first defined by Sir Francis Galton as "the science which deals with all influences that improve the inborn qualities of a race". In early 1900s, public and professional emphasis shefted away from the needs of persons with intellectual disability toward a consideration of the needs of society; society was to be protected from the presumable harm done by the presence of these persons in the community. This misdirected view provided justification for restricting the rights of individuals with intellectual disability and their opportunities for advancement.
general intellectual functioning
one's general level of intellectual ability, defined by an IQ derived from an assessment with one or more of the standardized, individually administered intelligence tests
adaptive functioning
the ability to cope effectively with ordinary life demands, to live independently, and to abide by community standards. Adaptive functioning is a necessary component for defining levels of intellectual disability
mild mental retardation
an IQ level in the range of 50-55 to approximately 70
moderate mental retardation
an IQ level in the range of 35-40 to 50-55
severe mental retardation
an IQ level in the range of 20-25 to 35-40
profound mental retardation
an IQ level below 20 or 25
developmental-vs-difference controversy
a debate regarding the developmental progression of children with mental impairments. The developmental position argues that all children, regardless of intellectual impairments, progress through the same developmental stages in the same sequence, but at different rates. The difference position argues that the development of children with mental impairments proceeds in a different, less sequential, and less organized fashion than that of children without impairments
difference viewpoint
the view that cognitive development of children with intellectual disability differs from that of normally developing children in more ways than merely differences in developmental rate and upper limits
down syndrome (trisomy 21)
a chromosomal abnormality in which there are three 21st chromosomes rather than the normal 2. Child with Down typically function at the moderate level of intellectual disability, have an increased likelihood of medical problems, and have unusual physical features.
self-injurious behavior (SIB)
severe and sometimes life-threatening acts taht cause damage to the subject's own body, such as head banging, eye gouging, severe scratching, rumination, some types of pica, and inserting objects under the skin
cultural-familial group
Intellectual disability (ID) in which there is no evidence of organic brain damage
an indivudual's specific genetic makeup
an individual's observable characteristics or behaviors (the expression of one's genotype in the environment)
the proportion of the variance of a trait that is attributable to genetic influences
the failure of the 21st pair of the mother's chromosomes to separate during meiosis. In most Down cases, the extra chromosome results from this failure of separation
fragile-x syndrome
a chromosomal abnormality in which one area on the X chromosome is pinched. Children with fragile-x typically suffer from moderate intellectual disability
prader-willi syndrome
a complex genetic disorder associated with an abnormality of chromosome 15. Children iwth PWS typically suffer from short stature, intellectual or learning disability, incomplete sexual development, certain behavioral problems, low muscle tone, and involuntary urge to eat constantly
angelman syndrome
a genetic disorder associated with an abnormality of chromosome 15. Children with this disorder typically suffer from moderate to severe mental retardatio, ataxia (awkward gait), jerky movements, hand flapping, seizures, the absence of speech, and distinctive facial features such as a large jaw and open-mouthed expression
fetal alcohol syndrome
a disorder stemming from extensive prenatal exposure to alcohol. Children with this disorder typically suffer from problems in intellectual functioning, CNS dysfunction, cranial feature defects, behavioral problems, growth retardation, and physical abnormalities of the face
inclusion movement
the integration of individuals with disabilities into regular classroom settings, regardless of the severity of the disability. The school curriculum must be adaptable to meet the individual needs and abilities of these children
organic group
intellectual disability stemming from clear organic (physical) causes such as brain damage or improper CNS development
residential care
a living arrangement in which a child whose family or school cannot adequately provide for him or her is cared for in a specific out-of-home setting
self-instructional trainging
teaching children to use verbal cues to process information, which are initially taught by the therapist or teacher, to keep themselves on task