Psych chapter 14

  1. Emerginhg Adulthood
    The period in which adulthood is delayed or prolonged that extends into the late teens and mid twenties. (18-25)
  2. Resilience
    The capacity to overcome challenge and adversity
  3. Caring for the next generation and helping improve society
  4. The underlining design of a person's life, consistent of relationships with significant others, individual groups and institutions
    Life structure
  5. Age graded expectations for major life events such as begining of first job, getting married, birth of first child, buying a home and retiring
    Social Clock
  6. What is the traingular theory of love
    • A theory that incorporates three components
    • 1. Passion
    • 2. Intamacy
    • 3. Commitment
  7. Passionate love
    Intense sexual attraction
  8. Companionate Love
    Warm, trusting affectionate caregiving
  9. Unhappeiness resulting from a gap between the scial relationships we currently have and those we desire
  10. Traditional marraige
    Marriage arrangement in which the man is the Head of Household and primarily responsible for economic well being. The woman is responsible for caring and nuturing husband and children
  11. Eqalitarian marriages
    Partners relate as equals, sharing power and responsibility and authority.
  12. A lifestyle of unmarried couples who have a sexually intimate relationship and live together
  13. Role overload
    Conflict between work and family responsibilities
  14. Conflict involving close relationship with a partner vs the negative outcome of lonliness
    Intamacy vs. Isoaltion
  15. Levinson's Stage
    Involves dreams of Men focusing on career and settling down

    Women are focuse on career and family and are unsettled until middle adulthood
  16. Valliant refining Erikson's Stages
    • 20's: Devoted to Intamacy
    • 30's: Deveoted to Career
    • 40's: Devoted to Generativity
    • 50's & 60's: Devoted to Cultural Values
  17. Gender Roles
    Conformation to the behavior that is associated with a particular sex
  18. Name 4 Factors that affect Marital Satisfaction
    • 1. Sharing Household responsibilities/chores
    • 2. Ability to comprimise/ resolve conflicts 
    • 3. Financial Status/Stability
    • 4. Education
  19. Name 3 Types of Parenting
    • 1. Gay and Lesbian Parents
    • 2. Never Married Single Parents
    • 3. Stepparents
  20. Role Overload
    An overload of responsibility that is usually associated with women in marriages of dual income
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Psych chapter 14
Psych Chapter 14