Chapter 5

  1. T or F:
    Chicken held at an internal temperature of 125°F has been temperature abused
  2. T or F:
    Infrared thermometers are best for measuring the internal temperature of food
  3. T or F:
    When checking the temperature of a roast using a bimetalic stemmed thermometer, only the tip of the thermometer should be inserted into the product.
  4. T or F:
    A thermometer calibrated by the boiling point method must be set to 135°F, after being placed in boiling water
  5. T or F:
    Washing & rinsing a cutting board will prevent it from cross-contaminating the next product placed on it
  6. T or F:
    When calibrating a thermometer by the ice-point method, set the thermometer at 45°F after placing it in ice water
  7. T or F:
    Some thermometers cannot be calibrated
  8. What is the temperature danger zone?
    41° to 135°F
  9. Food pathogens grow most quickly between what two temperatures?
    70° to 125°F
  10. Never use ______ thermometers to check food temperature
  11. Place a probe into the _______ part of the food
  12. Wait _____ seconds after inserting a probe to check food temperature
  13. Make sure your thermometers are accurate by ______ them regularily
  14. Sanitize thermometers by using a sanitizing solution for _________ surfaces
    food contact
  15. What are the 9 steps in the flow of food (in order)?
    • 1. Purchasing
    • 2. Receiving
    • 3. Storing
    • 4. Preparing
    • 5. Cooking
    • 6. Holding
    • 7. Cooling
    • 8. Reheating
    • 9. Serving
  16. What can you do to prevent cross-contamination during the flow of food?
    • Put barriers between food products:
    • 1. Assign specific equipment to each type of food product
    • 2. Clean & sanitize all work surfaces, equipment & utensils after each task
    • 3. When using the same prep table, prepare raw meat, seafood, and poltry and ready-to-eat food at different times
    • 4. Purchase ingredients that require minimal prep.
  17. What can you do to prevent food from being time-temperature abused?
    • 1. Cook to required min. internal temperature
    • 2. Cool properly
    • 3. Reheat properly
    • 4. Hold at proper temperatures
    • 5. Monitor food temp every 2 hrs
  18. How do you check the temperature of food using a bimetalic stemmed thermometer?
    Insert through the thicked part of the product up to the end of the sensing area
  19. Give 3 examples of incorporating time & temperature controls into standard operating procedures
    • 1. Removing from the refrigerator only the amount of food that can be prepared in a short period of time
    • 2. Refrigerate utensils & ingredients before preparing certain recipes, such as tuna or chicken
    • 3. Cook TCS food to required minimum internal temperature
  20. What should the bimetalic stemmed thermometer include?
    • 1. An adjustable calibration nut to keep it accurate
    • 2. Easy to read temperature markings
    • 3. A dimple to mark the end of the sensing area
    • 4. Accuracy to within 2°F
  21. What are the three types of temperature probes for thermocouples
    • 1. Immersion Probe
    • 2. Surface Probe
    • 3. Penetration Probe
  22. Infrared thermometers are good for reading food & equipment ______.
  23. What are some ways food can be time-temperature abused?
    Food can be time-temperature abused when it is not:

    • 1. Cooked to the required minimum internal temperature
    • 2. Cooled properly
    • 3. Reheated properly
    • 4. Held at proper temperature
  24. How can cross-contamination be prevented in the establishment?
    Cross-contamination be prevented in the establishment by:

    • 1. Assigning specific equipment to each type of food prepared
    • 2. Cleaning & sanitizing all work surfaces, equipment, and utensils after each task
    • 3. Preparing raw meat, fish, & poultry and ready-to-eat food at different times (when using the same prep table)
    • 4. Purchasing ingredients that require minimal preparation
  25. A foodhandler has just finished trimming raw chicken on a cutting board and needs to prep vegetables. What must be done to the cutting board?

  26. Which od the following practices can help prevent cross-contamination?

  27. Infrared thermometers should be used to measure the ...

  28. At wht temperatures do foodbore pathogens grow most quickly?

  29. Which thermocouple probe should be used to check the temperature of a large stockpot of soup?

  30. When a thermometer is calibrated using the ice-point method, it should be adjusted to ____ after the stem or probe has been placed in the ice water.

  31. What type of thermeter is NOT appropriate for use in a restaurant or foodservice operation?

Card Set
Chapter 5
Flow of Food