Emzyme & Photosynthesis Lab

  1. What are most enzymes made up of?
  2. pH is a measure of what?
    H⁺ in solution
  3. How does salt affect an enzyme?
    Like pH there is an optimal salt level
  4. The enzyme catecholase catalyzes a reaction where ___, the substrate becomes ___ (product).
    • Catechol
    • Benzoquinone
  5. What does benzoquinone look like?
    Reddish-brown product
  6. What instrument can we use to measure how much color change happens during a reaction?
  7. How does a Spectronic 20 measure catecholase activity?
    By measuring color change in reaction mixtures
  8. How does Spectronic 20 measure color changes?
    By shining light thru reactants in a test tube & measuring mat of light that penetrates thru the tube
  9. What is transmission on the spectrophotometer?
    How much light penetrates the tube
  10. What is absorption when speaking of the spectrophotometer?
    How much light is being absorbed by the sample
  11. WHat is the relationship between product formation & absorbance?
    As absorbance ↑ so does product formed
  12. What pigment causes leaves to be green?
  13. What is the biochemical process where plants absorb light & convert it to useable chemical bond energy?
  14. Which color in the visible light spectrum has the longest wavelength?
  15. Which color in the visible light spectrum has the shortest wave length?
  16. The green pigment that absorbs light & is directly involved in photosynthesis is called ____.
    Chlorophyll a
  17. What colors of light are readily absorbed by chlorophyll a?
    Violet/Blue & Red
  18. Chlorophyll looks ___ ___ to the eye.
    Bluish Green
  19. ___ ___ also absorb solar energy but they then pass this absorbed energy over to chlorophyll a for photosynthesis.
    Accessory Pigments
  20. What color does chlorophyll b look to our eyes?
  21. ____ absorb a great deal in the blue & green range & appear to our eyes as various shades of yellow or yellow-orange.
  22. A ___ ___ layer on a leaf prevents water loss & but also prevents gas exchange.
    Waxy Cuticle
  23. The outer layer of cells on a leaf contain ____ through which gas exchange occurs.
  24. What is the function of air spaces within a leaf?
    Allow diffusion of gasses throughout interior of the leaf to reach all cells
  25. Name 2 functions vascular tissue within leaves.
    • Water & minerals to leaf cells
    • Conduct excess energy rich sugar to other plant parts for storage
  26. Stored glucose molecules are chemically bonded together for later use & stored as ____.
  27. What method can be used to separate components of a mixture of molecules?
    Paper Chromatography
  28. What 2 things determine rate at which solvent travels up paper in paper chromatography?
    • Molecules affinity for the paper
    • Molecules solubility in solvent
  29. A completed paper chromatography strip is call a ____.
  30. What is happening to a leaf when it is senescing?
    It is declining & dying
  31. Plants that drop their leaves at the beginning of the inhospitable season are called what?
  32. During the process of senescence a plant does what?
    Strips anything it can fr the leaf & stores it in preparation for dropping the leaf
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Emzyme & Photosynthesis Lab
Emzyme & Photosynthesis Lab