone)

    - used in hundreds
  35. Qian  (1st tone)

    - used in thousands
  36. Ke  (4th tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Lesson; class; course
  37. Zuo  (4th tone)

    • - Verb
    • - To do; work; job
  38. 工作
    Gongzuo  (1st tone + 4th tone)

    • - Verb/Noun
    • - To work; work; job
  39. Zhe  (4th tone)

    • - Pronoun
    • - This
  40. 你的
    Nide  (3rd tone + neutral tone)

    • - Pronoun
    • - Yours; your
  41. De  (neutral tone)

    • - Particle
    • - Possesive marker
  42. 我的
    Wode (3rd tone + neutral tone)

    • - Pronoun
    • - Mine; my
  43. 对不起
    Duibuqi  (4th tone + 2nd tone + 3rd tone)

    - Sorry
  44. Qing  (3rd tone)

    - Please
  45. Zuo  (4th tone)

    • - Verb
    • - to sit
  46. 谢谢
    Xiexie  (4th tone + 4th tone)

    - Thanks; thank you
  47. 客气
    Keqi   (4th tone + 4th tone)

    • - Adjective
    • - Polite
  48. 英文
    Yingwen  (1st tone + 2nd tone)

    • - Noun
    • - English language
  49. Xin  (1st tone)

    • - Adjective
    • - New
  50. Zhang  (1st tone)

    - a common Chinese surname
  51. 先生
    Xiansheng  (1st tone + 1st tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Mr; husband; gentleman; sir
  52. 电脑
    Diannao  (4th tone + 3rd tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Computer
  53. Dian  (4th tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Electricity
  54. 工程师
    Gongchengshi  (1st tone + 2nd tone + 1st tone)

    - Engineer
  55. 小姐
    Xiaojie  (3rd tone + 3rd tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Miss; lady
  56. Xiao  (3rd tone)

    • - Adjective
    • - young; little; small
  57. Zai  (4th tone)

    • - Preposition/verb
    • - in; at; on; to be in; to be at
  58. 政府
    Zhengfu  (4th tone + 3rd tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Government
  59. 可是
    Keshi  (3rd tone + 4th tone)

    • - Conjunction
    • - "but"
  60. He  (2nd tone)

    • - Conjunction
    • - "and; with"
  61. 哥哥
    Gege  (1st tone + 1st tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Older brother
  62. Dou  (1st tone)

    • - Adverb
    • - All; both
  63. Ta  (1st tone)

    • - Pronoun
    • - he; him
  64. Ta  (1st tone)

    • - Pronoun
    • - She; her
  65. Shui  (1st tone)

    • - Question word
    • - Who; whom
  66. 父亲
    Fuqin  (4th tone + 1st tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Father
  67. Dui  (4th tone)

    • - Adjective
    • - Right; correct
  68. 母亲
    Muqin  (3rd tone + 1st tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Mother
  69. 父母
    Fumu  (4th tone + 3rd tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Parents
  70. 他们
    Tamen  (1st tone + neutral tone)

    • - Pronoun
    • - They; them
  71. Men  (neutral tone)

    • - Suffix
    • - used after a personal pronoun or a noun to show plurality
  72. 医生
    Yisheng  (1st tone + 1st tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Doctor
  73. Yi  (1st tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Medical science
  74. 现在
    Xianzai  (4th tone + 4th tone)

    • - Tense word
    • - "Now"
  75. 护士
    Hushi  (4th tone + 4th tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Nurse
  76. Hen  (3rd tone)

    • - Adverb
    • - Very
  77. Mang  (2nd tone)

    • - Adjective
    • - Busy
  78. 太太
    Taitai  (4th tone + 4th tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Wife; Mrs.
  79. Nü   (3rd tone)

    • - Adjective
    • - Female
  80. 朋友
    Pengyou  (2nd tone + 3rd tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Friend
  81. 法国
    Faguo  (3rd tone + 2nd tone)

    • - Noun
    • - France
  82. You  (3rd tone)

    • - Verb
    • - to have; there is; there are
  83. 姐姐
    Jiejie  (3rd tone + 3rd tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Older sister
  84. 大姐
    Da Jie (4th tone + 3rd tone)

    • - noun
    • - eldest older sister
  85. Da  (4th tone)

    • - adjective
    • - big; eldest; large; old
  86. 弟弟
    Didi  (4th tone + 4th tone)

    • - Noun
    • - younger brother
  87. 妹妹
    Meimei  (4th tone + 4th tone)

    • - Noun
    • - younger sister
  88. Liang  (3rd tone) 

    • - Noun
    • - two; a couple
  89. Ge  (neutral tone)

    • - Measure word
    • - used between a number, question word ji or demonstrative pronoun and a noun
  90. Mei   (2nd tone)

    • - Adverb
    • - not (have)
  91. 儿子
    Erzi  (2nd tone)

    • - noun
    • - son
  92. 女儿
    Nüer  (3rd tone + 2nd tone)

    • - noun
    • - daughter
  93. Jia  (1st tone)

    • - noun
    • - family; home
  94. Ji  (3rd tone)

    • - question word
    • - how many
  95. Qu  (4th tone)

    • - Verb
    • - To go
  96. Chi  (1st tone)

    • - Verb
    • - To eat
  97. Fan  (4th tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Meal; food; cooked rice
  98. 星期天
    Xingqi tian  (1st tone + 1st tone + 1st tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Sunday
  99. Tian  (1st tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Sky; heaven; day; god
  100. 星期一
    Xingqi yi  (1st tone + 1st tone + 1st tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Monday
  101. 星期二
    Xingqi er  (1st tone + 1st tone + 4th tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Tuesday
  102. 星期三
    Xingqi san  (1st tone + 1st tone + 1st tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Wednesday
  103. 星期四
    Xingqi si  (1st tone + 1st tone + 4th tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Thursday
  104. 新七五
    Xingqi Wu  (1st tone + 1st tone + 3rd tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Friday
  105. 星期六
    Xingqi liu  (1st tone + 1st tone + 4th tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Saturday
  106. 星期
    Xingqi  (1st tone + 1st tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Week
  107. 星期几
    Xingqi ji  (1st tone + 1st tone + 3rd tone)

    - What day of the week is it?
  108. Shi  (4th tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Matter; affair; thing
  109. 生日
    Shengri  (1st tone + 4th tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Birthday
  110. Sheng  (1st tone)

    • - Verb
    • - to be born; to give birth
  111. Ri  (4th tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Day; the sun
  112. 太...(了)
    Tai...(le)  (4th tone + neutral tone)

    • - Adverb
    • - Too; extremely
  113. 喜欢
    Xihuan  (3rd tone + 1st tone)

    • - Verb
    • - To like
  114. 中文
    Zhongwen  (1st tone + 2nd tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Chinese language
  115. 哪里
    Nali  (3rd tone + 3rd tone)

    - Used as a polite reply to a compliment: where
  116. 马马虎虎
    Mamahuhu  (3rd tone + 3rd tone + 1st tone + 1st tone)

    • - idiom
    • - so-so; not too good
  117. Ma  (3rd tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Horse
  118. Hu  (3rd tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Tiger
  119. 饭馆儿
    Fanguaner  (4th tone + 3rd tone + neutral tone)

    • - noun
    • - restaurant
  120. Shuo  (1st tone)

    • - Verb
    • - To speak; to say
  121. 法文
    Fawen  (3rd tone + 1st tone)

    • - Noun
    • - French language
  122. 所以
    Suoyi   (3rd tone + 3rd tone)

    • - Conjunction
    • - therefore; so
  123. 可以
    Keyi  (3rd tone + 3rd tone)

    • - Measure verb
    • - May; can
  124. 练习
    Lianxi  (4th tone + 2nd tone)

    • - verb/noun
    • - to practice; exercise
  125. Hao  (4th tone)

    • - Noun
    • - number; date
  126. 几号?
    Ji hao  (3rd tone + 4th tone)

    - What day (of the month)?
  127. Yue  (4th tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Month; the moon
  128. 几月
    Ji yue  (3rd tone + 4th tone)

    - What month?
  129. 哎呀
    Aiya  (1st tone + 1st tone)

    • - Interjection
    • - my god; oh; ah; oh dear; goodness
  130. 我们
    Women  (3rd tone + neutral tone)

    • - Pronoun
    • - we; us
  131. Lai  (2nd tone)

    • - Verb
    • - to come
  132. 今天
    Jintian  (1st tone + 1st tone)

    • - Noun
    • - Today
Card Set
A basic set of Chinese characters