art history 14

    • Casa Mila
    • A: Gaudi
    • Late 19th c. art
    • Art Nouveau
    • Guaranty Building
    • A: Sullivan
    • 19th c. Architecture
    • Death Mask of Tutankhamen
    • Anient Egypt
    • Amarna
    • 1350 bce
    • gold and semiprecious stone
    • Parthenon
    • A: Ikitnos and Kallikrates
    • Greek art
    • Classical
    • 450 bce
    • Markets of Trajan
    • A: Appollodorus of Damascus
    • Roman art
    • Imperial
    • 100 ce
    • Vladimir Virgin
    • Byzantine art
    • 12th c.
    • tempera on wood
    • Virgin of Paris
    • Gothic Sculpture
    • Notre-Dame
    • 12th c ce
    • The Fall of Adam
    • A: Durer
    • 16th c. N Europe art
    • engraving
    • Birth of Venus
    • A: Botticelli
    • 15th c. Italy art
    • Early Florentine Renaissance
    • tempera on canvas
    • Descent From the Cross
    • A: Pontormo
    • 16th c. art
    • Mannerism
    • oil on wood
    • Madonna of the Pesaro Family
    • A: Titian
    • P: Pesaro
    • 16th c. Itlay art
    • Venitian Renaissance
    • San Carlo
    • A: Borromini
    • Southern Baroque
    • 17th c.
    • Grand Odalisque
    • A: Ingres
    • Romanticism
    • transitional
    • 1800 ce
    • oil on canvas
    • Horse Galloping
    • A: Muybridge
    • Late 19th c. art
    • collotype print
    • influenced by photography
    • Saint-Lazare Train Station
    • A: Monet
    • Late 19th c. art
    • Impressionism
    • oil on canvas
    • Starry Night
    • A: Van Gogh
    • Late 19th c. art
    • Post Impressionism
    • oil on canvas
    • The Cry (Scream)
    • A: Munch
    • Late 19th c. art
    • Symbolism
    • oil, pastel, and casein on cardboard
    • Temple of Ramses II
    • Ancient Egypt art
    • Amarna
    • 1350 bce
    • sandstone
    • Three Goddesses
    • pediment of Parthenon
    • A: Phidias
    • Greek art
    • Classical
    • 450 bce
    • marble
    • Column of Trajan
    • Roman art
    • Imperial
    • 100 ce
    • marble
    • Crucifixion
    • Byzantine art
    • 1100 ce
    • mosaic
    • Ekkehard and Uta
    • Naumberg Cathedral
    • Gothic Sculpture
    • Germany
    • 1250 ce
    • Knight, Death, and the Devil
    • A: Durer
    • 16th c. N Europe art
    • engraving
    • Primavera
    • A: Botticelli
    • P: Medici
    • 15th c. Italy art
    • Early Florentine Reniassance
    • oil on canvas
    • Madonna with the Long Neck
    • A: Parmigianino
    • 16th c. Italy art
    • Mannerism
    • oil on wood
    • Chapel of Saint Ivo
    • A: Borromini
    • Southern Baroque
    • The Nighmare
    • A: Fuseli
    • Romanticism
    • 1800 ce
    • oil on canvas
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art history 14