Bio Animal and Plant Responses 90716

  1. Interspecific
    Competition between members of different species 
  2.  Migration 
    Mass movement of organisms between two habitats (seasonal or regular) 
  3. Critical Day Length
    Photoperiod above which long-day plants flower
  4. Parental Care
    Invesment of resources by parents in the survivial of offspring
  5. Nocturnal
    Active at night, inactive during the day
  6. Circatidal
    Tidal activity period, approximately 12.4 hours
  7. Phototropism
    Tropic movement in response to light
  8. Hydrotropism
    Tropism movement in response to water
  9. Orthokinesis
    The speed of movement is reated to the intensity of stimulus
  10. Pecking Order
    A social "pecking" order led by Alpha individual
  11. Klinokinesis
    The amount of random turning is related to the intensity of stimulus
  12. Intraspecific
    Competition between members of the sae species
  13. Stellar Navigation
    Using stars to navigate
  14. Nastic Response
    Response to diffuse stimuli that do not come from any particular direction
  15. Short Day Plant
    Plants that flowers when the day length is less than a certain minimum value
  16. Lek
    Area in which males (usually birds) congregate to mate with females
  17. Auxin
    groth hormone which plays an essential role in tropisms
  18. Batesian mimcry
    Resemblance of a harmsless species to one that is poisonous
  19. Photo-periodism
    Regulation by activity by day length
  20. K-strategist
    Organisms who produce and care for a small number of offsping
  21. Home Range
    An are in which an animal or group of animals seeks food, but does not generally defend
  22. Homing
    The ability to fin and return to home site
  23. Kinesis
    Animals only: A non-directional response to a stimulus
  24. Circalunar
    Monthly activity period, 29 days
  25. Pair Bond
    A stable relationship between opposite sexs that ensures mating
  26. Tropism
    Plants only: Plant movement by growth. Direction of response depends on direction of stimulus
  27. Solar Navigation
    Using the sun to navigate
  28. Crepuscular
    Active at dawn and usk
  29. Entrainment
    Process by which an internal clock becomes reset by rhythemic environemental factors
  30. Thigmotropism
    Tropic movement in response to contact
  31. Klinostat
    Wheel to which germinating plants can be attached and rotated
  32. Phytochrome
    Plant protein involved with the measurement of photoperiod
  33. Mullerian mimicry
    Mimicry between unpalatable species
  34. Navigation
    Determinging one's position relative to other locations
  35. Gibberellin
    Plant growth substance that promotes elongation so shoots
  36. Free Running
    Behaviour rhythm proceeding independently of external changes
  37. r- strategist
    Organism which produces large numbers of offsring but gives them little cares
  38. Learning
    Behavour that is modified by experience
  39. Exogenous
    Behaviour driven by external stimuli
  40. Instinct
    Complex behaviour that is not modified by experience
  41. Long Day Plant
    Plant that flowers when day length exceeds a certain minimum values
  42. Territory
    Area that is defended by an animal
  43. Biological Clock
    An internal timing system which controls (to some extent) timing of activities of organisms
  44. Endogenous
    Behaviour driven by internal stimuli
  45. Zeitgeber
    External environmental cue by which an internal clock is reset
  46. Chemotropism
    Tropic movement in repsonse to a chemical
  47. Mimicry
    Adaptive resmemblance between unrelated species
  48. Circannual
    Yearly activity perioud, approximately 360 days
  49. Day-neutral plant
    Plant that flowers independently of day length
  50. Diurnal
    Active during the day, inactive at night
  51. Circaduan
    Daily acticity, approximately 24 hours
  52. Taxes
    The movement of animal towards or away from stimulus from one direction
  53. Gravitropism
    Tropic movement in respnse to gravity
Card Set
Bio Animal and Plant Responses 90716
NCEA bio vocab