Patho 3

  1. Clinical manifestations of polyneuropathies: paresthesia
    numbness, tingling, pins, and needles
  2. Clinical manifestations of polyneuropathies: hyperalgesia
    increased pain perception
  3. Clinical manifestations of polyneuropathies: hypesthesia
    • decreased perception of touch, pain, temperature, and cold
    • usually occurs in lower extremities - more frequently peroneal and femoral nerve
  4. Other clinical manifestations of polyneuropathies
    • decreased vibration sense
    • decreased ankle and knee-jerk reflexes
    • loss of position sense increases risk for injury to extremities
  5. What HLA antigens are associated with Type 1 diabetes?
    • MHC Class II HLA-linked
    • Research indicates one susceptible gene in Type 1 diabetes located in HLA-D region
    • - DR3, DR4 alleles
    • 95% of Caucasians with Type 1 diabetes have DR3 or DR4 allele or both
  6. Is genetic tendency stronger for Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes?
    • Type 2
    • - Type 1 - 30-70% concordance in twins; only 5-10% of children of 1st-degree relatives develop diabetes
    • - Type 2 - 90% concordance in twins; 66% have 1 relative with diabetes; 46% have 2 relatives with diabetes
  7. What are common s/s of diabetes?
    • polyuria
    • polyphagia
    • polydipsia
  8. How are free fatty acids transported in blood versus triglycerides?
    FFA - released into circulation bound to albumin
  9. Criteria for diagnosis of diabetes from the American Diabetes Association.
    • Random blood glucose >200 mg/dL associated with classic symptoms of hyperglycemia
    • - polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia
    • Fasting blood glucose >125 mg/dL on @ least 2 tests
    • Glucose tolerance test - value @ 2 hours >200 mg/dL or more
    • - impaired glucose tolerance indicated by 2 hour glucose between 140-200 mg/dL
Card Set
Patho 3
endocrine diabetic complications