cell wall weakeners

  1. penicillin is more active against gram+ or gram- ?  why
    gram+.  cell wall is more easily penetrated
  2. molecular target of penicillin?
    • PBPs (penicillin binding proteins)
    • found inside bacteria - after penetrating cell walls
  3. resistance to S. aureus precipitated the use of what drug?
    methicillin (derivitive of pcn)
  4. Unasyn, Augmentin, Zosyn?  class? uses?
    • PCNs with beta lactamase inhibitor.
    • work well against pseudomonas, enterobacter, klebsiella.
  5. drugs used for HA-MRSA?
    • IV abx:
    •  - vancomycin 
    •  - daptomycin (Cubicin)
    •  - ceftaroline (Teflaro)
    •  - televancin (Vibativ)
    •  - clindamycin
  6. cephalosporins - pros, cons?
    • beta-lactam abx.
    • bactericidal.
    • low toxicity
    • *primary problem - resistance
  7. contraindication to cephalosporin?
    severe allergy to PCN
  8. nursing implications/patient education re: cephalosporins?
    • pt should avoid alcohol
    • IV site should be monitored, rotating.
    • can increase effects of anticoags - monitor PT, PTT, INR
  9. what type of solution should be avoided when using cephalosporins
    lactate ringers, any fluid calcium-derived
  10. carbapenem - therapeutic uses? nursing implications?
    • used for most infections other than MRSA
    • must be given IV. not absorbed in GI tract
    • avoid valproic acid (can increase risk of sz)
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cell wall weakeners
n306 cell wall weakeners