diana final 2

  1. Hydrochloric Acid
    The chemical produced and secreted in the lining of the stomach that helps in the digestion of food substances.
  2. Cholelithiasis
    The formation of gallstones.
  3. Hemorrhoids
    varicosities in the rectum or anal region
  4. Hepatotoxins
    drugs that are damaging to the liver
  5. Cirrhosis
    A chronic disease characterized bt the destruction of liver celss, often the result of alcohol and/or drug abuse, whose prominent symptoms are jaundice and ascites.
  6. Appendix
    pain over the right lower quadrant would indicate inflammation appendicitis
  7. Alimentary Canal
    another term for the gastrointestinal tract
  8. Q: What kind of foods is a patient to avoid for 2 days prior to collecting a stool sample for testing of occult blood?
    A: Red meat (foods that contains blood) or Raw vegetables
  9. Metabolism
    The breakdown of food into useable molecular units to promote growth and energy production
  10. Stomatitis
    A virus, bacterium, or fungus may cause inflammation of the oral mucosa
  11. Sclerotherapy
    The use of chemical agents to cause hardening of the lining of esophageal varices in an effort to prevent rupture of the varices
  12. Herpes Simplex #1
    the virus that causes a canker sore or a fever blister
  13. Duodenum
    The first portion of the small intestine just past the stomach
  14. Anorexia
    Loss of appetite
  15. Peritonitis
    Inflammation of diverticulum may result in the bowel becoming swollen and distended and is rupture occurs.
  16. Emesis
  17. Buccal
  18. Defecation
    The evacuation of feces from the rectum
  19. alimantary canal
    extends from the mouth Anus
  20. Esophagus
    a muscular tube that moves food from the mouth to the stomach.
  21. Peritoneal Lining
    covers each organ in the abdomen
  22. Gallbladder
    The organ that stores and concentrates bile
  23. Liver
    The organ that actually produces bile
  24. The stomach
    that opens into the dueodenum Pyloric Sphincter
  25. Hepatomegaly
    enlargement of the liver
  26. Ascites
    accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity
  27. Rectum
    The end portion of the large intestine
  28. Eructation
  29. Gastritis
    inflammation of the stomach
  30. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
    Abnormal function of the lower esophageal sphincter causing backflow of contents of the stomach into the esophagus and buring pain in the esophagus
  31. Peptic ulcer disease
    a sore on the mucous membrane of the stomach
  32. Gastroenteritis
    inflammation of the stomach and small intestine
  33. Incarcerated hernia
    swollen and fixed within a sac,
  34. strangulated hernia
     becomes constricted, cut off from circulation, and the obstruction is likely to become gangrenous
  35. Intussusception
    Prolapse of one part of the intestine into the lumen of the adjoining part
  36. volvulus
    the twisting of the bowel on itself and may result in abstruction or rupture
  37. Flatulence
    Gas in the stomach or intestines
  38. Cholecystectomy
    Surgical removal of an inflamed gallbladder
  39. Paracentesis
    puncturing the abdomen for aspiration of fluid
  40. Laxative
    A cathartic drug
  41. Colostomy
    The creation of an opening in the colon to create an abdominal anus
  42. ileastomy
    performed after removal of the entire colon.
  43. Nasogastric intubation
    Insertion of a tube through the nose into the stomach
  44. Antiemetic
    A drug that prevents or stops vomiting
  45. Barium swallow
    the upper GI series and require the use of contrast medium
  46. Barium Enema
    The lower GI series and require the use of contrast medium
  47. Peristalsis
    The process of wavelike movement of products through the gastrointestinal tract
  48. Gingivitis
    inflammation of the gums in the oral cavity
  49. Hiatal Herina
    A defect in the diaphragm that allows a portion of the stomach to slide up into the chest cavity
  50. Dysphagia
    difficulty swallowing
  51. Pepsin
    The chemical produced and secreted in the stomach that helps protect the stomach lining and prevent ulcerations
  52. Melena
    dark, tarry stools that contain old blood.
  53. Q: What are the typical symptoms of IBS?
    A: constipation alternating with diarrhea
  54. Diverticulosis
    A chronic condition of the intestinal wall causing small out-pouches in the lining that can lead to inflammation and even intestinal rupture
  55. Inguinal Hernia
    A herina that occurs in the groin area
  56. Vermiform appendix
    the structure that has no digestive function, but may aid in our resistance to infection, which protrudes from the ascending colon (cecum)
  57. Respiration
    The exchange of gases within the body
  58. Cilia of the nose
    Filters air as it enters the respiratory tract
  59. Epiglottis
    prevents food from entering the airway
  60. Bronchus
    the trachea splits into the right and left
  61. Pleura
    the membranes enclosing the lung and lining the thoracis cavity.
  62. Asthma
    a reversible condition known for its high-pitched musical sound (wheeze) that indicates partial airway obstruction and constriction of the smooth muscle lining of the airways of the lungs
  63. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
    A progressive, irreversible condition with diminished respiratory capacity due to a combination of emphysema and chronic bronchitis
  64. Tidal volume
    The amount of air  inhaled and exhaled during normal respiration
  65. Dyspnea
    Difficulty breathing
  66. Sputum
    material expelled from the lungs by coughing
  67. Tuberculosis
    an infectious disease spread by respiratory droplets from an infected person.
  68. Hemoptysis
    coughing up blood that originated in the lungs.
  69. Hyperpnea
    extra-deep respiartions
  70. stertorous breathing
    abnormal breathing that sounds like Snoring
  71. Thoracentesis
    Surgical puncture into the pleural cavity for aspiration of fluids
  72. Productive cough
    Is the most prominent symptom of bronchitis
  73. Alveoli
    The tiny thin-walled microscopic air sacs that are the site of gas exchange in the lungs
  74. Status Asthmaticus
    an emergency respiratory situation as, the patient doesn't respond to normal asthma medications and without immediate intervention can lead to respiratory arrest/death.
  75. Metastasize
    to spread to other organs
  76. Percussion
    The method of examination that is performed by placing fingers on the chest and striking it with the fingers of the other hand
  77. Atelectasis
    The condition in which the lung fields are collapsed or there is incomplete expansion of the lungs
  78. Bronchodilator medications
    side effect that can increase heart rate
  79. Bradypnea
    slow respirations
  80. Stridor
    The type of breathing with a high pitched crowing sound that indicates laryngeal odstruction
  81. Tracheostomy
    a permanent surgical stoma in the neck with an indwelling tube
  82. Cigarette smoking
    is believe that the most common cause of lung cancer
  83. Pulmonologist
    The doctor who specializes in the study and treatment of the lung
  84. Urula
    The small projection hanging from the back middle edge of the soft palate, named for its grapelike shape.
  85. Hemoptysis
    Coughing up and spitting out blood originating in the lungs
  86. Epistaxis
  87. Apnea
    inability to breathe
  88. Rales
    popping sounds or crackles are heard when air enters diseased airways
  89. Hypercapnia
    an excessive level of carbon dioxide in the blood.
  90. Orthopnea
    the ability to breathe only in an upright position
  91. Hypopnea
    shallow breathing
  92. Hypoxia
    deficient amount of oxygen in tissue cells
  93. Hypoxemia
    deficient amount of oxygen in the blood
  94. Laryngitis
    inflammation of the voice box
  95. Bronchiectasis
    Abnormal dilation of the bronchi with accumulation of mucus
  96. Pneumonia
    Lung inflammation caused by an infection such as from bacteria or viruses and is also described as inflammation of the larger airway of the lungs
  97. Rhonchi
  98. Hemothorax
    blood in the pleural cavity
  99. Pulse Oximetary
    a non-invasive method of estimating the percentage of oxygen saturation in the blood
  100. Asthma
    the obstructive pulmonary disease caused by spasm of the bronchial tubes with attacks of wheezing, dyspnea, and cough
  101. Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR)
    a measure of the fastest flow of exhaled air after a maximal Inspiration or Inhalation.
  102. Cystic Fibrosis
    The inherited condition that causes secretion of abnormally thick, viscous mocus that obstructs passageways in the lungs
  103. Pneumothorax
    air in the pleural space
  104. Empyema
    the presence of pus in the pleural space.
  105. Emphysema
    an obstructive pulmonary disease that result in loss of lung elasticily, which hampers the flow of air moving out of the lungs
  106. Ausculation
    listening to sounds within the body with the aid of a stethoscope
  107. Expectorant
    a drug that breaks up mucus and promotes coughing
  108. Cranium
  109. Hyoid bone
    lies at the base of the tongue
  110. Muscles
    provides a protective covering for internal organs and produce body heat.
  111. bursa
    a fibrous sac lined with synovial membrane that secretes synovial fluid
  112. ligament
    connects bone to bone
  113. Tendon
    connects muscle to bone
  114. Comminuted Fracture
    The type of fracture that refers to a bone that is fragmented
  115. Lateral
    toward the side
  116. Coronal plane
    Corona/Frontal plane
  117. Medial
    toward the middle (midline)
  118. Flexion
    bending at the joint so the angle between bones is decreased
  119. Extension
    bending at the joint so the angle between bones is increased
  120. Inferior
  121. Superior
  122. Pronation
    turning of the palm backward or downward
  123. Supination
    Turning of the palm upward or forward
  124. Sagittal Plane
    The plane that divides the body into right and left portions
  125. Positional and Directional
    reference are based on the body being in Anatomical position
  126. Distal
    away from the origin of a structure
  127. Superior
    toward the head
  128. Abduction
    Movement away from the body
  129. Adduction
    movement toward the body
  130. Ostealgia
    bone pain
  131. Myalgia
    muscle pain
  132. Spasticity
    an uncontrolled contraction of skeletal muscles causing stiff and awkward movements
  133. Flaccid
    Flabby, relaxed, or having defective or absent muscle tone
  134. Arthralgia
    joint pain
  135. Tetany
    prolonged, continuous muslce contraction
  136. Rigor/ Rigidity
    stiff muscle
  137. Hypertrophy
    the increase in the size of a muscle
  138. Kyphosis
  139. Osteoporosis
    The condition in which bones become less dense and more porous
  140. Closed reduction
    realigning of fractures
  141. Rheumatoid Arthritis
    the most crippling, especially affecting the hands and feet.
  142. Greenstick Fracture
    A fracture that is partoal or incomplete that is most often seen in children
  143. Amputation
    removal of a limb, and often requires fitting for a Prosthesis
  144. Scoliosis
    a side-to-side or lateral curvature of the spine
  145. Sprain
    injury to a joint capsule and its supporting ligaments
  146. Bursae
    The sacs around some joints filled with synovial fluid
  147. Rotator cuff injury
    located in the shoulder
  148. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
    repetitive motion use of the hands and wrists
  149. Q: Which part of the body is affected by PLANTAR FASCLITIS?
    A: bottom of foot
  150. Gout
    The form of arthritis caused by the deposit of uric acid crystals into a joint.
  151. Callus
    when a fractured bone is healing, the substance deposited around the break that holds the end of the bones together
  152. Dupuytren's contracture
    affects the fingers (ringfinger)
  153. Compound Fracture
    A fracture in which the broken end of the bone protrudes through the skin
  154. Osteoarthritis
    the type of arthritis that is caused by wear and tear on weight-bearing joints
  155. Lateral Epicon Dylitid (LED)
    tennis elbow
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diana final 2
final study 2