Personality Ch 12

  1. Awareness and thinking, as well as specific mental acts such as perceiving, attending to, interpreting, remembering, believing, judging, deciding, and anticipating. 
  2. Transformation of sensory input into mental representation and the manipulation of such representations. 
    Information Processing 
  3. -Thoughts about something that are personally relevant, connecting ideas or events to one's own life.
    -Ex: seeing a picture of the president and remembering when he was at Kent State.
    Personalizing Cognition  
  4. -Thoughts about objective facts related to a particular event. 
    -Seeing a picture of Romney and thinking he was the govenor of Massachusetts
    Objectifying Cognition
  5. -Process of imposing order on the information our sense organs take in.
    -Optical illusions
  6. -Process of making sense of, or explaining, events in the world.
    -Ex: lawyers and a court case
  7. Standards and goals people develop for evaluating themselves and others.
    Beliefs and Desires
  8. -Defined differently 
    -Different standards for each
  9. Who came up with field dependence and field independence?
    Herman Witkin (1954)
  10. People who are dependent on the visual field for their information. 
    Field Dependent
  11. People who are less dependent on their visual field and consider other information.
    Field Independent
  12. People attempt to understand, predict, and control events.
    Human as Scientists
  13. -Constructs- Idea that summarizes observations and conveys meaning.
    - Constructs a person uses to interpret and predict events.
    Personal Constructs
  14. "A persons processes are psychologically channelized  by the ways in which he anticipates events"
    Fundamental Postulate 
  15. If two people have similar construct systems, they will be psychologically similar.
    Commonality Corollary
  16. To understand a person, we must understand how she/he construes the social world.
    Sociality Corollary 
  17. Intellectual position grounded in the notion that reality is constructed, that every person and certainly every culture has a version of reality that is unique , and that no single version of reality is any more privileged than other
  18. Who studied social learning theory?
    Julian Rotter
  19. Persons interpretation of responsibility for the events in his or her life.
    Locus of Control 
  20. Events are outside of ones influence
    External Locus of Control
  21. Events are within ones influence 
    Internal Locus of Influence 
  22. Particular "default" LOC for most situations 
    Generalized Expectancies 
  23. LOC fluctuates in different ares of life
    Specific Expectancies 
  24. Set of relevant actions intended to achieve a goal that a person has selected. Believed to be a good unit for measuring regular goal setting and acquisition. 
    Personal Project 
  25. Belief that one can execute a specific course of action to achieve a goal.
    Self- Efficacy
  26. -Focus on educational attainment
    -Knowledge you have
    Achievement View 
  27. -Focus on ability to learn
    -Ability to take in information and manipulate it
    -Most popular intelligence tests focus on aptitude 
    Aptitude View 
  28. Who proposed theory of multiple intelligences?
  29. Navigating social situation 
    Interpersonal Intelligence 
  30. insight into one’s self
    Intrapersonal intelligence
  31. athletic abilities
    Kinesthetic intelligence
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Personality Ch 12
Personality Ch 12