mood disorder
a disorder in which the subject suffers from extreme, persistent, or poorly regulated emotional states. DSM 4 mood disorders includes major depressive disorder, dysthymia, and bipolar disorder
a negative mood state characterized by prolonged bouts of sadness
a common symptom of depression characterized by easy annoyance and touchiness, an angry mood, and temper outburst
an abnormally elevated or expansive mood
an exaggerated sense of well-being
bipolar disorder
a type of mood disorder characterized by an ongoing combination of extreme highs and extremem lows. An episode of mania is an abnormally elevated or expansive mood, and feelings of euphoria are an exaggerated sense of well-being. The highs may alternate with lows, or both extremes may be felt at about the same time
a negative mood state characterized by a lack of enjoyment in anything one does and a loss of interest in nearly all activities
major depressive disorder (MDD)
a form of depressive disorder characterized by one or more major depressive episodes that last for at least 2 weeks and are accompanied by additional symptoms such as sleep disturbances or thoughts of suicide
dysthymic disorder (DD) or dysthymia
a form of depressive disorder characterized by at least 1 year (2 years in adults) of depressed mood for more days than not, accompanied by additional depressive symptoms that do not meet criterial for major depressive episode. In comparison to major depressive disorder, dysthymia is milder, but more long-term
double depression
an instance in which a major depressive episode is superimposed on the subject's previous dysthymic disorder
depressive ruminative style
to focus narrowly on negative events for long periods
a negative form of self-disclosure and discussion between peers focused narrowly on problems or emotions to the exclusion of other activities or dialogue
depressogenic cognitions
the negative perceptual and attributional styles and belifs associated with depressive symptoms
hopelessness theory
the view that depression-prone individuals make internal, stable, and global attributions to explain the causes of negative events, and external, unstable, and specific attributions about positive events. This attributional style results in the individual taking personal blame for negative events in his or her life and leads to helplessness, avoidance, and hopelessness about the future, which promote further depression
negative cognitive triad
negative views about oneself, the world and the future that are characteristics of youngsters with depression. These views maintain feelings helplessness, undermine the child's mood and energy level, and are related to the severity or depression
negative cognitive schemata
stable structures in memory, including self-critical beliefs and attitudes, that guide information processing in a way that is consistent with the negative self-image of the subject. These cognitive schemata are rigid and resistant to change even in the face of contradictory evidence
diathesis-stress model of depression
a theory of depression proposing that the impact of stress is moderated by individual risk factors and that the occurrence of depression depends on the interaction between the subject's personal vulnerablitity and life stress
emotion regulation
the processes by which emotional arousal is redirected, controlled, or modified to facilitate adaptive functioning