
  1. scum
    • Noun:A layer of dirt or froth on the surface of a liquid.
    • Verb:(of a liquid) Become covered with a layer of dirt or froth: "the lagoon scummed over".
    • Synonyms:noun.  froth - foam - spume - latherverb.  foam - froth - skim - spume
  2. slime
    • Noun:A moist, soft, and slippery substance.
    • Verb:Cover with slime: "the grass was slimed over with mud".
    • Synonyms:mud - ooze - sludge - silt - mire - mucus
  3. gooey
    • Adjective:Soft and sticky.Mawkishly sentimental.
    • Synonyms:sticky - gummy - gluey - viscous - tacky - adhesive
  4. mincing
    • Verb:Cut up or grind (food, esp. meat) into very small pieces, typically in a machine with revolving blades.
    • Walk with an affected fastidiousness, typically with short quick steps.
  5. frisky
    • Adjective:Playful and full of energy: "he bounds about like a frisky pup".
    • Synonyms:frolicsome - playful - sportive - kittenish - sprightly
  6. crevice
    • Noun:A narrow opening or fissure, esp. in a rock or wall.
    • Synonyms:fissure - cleft - crack - chink - rift - split - cranny
  7. gnarly
    • Adjective:Gnarled.Difficult, dangerous, or challenging.
    • Synonyms:gnarled - snaggy - knotty - knaggy - knobby
  8. rinky-dink
    • 1. Old-fashioned; worn-out.
    • 2. Insignificant; unimportant.
    • 3. Of cheap or poor quality; makeshift.
  9. yonder
    • Adverb:At some distance in the direction indicated; over there.
    • Adjective:That or those (used to refer to something situated at a distance).
    • Noun:The far distance.
    • Synonyms:adverb.  there - yon - over there - thitheradjective.  yonnoun.  yon
  10. reconnoiter
  11. brazen
    • бесстыжий
    • бронзовый
  12. shrill
  13. screech
  14. lick
    • лизать
    • колотить
  15. chug
    • Verb:Emit a series of regular muffled explosive sounds, as of an engine running slowly.Consume (a drink) in large gulps without pausing.
    • Noun:A muffled explosive sound or a series of such sounds.
    • Synonyms:verb. pant - puff noun. puff
  16. gripe
    • колики
    • тиски
    • жалоба
    • власть
  17. calliope
    • Noun:A
    • keyboard instrument resembling an organ but with the notes produced by
    • steam whistles, used chiefly on showboats and in traveling fairs.
  18. tantalize
    • Verb:Torment or tease (someone) with the sight or promise of something unobtainable.Excite the senses or desires of (someone).
    • Synonyms:torment - torture - plague - agonize - tease
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english words