HIV is part of what family?
retroviridae virus where it turns RNA into DNA
HIV goes after what type of cells?
helper t cells
Can HIV pass from one cell to the next without having to leave the cell?
yes called cell to cell fusion
This virus ungoes rapid antigenic chnges due to high mutatation rate
This is a provirus and latent virus and is hidden from the immune system, what virus?
This phase in HIV is asystomatic or chronic lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph nodes)
Phase 1
This phase in HIV represents symtomatic early indications of immune failure(persistnat yeast infections, fever, diarrhea)
phase 2
This phase in HIV indicates AIDS and t cells<200 and serious yeast, pna and sarcoma are present
phase 3
tratment of aids is directed towards what?
against retroviral enzymes
serval drugs known as a cocktail given to HIV patients to slow replication is
HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy)
Men who are not circumsized or circumsized have a better chance at not catching HIV
warts are caused by?
Human papillomaviruses HPV
How is HPV transmitted?
human contact from skin to skin
variola causes what? it is a viral disease
how is smallpox transmitted?
this disease infects internal organs before entering the bloodstream and infecting the skin causing pustular lesions is known as what?
IS there anyone in the owrld who has smallpox right now?
varcilla -zoster viruscauses?
how is chicken pox transmitted?
is chickenpox latent or persisstant virus?
latent stays in the dorsal root ganglion
herpes simplex 1 HSV-1 is transmitted by
oral or respitory route
this virus stays latent in your trigeminal nerve ganglion?
How is measles transmitted?
does measles have a vaccination?
measles causes what to the brain?
Rubella is known as?
german measles
polio, rabies and viral encephalis are examples of what?
viral diseases of the nervous system
poliomyelitis is known as
how is polio transmitted?
by ingestion
this disease presents itself as a sore throat and nausea but can enter the CNA and cause paralysis
The iron lung was used for people who were infected with this disease
this virus is transmitted from saliva usually through a animal bite but can also go through unbroken skin and organ transplant
Rabies enters the body and then enters your?
nerous system where it travels up to the brain and eventually death.
This virus multiplies in your skelatal muscles and then brain cells causing encephalitis, also causes muscle spasms of the mouth and pharnx and hydropobia
Arbovirus encehalitis is caused by what?
West NIle virus, western equine encehalitis and St. louis encephalitis are example of?