
  1. public relations
    a leadership and management function that helps achieve organizational objectives, define philosophy, and facilitate organizational change
  2. public relations practitioners' work
    • bring diversity of skills
    • research, counseling, government affairs, employee relations, publicity...
  3. social marketing
    form of public relations that tries to change public attitudes and behaviors on behalf of a social cause rathers than on soponsoring organizaion
  4. publics
    • important organization to PR people
    • media, employees, government, community leaders, and financial analyst, etc
  5. public affairs
    relationships between organizations and governments
  6. communication, corporate communication
    PR function in many corporate and nonprofit settings
  7. 3 important characteristics of PR practitioner
    • urgent
    • analyrical problem solver
    • flexible
  8. rhetoricians
    • forerunner to PR practitioner
    • did communication service like speech-writing, speakin on behalf of clients, training for difficult questions, and persuasion skills
  9. propaganda of the deed
    • provocative act committed to draw attention
    • mob, murder, etc.
  10. steakholders
    conumers, media, etc who hold both consequences and benefits to the organization
  11. systems theory relates to...
  12. open systems
    use public relations people to bring back information on how productive their relationships are with cients
  13. closed system
    • don't seek new informatoin
    • operate on what happened in the past or on their personal preference
  14. boundary spanners
    • PR practitioners from the view of systems theory
    • stand between company and teakholders as a middle men
  15. dominant coalitions
    big decision makers who PR practitioners advise
  16. publics
    subgroup of stakeholders
  17. situational theory
    explains why some group of stakeholders are more involved in which issue
  18. 3 factors that influences how persuasive PR message will be
    • source of the message
    • message itself
    • receiver
  19. social exchange theory
    • people factor in the consequences of their behavior beofre acting
    • people like to get more benefit from less cost
  20. diffusion theory
    • people adopt an idea only after these processes
    • awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption
  21. social learning theory
    explains and predicts behavior by looking at how consumers receive and process information
  22. uses and gratification theory
    asserts that people are active users and chooses where to get the information from
  23. framing theory
    it helps to have a code name for events and stories
  24. agenda setting theory
    media can influence what people think about
  25. media agenda
    PR practitioners controll this to influence how the public thinks
  26. technician role
    writers, reporters, etc
  27. manager role
    people who focueses on activities that help identify and solve public relations problems
  28. 3 roles of PR managers
    • expert prescriber
    • communication facilitator
    • problem-solving facilitator
  29. expert prescriber
    consultant to define the problem, suggest options, and oversees implementation
  30. communication facilitator
    • on the boundary between the organization and its environment
    • keeps 2-way communication flowing
  31. problem-solving facilitator
    people who partners with seniro management to identify and solve problems
  32. press agentry
    information goes from organization to public in promotional way
  33. public information
    information goes from organization to public in informational way
  34. two-way assymetrical model
    • organization do a research and to campaigns that would bring favor from the public
    • organization want public to adjust to them
  35. two-way symmetrical model
    organization and public adjust to each other
  36. cultural interpretor model
    practice of PR in organizations in other country where they need a cultural interpretor
  37. personal influence model
    practitioners try to establish personal relationship with key indivisual
  38. contention
    1 party focring its position on another
  39. cooperation
    both parties work together to reach a mutually beneficial solution
  40. accommodation
    1 party partially yield on its position and lowers its aspirations
  41. avoidance
    1 or both parties depart
  42. unconditional constructive
    organization reconciles the strategic interest of both the organization and its publics
  43. compromise
    an laternative agreement that stands part way between the parties' preferred positions
  44. principled
    both parites hold to higher ethics that can't be compromised
  45. win-win or no deal
    both parties hold off on any agreement until they are ready for the deal to be struck
  46. mediated
    involves use of an outside disintetrested party
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JOMC 137 exam 3