Basic Math Integers

  1. Integer is a

    A. Fraction
    B. Negative Number
    C. Decimal or Percent
    D. Postive Number
    E. Both B and D
    Interger is E, a Negative or Postive Whole Number
  2. When Adding, Subtracting, or multiplying an Integer, you always get an Integer as an answer

    A. True
    B. False
    • A. True.  When Adding, subtracting or multiplying an Integer, you ALWAYS get an integer as the answer.
    • -3*11= -33
    • -3 + 4= +1 or 1
    • Remember an Integer is a Postive or Negative WHOLE number (not a fraction or percent, or decimal).
  3. When dividing an Integer, you always get an Integer as the answer.

    A. True
    B. False
    • B. False.  It is possible to get a fraction, or decimal when dividing with a integer.
    • 8/5 (8 divided by 5) = 1.6
  4. Example Card:

    When adding and subtracting with Negative Integers, imagine a line that moves left and right, with 0 as the center, negative numbers to the left of zero, positive numbers to the right of zero.
    • ____________________0_______________________
    • -10   -5  -4  -3  -2  -1             1  2  3  4  5      10        20

    • Adding a postive number moves to the right
    • -3 plus 4 equals positive 1
  5.     Example Card
    Adding a positive number to a negative integer moves the number to the right.
    -3 plus 6 equals postive 3 (-3+6=3)
    -10 plus 5 equals negative 5 (-10+5= -5)
    • ____________________0______________________
    • _-10   -5  -4  -3  -2  -1             1  2  3  4  5      10        20

    -3 plus postive 6, move 6 sports to the right, to positive 3.

    -10 plus positive 5, move 5 spots to the right, to negative 5.
  6.   Example Card
    Subtracting a postive number moves to the left.
    4 minus 3 equals 1 (4-3=1)
    -3 minus 5 equals negative 8 (-3 - 5= -8)
    3 minus 5 equals negative 2
    • __________________ 0________________
    • -10 -9 -8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    • 4 minus 3 (postive 4, move left 3 spaces, to postive 1)
    • -3 minus 5 (negative 3, move 5 spaces left, to negative 8)
    • 3 minus 5 (postive 3, moves 5 spaces left, to negative 2)
  7. Example Card
    When adding a Negative number, move left:
    Postive 4 plus Negative 3 equals postive 1.
    4 + -3= 1
    Negative 3 plus Negative 2 equals Negative 5.
    -3 + -2= -5.
    • ______________________0_______________________
    • -10-9-8-7-6  -5  -4 -3 -2  -1    1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10

    • 4 + -3 (Postive 4, move left 3 spaces to postive 1)
    • -3 + -2 (Negative 3, move left 2 spaces to Negative 5).
  8.  Example Card
    When subtracting a Negative Number, move right:
    Positive 1 minus Negative 2 equals postive 3
    1 - -2= 3 (subtracting a negative is like addition)
    Negative 2 minus Negative 3 equals 1
    -2 minus -3= 1
    • ____________________0_____________________
    • -10 -9 -8-7-6 -5 -4 -3-2-1   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    • 1- -2 (postive 1, move right 2 spaces, to postive 3)

    -2 - -3 (negative 2, move right 2 spaces to postive 1)
  9. Multiply and Divide Integers:
    Step 1: Ignore Signs and do the problem
    Step 2:  A. If original signs match, the result in postive
                      3*10=30, -5*-3=15, 24/8=3, -24/-8=3
             B. If original signs don't match, the result is negative.
                 3*-10= -30, -5*-3= -15, -24/8=-3
    Example Card in Front
Card Set
Basic Math Integers
Integer Rules