Drug Cards

  1. Description of Diazepam
    • Benzo sedative and skeletal muscle relaxant
    • Reduces tremors
    • Induces amnesia
    • Reduces incidence and reoccurance of seizures
    • -Relaxes muscle spasm in ortho inj
    • -Produces amnesia for painful procedures
  2. Diazepam Indications
    • -Major motor seizures
    • -status epilepticus
    • -Premed before cardioversion
    • -Muscle tremors due to inj
    • -Accute anxiety
  3. Diazepam Contraindications
    • -shock
    • -coma
    • -Accute alcoholism
    • -depressed vital signs
    • -OB pts.
    • -neonates
  4. Diazepam Precautions
    • -psychosis
    • -depression
    • -myasthenia gravis
    • -short half so seizure may return
  5. Diazepam Dosage
    • seizures ------------ 5 - 10 mg IV/IM
    • accute anxiety --- 2 - 5 mg IV/IM
    • premed------------- 5 -15 mg IV
  6. Fentanyl Description
    • -potent synthetic narcotic analgesic
    • -rapid and less prolonged action
  7. Fentanyl Indications
    Induce sedation for intubation
  8. Fentanyl Contrainindications
    • -MAO inhibitors
    • -myasthenia gravis
  9. Fentanyl Precautions
    • -increased intercranial pressure
    • -elderly
    • -debilitated
    • -COPD
    • -respiratory problems
    • -hepatic and renal insufficiency
  10. Fentanyl Dosage
    25 - 100 mcg slowly IV (2-3 mins)
  11. Dextrose 50% in water class and trade name
    • -class - carbohydrate
    • -trade - D50
  12. Dextrose Description
    Simple sugar that the body can rapidly metabolize
  13. Dextrose Indications
  14. Dextrose Contraindications
    None in Hypoglycemia
  15. Dextrose Precautions
    • - ^ ICP
    • -chk sugar bf administering
    • -ensure good IV access
  16. Dextrose Dosage
    25 mg D50 w/ 50 ml IV
  17. Nitroglycerin Class/ Trade Name
    • Nitrate
    • Nitrostat
  18. Nitroglycerin Description
    • -Rapid smooth muscle
    • -Reduces peripheral vascular resistence
    • -Decreases BP, venous return, cardiac workload
  19. Nitroglycerin Indications
    • Chest pain assoc w/ angina or AMI
    • Acute PE
  20. Nitroglycerin Contraindications
    • Tolerance to nitrates
    • Severe Anemia
    • Head Trauma
    • Hypotension
    • ^ ICP
    • Pts taking Sildenafil
    • Glaucoma
    • Shock
  21. Nitroglycerin Precautions
    • Could induce headache
    • Light sensative and may lose potency in air
  22. Nitroglycerin Dose
    • 1 tablet SL 3 - 5 mins up to 3
    • 1/2" topical ointment
    • .4 mg SL spray up to 3/25 mins
  23. Furosemide Class and Trade
    • Diuretic
    • Lasix
  24. Furosemide Description
    • Rapid acting, potent diuretic
    • Antihypertensive that inhibits Na reabsorption by kidneys
    • Vasodialator reduces venous return and cardiac workload
  25. Furosemide Indications
    • CHF
    • Pulmonary Edema
  26. Furosemide Contrainindications
    • Fluid electrolyte depleated states
    • Hepatic Coma
    • Pregnancy except if life threatening
  27. Furosemide Precautions
    • Infants
    • Elderly
    • Hepatic Impairment
    • Nephrotic Syndrome
    • Cardiogenic shock assoc w/ AMI
    • Gout
    • Pts receiving digitalis or K depleating steroids
  28. Furosemide Dose
    40 - 120 mg slow IV
  29. Ipratropium Class and Trade
    • Bronchodialator
    • Atrovent
  30. Ipratropium Description
    • Bronchodialator for resp emergencies
    • Dries up resp tract secreations by blocking ACh receptors
  31. Ipratropium Indications
    Broncho spams assoc w/ asthma, COPD, or inhaled irritants
  32. Ipratropium Contrainindications
    • Hypersensativity to atropine or its derivatives
    • Primary treatment for acute bronchospasm
  33. Ipratropium Precations
    • Elderly
    • Cardiovascular disease
    • Hypertension
  34. Ipratropium Dosage
    • 500 mcg in 2.5 to 3 mL NS via neb
    • 2 sprays from metered dose inhaler
  35. Albuterol Description
    • Synthetic sympathomimetic that causes bronchodilation w/ less cardiac effect than epi
    • Reduces Mucus secreations
    • Pulmonary capillary leaking
    • Edema in lungs during allergic reactions
  36. Albuterol Indications
    Bronchospasm and asthma in COPD
  37. Albuterol Contrainindications
  38. Albuterol Precautions
    Pt may experience tachycardia, nausea, anxiety, cough, wheezing and/or dizziness
  39. Albuterol Dosage
    2.5mg in 2.5 to 3ml NS VIA nebulizer. Repeat as needed. Duration is 3 to 6 hrs.
  40. Naloxone Trade
  41. Naloxone Description
    Pure narcotic antagonist that blocks effects of both natural and synthetic narcotics & may reverse resp. depression
  42. Naloxone Indications
    • Narcotic and Synthetic narcotic OD
    • Coma of unknown origin
  43. Naloxone Contrainindications
    Non narcotic induced resp. depression
  44. Naloxone Precautions
    • Possible dependancy
    • Has half live shorter than most narcs so OD state may return
  45. Nalaxone Dosages
    .4 - 2 mg IV/IM (2 - 2.5 times for ET) repeated 2-3 minutes as needed to 10 mg
  46. Morphine Description
    • Potent analgesic and sedative that causes some vasodilation
    • Reduces venous return
    • Reduces myocardial O2 demand
  47. Morphine Indications
    • Moderate to severe pain
    • MI
    • Reduce venous return in pulmonary edema
  48. Morphine Contrainindications
    • Head or abdominal inj
    • Hypotension or volume depleation
    • Acute bronchial asthma
    • COPD
    • Resp depression
    • Pulmonary edema
  49. Morphine Precautions
    • Elderly
    • Children
    • Debilitated pts
    • Keep Narcan available to counteract effects if necessary
  50. Morphine Dosages
    • Pain --------- 2.5-15 mg IV, 5-20 mg IM/ sub q
    • AMI or PE -1-2 mg/6-10 mins to response
  51. Flumazenil Class and Trade
    • Benzodiazapine antagonist
    • Romazican
  52. Flumazenil Description
    Benzo antagonist used to reverse the sedative, recall and psychomotor effects of diazapam, midazolam and other benzos
  53. Flumazenil Indications
    Resp depression secondary to benzos
  54. Flumazenil Countrainindications
    • Seizure prone pts during labor and delivery
    • Tricyclic antidepressant OD
  55. Flumazenil Precautions
    • Hepatic impairment
    • Elderly
    • Pregnancy
    • Nursing mothers
    • Head inj
    • Alcohol or drug dependancy
    • physical dependance on benzos
  56. Flumazenil Dosages
    .2 mg IV over 30 sec to minute up to 1 mg
  57. Midazolam Class and Trade
    • Sedative
    • Versed
  58. Midazolam Description
    Short acting benzo w/ CNS depressant, muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant and anterograde amnestic effects
  59. Midazolam Indications
    Induce sedation before cardioversion or intubation
  60. Midazolam Contrainindications
    • Narrow angle glaucoma
    • Acute alcohol intoxication
    • Shock
    • Coma
  61. Midazolam Precautions
    • COPD
    • Renal impairment
    • CHF
    • Elderly
  62. Midazolam Dosage
    • 1 - 2.5 mg slow IV
    • .07 - .08 mg/kg IM
  63. Succinylcholine Class and Trade
    • Depolarizing neuromuscular blocker
    • SUX
    • Anectine
  64. Succinylcholine Description
    Ultra short acting depolarizing neuromuscular blocker
  65. Succinylcholine Indications
    Facilitated ET intubation
  66. Succinylcholine Contrainindications
    • Family Hx of malignant hyperthermia
    • Penetrating eye inj
    • Narrow angle glaucoma
  67. Succinylcholine Precautions
    • Severe burn or crush inj
    • Spinal cord inj
  68. Succinylcholine Dosage
    1 - 1.5 mg/kg IV/IM
  69. Etomidate Class and Trade
    • Hypnotic
    • Amidate
  70. Etomidate Description
    Ultra short acting nonbarbituate hypnotic w/ no analgesic effects and limited cardiovascular and resp effects
  71. Etomidate Indications
    Induce sedation for RSI
  72. Etomidate Contrainindications
  73. Etomidate Precautions
    • Marked hypotension
    • Severe asthma
    • Severe cardiovascular disease
  74. Etomidate Dosages
    .1 - .3 mg/kg IV over 15 - 20 secs
  75. Epinephrine Class and Trade
    • Sympathomimetic
    • Adrenalin
  76. Epinephrine Desription
    • Natural catecholamine that increases HR, cardiac contractile force, myocardial elec. activity,
    • systemic vascular resistance and systolic BP
    • Decreases airway resistance and automaticity
    • May also reduce pulmonary congestion and increase tidal volume and vital capacity
  77. Epinephrine Indications
    • Cardiac arrest
    • Severe allergic reaction
  78. Epinephrine Contrainindications
    • Narrow angle glaucoma
    • Hemmoragic, traumatic and cardiac shock
    • Labor
  79. Epinephrine Precautions
  80. Epinephrine Dose
    • Arrest -- 1mg of 1:10000 IV/ 3-5 minutes
    • 2-2.5mg of 1:1,000 ET
    • Allergy -- .3 - .5 mg of 1:1000 sub q/ 5-15 mins as needed
    • .5 - 1mg of 1:10000 IV if sub q inefective
  81. Atropine Class
  82. Atropine Description
    • Blocks PNS specifically vagal effects on HR
    • May increase myocardial O2 demand
    • Decreases airway secreations
  83. Atropine Indications
    • Symptomatic bradycardia
    • Bradystolic arrest
    • Organophosphate poisoning
  84. Atropine Contrainindications
    • None in the EMS setting
    • 2nd degree type 2 heart block
  85. Atropine Precautions
    • AMI
    • Glaucoma
  86. Atropine Dosages
    • Symptomatic Bradycardia --- .5 mg IV / 1 mg ET 3 - 5 mins to 3 mg
    • Asystole ------------------------- 1 mg IV / 2 mg ET 3 - 5 mins to 3 mg
    • Organophosphate Poisoning- 2 - 5 mg IV/IO/IM 10 - 15 mins
  87. Vasopressin Class and Trade
    • Hormone, Vasopressor
    • Pitressin
  88. Vasopressin Description
    Hormone w/ strong vasopressive and antidiuretic properties but that may precipitate angina &/or AMI
  89. Vasopressin Indications
    • Increase peripheral vascular resistance in arrest
    • Ctrl bleeding from esophageal varices
  90. Vasopressin Contraindications
    • PVCs
    • 1st stage of labor
  91. Vasopressin Precautions
    • Epilepsy
    • Migraine
    • Heart failure
    • Angina
    • Vascular disease
    • hepatic impairment
    • elderly
    • children
  92. Vasopressin Dosage
    • Arrest ------ 40 units IV
    • Esophageal Varices----- .2 - .4 units/min IV drip
  93. Aspirin Class and Trade
    • Acetylsalycylic Acid - analgesic, antipyreic, platelet inhibitor, anti-inflamatory
    • Alka-Seltzer, Bayer, Empirin, St Josephs Childrens
  94. Aspirin Description
    • Inhibits agents causing pain, inflammation and feaver
    • Relieves mild to moderate pain by acting on the PNS
    • Lowers body temp in feaver
    • Inhibits platelet aggrigation
  95. Aspirin Indications
    Chest pain suggestive of MI
  96. Aspirin Contrainindications
    • Active ulcer disease
    • Asthma
  97. Aspirin Precatuions
    Bleeding disorders
  98. Aspirin Dosage
    160 - 325 mg PO
  99. Adenosine Class and Trade
    • Antidysrhythmic
    • Adenocard
  100. Adenosine Description
    • Used to chemically cardiovert PSVT to NSR
    • 10 sec half life
    • Doesnt cause hypotension
  101. Adenosine Indications
    Narrow complex PSVT refractory to vagal maneuvers
  102. Adenosine Contraindications
    • 2nd and 3rd degree heart block
    • Sinus node disease
    • Asthma
  103. Adenosine Precautions
    • May cause transient dysrhymathias especially in asysole
    • COPD
  104. Adenosine Dosage
    • 6mg rapid IV w/ rapid saline flush
    • If that doesnt work 12 mg over 1 - 2 mins -- repeat as needed
  105. Dobutamine Class and Trade
    • Sympathomimetic
    • Dobutrex
  106. Dobutamine Description
    Synthitic catecholamine and beta agent that increases the strength of cardiac contraction w/o appreciably increasing rate
  107. Dobutamine Indications
    To increase cardiac output in CHF/cardiogenic shock
  108. Dobutamine Contraindications
    • Ventricular Tachycardia
    • Hypovolemia w/o fluid resusitation
  109. Dobutamine Precautions
    • Atrial fibrillation
    • Preexisting hypertension
  110. Dobutamine Dosage
    2-20 mcg/kg/min IV
  111. Dopamine Class and Trade
    • Sympathomimetic
    • Intropin
  112. Dopamine Description
    • Naturally occuring catecholamine that increases cardiac output w/o myocardial O2 consumption
    • Maintains renal and mesenteric blood flow while inducing vasoconstriction and increasing systolic BP
  113. Dopamine Indications
    • Nonhypovolemic hypotension (70-100 mmHg)
    • Cardiogenic shock
  114. Dopamine Contraindications
    • Tachydysrhythmias
    • Ventricular fibrillation
    • Pheochromocytoma
  115. Dopamine Precautions
    Ensure adequate fluid resusitation of the hypovolemic pt
  116. Dopamine Dosage
    2-5 mcg/kg/min up to 20 mcg/kg/min, titrated to effect
  117. Isoprotenerenol Class and Trade
    • Sympathomimetic
    • Isuprel
  118. Isoproterenol Description
    Synthetic sympathomimetic that results in increasedcardiac output by increasing the strength of cardiac contraction and somewhat increasing rate
  119. Isoproterenol Indications
    Bradycardia refractory to Atropine when pacing is not available
  120. Isoproterenol Contraindications
    Cardiogenic shock
  121. Isoproterenol Precautions
    Tachydysrhythmias and those assoc w/ digitalis and acute myocardial infarction
  122. Isoproterenol Dosage
    Bradycardia -- 2-10mcg/min tatrated to cardiac rate
  123. Phentermine Trade Name
  124. Phentermine
    Appetite Depressant
  125. Norvasc
    HTN, CCB
  126. Toprol XL Generic Name
  127. Toprol XL
    HTN, Beta Blocker
  128. Darvocet Generic Name
  129. Darvocet
    Narcotic Analgesic
  130. Nexium
  131. Oxycodone
    Synthetic Opiod Analgesic
  132. Percocet
    Synthetic Opiod Analgesic
  133. Hydrocodone
    Opiod Analgesic
  134. Vicodin
    Opiod Analgesic
  135. Tramadol Generic Name
  136. Tramadol
  137. Xanax Generic Name
  138. Xanax
    Anxiety Disorder
  139. Paxil
  140. Lexapro
    Antidepressant SSRI
  141. Cymbalta
    Antidepressant SSRNI
  142. Zoloft Generic Name
  143. Zoloft
  144. Effexor
  145. Wellbutrin
  146. Lisinopril Trade Name
  147. Lisinopril
    HTN, ACE Inhibitor
  148. Atenolol Trade Name
  149. Atenolol
    HTN Beta blocker
  150. Lipitor
    Lipid Lowering Agent
  151. Metformin Trade Name
  152. Metformin
  153. Lyrica
  154. Ambien
  155. Prednisone Trade Name
  156. Prednisone
  157. Naproxen
  158. Amiodarone C&N
    • Antidysrhythmic
    • Cordarone, Pacerone
  159. Amiodarone Description
    Antodysrhythmic that prolongs the durationof the action potential and refractory period and relaxes smooth muscles reducing peripheral vascular resistance and increasing coronary blood flow
  160. Amiodarone Indications
    Life threatening ventricular and superventricular dysrhythemias, frequently atrial fibrillation
  161. Amiodarone Precautions
  162. Amiodarone Dosage
    !50-300 mg/IV over 10 mins then 1 mg/min for 6 hrs
  163. Bretylium C&N
    • Antidysrhythmic
    • Bretylol
  164. Bretylium Description
    Supresses ventricular tachydysrhythmias including vfib w/ reentry mechanisms
  165. Bretylium Indications
    V Fib and V Tach refractory to lidocaine
  166. Bretylium Precautions
    • Digitalized pts
    • Digitalis induced dysrhythmias
  167. Bretylium Dosage
    5 mg/kg IV then 10 mg/kg 15 to 30 mins to max of 30 mg/kg
  168. Lidocaine C&N
    • Antidysrhythmic
    • Xylocaine
  169. Lidocaine Description
    Antidysrhythmic the supresses automaticity and raises stimulation threshold of ventricles. It causes sedation, anticonvulsant & analgesic effects
  170. Lidocaine Indications
    • Pulseless V Tach
    • V Fib
    • V Tach w/pulse
  171. Lidocaine Contrainindications
    • Superventricular dysrhythmias
    • Stokes-Adams Syndrome
    • 2nd & 3rd degree heart blocks
    • Bradycardias
  172. Lidocaine Precautions
    • Hepatic or renal impairment
    • CHF
    • Hypoxia
    • Resp. Depression
    • Hypovolemia
    • Myasthenia gravis
    • Shock
    • Elderly
  173. Lidocaine Dosage
    • Cardiac Arrest 1-1.5 mg/kg IV repeated 3-5 mins to 3 mg/kg Follow conversion w drip of 2-4 mg/min
    • V Tach w pusle 1-1.5mg/kg slow IV. May repeat 1/2 dose every 5-10 mins until conversion up to 3mg. Follow conversion w/ infusion of 2-4 mg/min
  174. Procainamide C&N
    • Antiarrhythmic
    • Pronestyl
  175. Procainamide Description
    Prolongs ventricular repolarization, slows conduction and decreases myocardial excitability
  176. Procainamide Indications
    • V Fib
    • Pulseless V Tach refractory to Lidocaine
  177. Procainamide Contraindications
    • Myasthenia Gravis
    • 2nd or 3rd degree heart block
  178. Procainamide Precautions
    • Hypotension
    • Cardiac enlargement
    • CHF
    • AMI
    • Ventricular dysrhythmias fr digitalis
    • Hepatic or Renal impairment
    • Bronchial Asthma
  179. Procainamide Dosage
    • 20-30 mg/min IV drip
    • Stop Points: 1. Up to 17 mg/kg to effect, then 1-4 mg/min
    • 2. Ectopy Resolves
    • 3. QRS complex widens more than 50% fr original
    • 4. Hypotension Ensues
  180. Soma I/M
    Skeletal Muscle relaxant
  181. Diovan I/M & T/G
    • HTN Angiotensin Antagonist
    • Valsartan
  182. Seroquel I/M
  183. Albuterol I/M & T/G
    • Beta 2 Bronchodialator
    • Proventil
  184. Neurontin I/M & T/G
    • Epileptic
    • Gabapentin
  185. Diltiazem Class & Generic/Trade Name)

  186. Diltiazem Description
    • -slow CCB (similiar to Verapamil)
    • -dilates coronary and peripheral arteries and arterioles, increasing circulation to Heart and reducing Peripheral Vascular Resistance
  187. Diltiazem Indications
    • -Supraventricular Dysrhythmias (A-Fib, A-Flutter, PSVT refractory to Adenosine)
    • -increase Coronary Artery Perfusion in Angina
  188. Diltiazem Contraindications
    • -Hypersensitivity
    • -sick Sinus Syndrome
    • -2nd or 3rd degree Heart Block
    • -systolic BP <90, diastolic <60
    • -wide-complex Tachycardia and WPW
  189. Diltiazem Precautions
    • -CHF (especially w/ Beta Blockers)
    • -conduction
  190. Diltiazem Dosage/Route
    0.25 mg/kg IV over 2 min., may repeat as needed w/ 0.35mg/kg followed by a drip of 5 to 10 mg/hr not to exceed 15 mg/hr over 24 hrs
  191. Tridil Class & (Trade/Generic)

    ntg injection
  192. Tridil Description
    • -relaxes Blood Vessels
    • -increases ICP
  193. Tridil Indications
    • -ntg Infusions used to relieve pain assoc. w/ Angina that doesn't respond to Oral treatment
    • -controls BP
    • -treats CHF
  194. Tridil Contraindications
    • -Hypotension
    • -uncorrected Hypovolemia
    • -increased ICP
    • -constrictive Pericarditis
    • -Pericardial Tamponade
  195. Tridil Precautions/Side Effects
    • -headache
    • -severe Hypotension
    • -reflex Tachycardia
  196. Tridil Dosage
    0.2-1.5 mcg/kg/min.
  197. Verapamil Class & Trade/Generic

    Isptin, Calan
  198. Verapamil Description
    • -CCB
    • -slows AV conduction
    • -suppresses reentry Dysrhythmias (such as PSVT)
    • -slows Ventricular responses to Atrial Tachydysrhythmias
    • -dilates Coronary Arteries
    • -reduces Myocardial O2 demand
  199. Verapamil Indications
    • -PSVT refractory to Adenosine
    • -Atrial flutter
    • -A-Fib w/ rapid Ventricular response
  200. Verapamil Contraindications
    • -severe Hypotension
    • -Cardiogenic shock
    • -2nd or 3rd degree Heart Block
    • -CHF
    • -Sinus Node Disease
    • -Accessory AV pathways
    • -WPW syndrome
    • -shouldn't be administered to persons taking Beta Blockers
  201. Verapamil Precautions
  202. Verapamil Dosage/Route
    2.5 to 5 mg IV Bolus over 2 to 3 min. then 5 to 10 mg after 15 to 30 min. to a max of 30 mg in 30 min.
  203. Adderall I/M
    ADHD Amphetamine
  204. Protonix I/M
  205. Zocor I/M & T/G
    Lipid Lowering Agent

  206. Levaquin I/M
    Anti-Bacterial Agent
  207. Viagra I/M
    ED Agent
  208. Calcium Chloride Class & T/G
    • Electrolyte
    • Calcium Chloride
  209. Calcium Chloride Description
    • Increases contractile force
    • Increases ventricular automaticity
  210. Calcium Chloride Indications
    • Hyperkalemia
    • Hypocalcemia
    • Hypermagnesemenia
    • CCB Toxicity
  211. Calcium Chloride Contraindications
    • V Fib
    • Hypercalcemia
    • Possible digitalis toxicity
  212. Calcium Chloride Precautions
    • May precipitate toxictiy in pts taking digoxin
    • Ensure lg vein access & flush b/f & aft pushing
  213. Calcium Chloride Dosage
    2-4 mg/kg IV(10% solution) / 10 mins, as needed
  214. Methylprednisolone Class & T/G
    • Corticosteroid / Antiinflammatory
    • Solu-medrol
  215. Methylprednisolone Indications
    • Spinal Cord Inj
    • Asthma
    • Severe Anaphylaxis
    • COPD
  216. Methylprednisolone Contraindications
    None in the emergency setting
  217. Methylprednisolone Dosage
    • Asthma/COPD/Anaphylaxis = 125 - 250 mg/kg IV/IM
    • Spinal Cord Inj = 30 mg/kg/ 15 mins. Aft 45 mins infusion of 5.4 mg/kg/hr
  218. Prozac I/M
  219. Cipro I/M
    Antimicrobial Agent
  220. Oxycontin I/M & T/G
    • Opiad Analgesic
    • Oxycodone
  221. Clonazepam I/M & T/G
    • Seizure
    • Klonapin
  222. Celexa I/M
  223. Activated Charcoal Class & Trade
    • Absorbent
    • Actidose
  224. Activated Charcoal Description
    Prepared charcoal to absorb & bind toxins fr GI tract
  225. Activated Charcoal Indications
    Acute Ingested Poisoning
  226. Activated Charcoal Contraindications
    • Uncontrolled airway
    • Ingestion of Cyanide
    • Mineral Acids
    • Caustic Alkalis
    • Organic Solvents
    • Iron
    • Ethanol
    • Methanol
  227. Activated Charcoal Precautions
    Give only after emesis or where emesis in Contraindicated
  228. Activated Charcoal Dosage
    1g/kg w/ 6-8 oz H2O PO or via NG tube
  229. Updated 5/29/10

  231. Magnesium sulfate

    • electrolyte that acts as a calcium channel blocker
    • CNS depressant and anticonvulsant
    • depresses the function of smooth, skeletal, and cardiac muscles.
  232. Magnesium Sulfate

    • Refractory v-fib
    • pulseless v-tach (especially torsade depointes)
    • AMI
    • eclamptic seizures
  233. Magnesium Sulfate

    • Heart block
    • myocardial damage
    • shock
    • persistent hypertension
    • hypocalcemia
  234. Magnesium Sulfate

    • other CNS depressants
    • neuromuscular blocking agents
  235. Magnesium Sulfate

    • V-fib or tachycardia: 1 to 2 g IV over 2 min.
    • Torsade de pointes: 1 to 2 g IV followed by infusion of 0.5 to 1 g/hr IV.
    • AMI: 1 to 2 g IV over 5 to 30 min.
    • Eclampsia: 2 to 4 g IV/IM.
  236. Phenytoin

  237. Phenytoin

    • derivative related to phenobarbital
    • reduces spread of electrical discharges in the motor cortex inhibits seizures
    • antidysrhythmic properties that counteract the effects of digitalis
  238. Phenytoin

    • Seizures
    • status epilepticus
    • cardiac dysrhythmias secondary to digitalis toxicity
  239. Phenytoin

    • sinus bradycardia
    • heart block
    • Adams-Stokes syndrome
  240. Phenytoin

  241. Phenytoin

    • Seizures, status epilepticus: 10 to 15 mg/kg slow IV
    • Dysrhythmias: 100 mg slow IV (over 5 min) to a maximum 1,000 mg
  242. Sodium Bicarbonate

    (NaHCO3)/Alkalizing Agent
  243. Sodium Bicarb

    • -provides vascular bicarbonate to assist the buffer system in reducing the effects of metabolic acidosis
    • -treatment of some overdoses
  244. Sodium Bicarb

    • Tricyclic antidepressant
    • barbiturate overdose
    • refractory acidosis
    • hyperkalemia
  245. Sodium Bicarb

    None when used in severe hypoxia or late cardiac arrest
  246. Sodium Bicarb

    may precipitate with calcium chloride
  247. Sodium Bicarb

    1 mEq/kg IV, then 0.5 mEq/kg/10 min
  248. Thiamine

  249. Thiamine

    • vitamin B1, which is required to convert glucose into energy. not manufactured by the body
    • must be constantly provided from ingested foods
  250. Thiamine

    • Coma of unknown origin
    • chronic alcoholism with associated coma
    • delirium tremens
  251. Thiamine

  252. Thiamine

  253. Thiamine

    50 to 100 mg IV/IM
  254. Synthroid
    thyroid agent
  255. Plavix
    atherothromic reducing agent
  256. Cyclobenzaprine

  257. Cyclobenzaprine

    skeletal muscle relaxant
  258. Prevacid

  259. Celebrex

    NSAID COX-2 inhibitor
  260. Amoxicillin

  261. Amoxicillin

    antibiotic pcn
  262. Trazadone

  263. Trazadone

  264. Zyrtec

  265. Depakote

    anti-psychotic, epileptic agent
  266. Clonidine

  267. Clonidine

    HTN alpha agonist
  268. updated June 6, 2010
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Medic 11 Drug Cards