
  1. What is the basic functional unit of the human body?
  2. What is the formation of the cell membrane?
    Phospholipi bilayer 
  3. What are the functions of the intergraded proteins on the membrane?
    To allow for transportation through the membrane
  4. What is the nuclear envelop? 
    It surrounds the nuclues.  It contains pores which control the movement of substances in and out of the nucleus.
  5. List the most inner structure to the outer most.
    • -nucleus
    • -nuclear lamina
    • -nnuclear envelope
    • -rough ER
  6. What are nonhistone proteins?
    They include enzymes involved in nuclear function such as replication, transcription, DNA repair and regulation of chromatin function.
  7. What forms the Chromtin Complex?
    • Heterchromatin
    • Euchromatin
  8. What is a diploid?
    A complete set or pair of chromosomes (46)
  9. What is a haploid?
    One set of chromosomes (26)
  10. What is a polyloid?
    Contains more than two sets of homologous chromosomes.
  11. What is an Aneuploid?
    One or two extra chromosomes.
  12. What are the 3 types of cytoskeleton?
    • 1) Microfilaments (actin)
    • 2) Microtubules
    • 3) Intermediate filaments
  13. What is the functon of Mircofilaments?
    • Aid in movement
    •      - Local movement - mircovilli in the GI tract
    •      - Sliding filament theory
  14. What is the function of Microtubules?
    • Chromosomal movement
    • intracellular movement during meiosis and mitosis
    • Ciliary and flagellar movement
  15. What is the function of Intermediate Filaments?
    • More stable
    • No movement
  16. What is the function of Mitochondria?
    • Produce ATP
    • Two membranes: a smooth outer one and an inner one which is called cristae
    • A matrix is enclosed by the inner membrane and contains its own DNA
  17. What organelle plays a role in protein synthesis?
    Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
  18. What organelle plays a role in Lipid biosynthesis?
    Smooth ER
  19. What organelle has cisterna and modifies proteins and exports them to other areas of the cell?
    Membrane proteins are collected, sorted, and packaged in the Golgi Apparatus
  20. What is the role of peroxisomes?
    • Synthesis and degradation of hydrogen
    • B-oxidation of very long chain fatty acids
    • Phospholipid exchange
    • Bile acid synthesis
  21. What are tight junctions?
    They site close to the surface or cells and dont allow things to penetrate the skin.
  22. What are adherent junctions?
    They serve as a bridge connection between cells.
  23. What is the function of a gap function?
    allows direct connection between two cells.
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