1. New Englad Staple
    Cod fish, Ship stores
  2. Staple Materials
    sold for cash but not consumer by producer
  3. Triangle Trade (Leg 3)
    Trade Slaves for raw materials
  4. Alexander Hamilton (Long term corruption)
    • a. Convert Revolutionary war bonds to Us bond. Hamiltions froms got rich
    • b. took over states debts in return for states giving up power to national govt.
    • c. US bonds would finance a US mint to coin gold 
    • D. controversial banks created
  5. Alexander Hamiltion (Finance)
    • 1. pay nations huge debt
    • 2. got states to give up power
    • 3. create solid money system
    • 4. build strong central bank with regulated money system and asst. U.S. commerce with other countries.
  6. Bill of Rights (1st amendment) designed to
    • a. protect our personal liberties
    • b. protect the rights of the minority from "The tyranny of majority"
  7. Amendements (Const.)
    flexible additions and needed changes could be added later.
  8. Articles (const.)
    • the instruction manual for the parts
    • emphasis on powers, advise, consent, checks and balances.
  9. Preamble (Const.)
    States the purpose and what is covered in it. Writtin in general terms to keep flexible.
  10. Three Parts of US Constitution
    • Preamble
    • Articles
    • Amendments
  11. US Constitution
    Supreme document of laws, rules, and instructions under which the states and people of the matione will live under.
  12. Why did the articles of confederation end?
    • States constanly quarreled
    • threatened to become their own nations
    • stronger centeraled govt came into effect FEDERAL
  13. How did the articles of confederation work?
    • Individual state of power
    • decentralized=unworkable
    • necessary powers were absent (no tax, no court, no postal, no pres.) private special interest controlled money
  14. Ben franklin gaining the peace treaty
    saidit was in britains best interest to give americans all land east of mississippi and north of florida

    • 1. Americans weak and unthreatening
    • 2. Americans might want to come back to the mother country after awhile
  15. Ben franklin winning the revolution
    • charmed french
    • developed spy ring
    • persuaded french to sign treaty with US
    • Aided war effort with supplies, troops, and resulter in war between endland and france.
  16. International Changes
    french had lost their north american colonies at end of french indian war. Colonies no longer had to fear them. 
  17. British colonial enefficiency
    did not want to be squeezed by mecantilism like the spanish did to their own country
  18. American maturity
    colonists had lived in american colonies and have become used to the laid back muddling though of it. Mother country because an abstract concept seperated by 3000 miles of ocean.
  19. Three factors american independence prior to american revolution
    • american maturity
    • british colonial inefficiency
    • international change
  20. How did english win french/indian war?
    Prime minister william pitt recognized that the colonies were worth fighting for.
  21. French advantage of french/indian war
    • unidied command structure
    • indian allies acted as fighters/ spies
    • addapted to moving through wilderness
    • english generals more buldging
  22. Britist advantages of the frech/indian war
    • greater population
    • best navy in the world
    • more productive colonial land ($)
  23. how english copied techniques
    • mercantilism
    • ecomienda system
    • slavery
    • triangle trade
    • asiento
  24. Asiento
    a monopoly of trading slaves in a certain area
  25. Merchantilism
    profit via monopoly exploit land, labor, and natural resources of colonies.
  26. encomienda system
    local latives round up and forced into slavery on large parcel owned but a european land
  27. slavery
    • way to cut labor
    • do unpleasant and dangerous tasks
  28. triangle trade (leg 2)
    middle passage with terrible loose of tight pack
  29. Trianle trade (Leg one)
    europe to africa with finished trade goods to trade with coastal tribes for captives
  30. Charleston SC area staple
    • rice
    • indigo
    • rum distilling
    • slave trade
  31. Cheasapeake bay staple
    • tobacco 
    • general crops
  32. Middle colonies staple
    • mixed farming
    • commerce
    • mining
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