geo 1010 equakes and tectonics

  1. where is the "ring of fire"
    circum-Pacific belt. where 80% of earthquakes take place
  2. what is the theory on how equakes are made?
    Elastic Rebound Theory(rocks break if strained too much)
  3. define P waves
    primary waves-fastest waves and can travel through any substance
  4. def S waves
    slower than P and can't travel through liquids(only solids)
  5. def surface waves
    slowest and travel on the earths surface and the MOST DESTRUCTIVE
  6. how do you measure an earthquake?
    • Intensity=measure of destruction(Modified Mercallie scale)
    • Magnitude=measure of energy released(richter scale)
  7. name 5 common destructive properties of equake
    • Ground Shaking
    • Soil Liquefaction(quicksand/liquefying effect)
    • Fire
    • Tsunami
    • Ground failure(slumps/landslides)
  8. what type of predictions do we have that an earthquake will happen
    • short temr: strange behaviour of animals, dilation of rock
    • long term: seismic gaps(areas of reduced earthquake activity
  9. who is alfred wegener?
    developed theory of continental drift in 1915 and named pangea
  10. what are zones of pangea
    • Gondwanaland=southern landmass
    • Laurasia=northern landmass
  11. what evidence do we have of the continental drift
    Paleomagnetism(rock layers match up on both continents)
  12. what happens to the divergent plate boundaries
    • Forces: tensional or extensional
    • Lnadforms: oceanic ridges, rift valleys, horsts and grabens
    • Faults: normal faults
    • Shallow focus earthquakes
    • EX: north america plate, eurasian plate, south america plate, africa plate
  13. what happens at convergent plate boundaries(subduction zone)?
    • Forces: compressional(orogenisis is mountain building)
    • Landforms:mountains, volcanic arcs, island arcs, folded mountains and folds
    • Faults:thrust faults and reverse faults
    • shallow to deep focus of equakes
  14. examples of convergent boundary places
    • ocean to ocean: island arcs, japan
    • ocean to continent: volcanic arcs,cascades and andes
    • continent to continent: forlded mountains,himalayas, alps
    • juan de fuca plate, north america plate, nazca plate, south america plate
  15. what happens at transform plate boundaries
    • Forces: shear
    • Landforms: offset drainage, linear valleys, and sag ponds
    • Faults: strike slip faults
    • Shallow focus earthquakes
    • EX:pacific plate, north america plate(san andreas fault)
  16. what moves the plates
    convection currents produced by radiogenic heat
Card Set
geo 1010 equakes and tectonics
geo 1010 equakes and tectonics