1. dendrology
    study of trees and how/where they grow
  2. cardinal directions
    N, S, E, W
  3. bearing is expressed
  4. azimuth compass has degrees from...
  5. contour lines, all points on line have...
    same elevation
  6. section has how many acres
  7. chain is...
    66 ft
  8. mile is...
    5,280 feet
  9. who created gps
    u.s. military
  10. gps system elements
    satellites, receivers, ground stations, software
  11. gps is used for
    • navigating around the landscape
    • mapping landscape features
  12. normal constellation of satellites and current
    • 24+
    • currently approx. 31
    • six orbits, four satelites in each orbit
  13. altitude and orbit of satellite
    11,000 miles and 12 hour orbit
  14. ground stations
    • five ground stations
    • master control station in colorado springs
  15. to find horizontal position you need
    • triangulation
    • at least three fixed objects
    • knowing elevation requires a fourth
  16. gps satelites broadcast signals
    • L-band of microwave spectrum
    • 186,000 miles/sec.
  17. each satellite sends...
    • ephemeris (own location)
    • almanac (location of all others)
    • signal indicating time sent
  18. secret to gps is...
  19. receivers do what?
    calculate distance to each satellite based on time required for signal to arrive
  20. 3 types of signals
    • coarse acquisition code- CA
    • Carrier phase code- L1 & L2
    • military- P code
  21. errors of gps...
    • multipath error
    • selective availability
    • receiver clock
    • atmosphere
    • satellite clock
    • ephemeris error
  22. geometric dilution of position
    • better solution when widely spaced satellites over cluster
    • lower GDOP value better the position
  23. differential collection
    • allows improved accuracy through collected data
    • receiving signals from 2 sources to compare and give corrections
    • removes all errors except multipath
  24. WASS
    • wide area augmentation system
    • 25 ground stations administered by FAA
    • only covers N. America
    • transmits satellite corrections
  25. accuracy of receivers
    • recreation grade- 1-3 meters
    • mapping grade- 1m or less
    • survey- 1-5cm
  26. waypoints...tracks...routes
    • point with coordinates
    • dynamic line following waypoints
    • static multi reading points that create a track
  27. latitude and longitude
    • lat- E-W 180 degrees
    • lon- N-S  0-90 degrees
  28. UTM
    • universal transverse mercator
    • each zone has central meridian
    • defines horizontal positions into 6 degree zones
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