Knowledge Map #s 31-60

  1. ___ ___ refers to the series of event, various complications, and conflicts that occur leading up to the climax.
    Rising action
  2. ___ is the moment of greatest emotional intensity or suspense in the plot, and is often called the turning point.
  3. During the ___ (between the climax and resolution), the final stage of the story’s plot is resolved.
  4. ___ is the ending of the story where the conflict is resolved.
  5. ___ is the use of clues that hint at events that will occur later in the plot.
  6. ___ is the difference between what is expected and what actually happens.
  7. ___ is a feeling of growing tension or excitement.
  8. ___ is when an author uses concrete, real objects to represent an idea.
  9. The ___ is the atmosphere or feeling a piece of literature creates in a reader.
  10. ___ ___ is a problem that a character must overcome by himself or herself.
    Internal conflict
  11. ___ ___ is a problem the character has with another character, nature, or society.
    External conflict
  12. ___ ___ is the way an author depicts a character through actions, speech, thoughts and feelings, and other characters reactions.
    Indirect characterization
  13. ___ ___ occurs when the authors actually states a character’s traits or qualities.
    Direct characterization
  14. A ___ is the main character in a story.
  15. An ___ is the character or force that opposes the protagonist in a story.
  16. ___ is the author’s message/perception about life or human nature that is communicated by a literary work.
  17. ___ ___ point of view is when the story is told by a character in the story and uses the pronoun “I.”
    First person
  18. In ___ ___ ___ point of view the narrator focuses on the thoughts and feelings of a single character using the pronouns he, she, they.
    third person limited
  19. In ___ ___ ___ point of view the narrator plays no part in the story and possesses a god-like perspective (sees all and knows all) using the pronouns he, she, they.
    third person omniscient
  20. An author’s voice is ___ when he or she includes opinions.
  21. An author’s voice is ___ when it is factual, expressed without an opinion.
  22. ___ ___ is the ability to analyze several responses to literature and determine how the literary elements shape those responses.
    Literary criticism
  23. Well organized essays balance all aspects of the ___ and use effective ___ to unify and connect sentences and paragraphs.
  24. Techniques an author can use as an “___ ___”/ “___” include dialogue, rhetorical questions, action, description, statistics, anecdote or quotations.
  25. A ___ ___ is a thought provoking question that you don’t expect an answer to.
    rhetorical question
  26. A ___ ___ (1-2 sentences) is the controlling idea and major argument(s) that support the main idea for an essay and is included in the introductory paragraph.
    thesis statement
  27. The ___ ___ tells the reader what the paragraph will be about.
    topic sentence
  28. ___ ___ and claims with anecdotes, descriptions, facts, quotes, and statistics helps to create clear, coherent essays.
    Supporting statements
  29. An ___ is a brief narrative/story told to illustrate a point.
  30. A ___ is a group of exact words a character says or lifting or copying the original words the author uses.
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Knowledge Map #s 31-60
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