Anatomical Kinesiology

  1. iliopsoas (true groin muscles)
    • psoas major: O: transverse process of lumbar vertebrae
    • I: lesser trochanter
    • Iliacus: O: iliac fossa
    • I: lesser trochanter
    • A: hip flexion, external rotation, adduction
  2. sartorius (biarticular, tailor's muscle)
    • O: ASIS
    • I: upper, medial part of tibia
    • A: hip flexion, external rotation, abduction, knee flexion
  3. Rectus femoris (biarticular)
    • O: anterior head: AIIS
    • posterior head: upper margin of acetabulum
    • I: top of patella to the tibial tuberosity, by way of the patellar tendon
    • A: hip flexion, knee extension
    • The only quadricep muscle that crosses the hip
  4. pectineus
    • O: superior ramus of pubis
    • I: lesser trochanter to linea asperia (pectineal line)
    • A: adduction, flexion, external rotation
  5. adductor brevis
    • O: inferior ramus of pubis
    • I: upper 1/3 medial linea aspera
    • A: adduction, flexion, external rotation
  6. adductor longus
    • O: anterior bod of pubus
    • I: medial 1/3 linea aspera
    • A: adduction, flexion, external rotation
    • superficial
  7. adductor magnus
    • O: inferior ramus of pubis, ischium
    • I: linea aspera, adductor tubercle of femur
    • A: adduction flexion, external rotation, extension, hyperextension, internal rotation
  8. gracilis (biarticular)
    • O: inferior ramus and body of pubis
    • I: upper, anterior-medial surface of tibia
    • A: adduction, hip flexion, knee flexion
  9. femoral triangle
    • inguinal ligament
    • sartorius
    • adductor longus
  10. hamstring muscles
    • biceps femoris
    • semimembranosus
    • semitendinosus
  11. biceps femoris
    • O: long head: ischial tuberosity
    • short head: 1/2 down linea aspera
    • I: fibular head, lateral condyle of tibia
    • A: knee flexion, hip extension, hip hyperextension, hip external rotation, hip adduction
  12. semimembranosus
    • O: ischial tuberosity
    • I: posterior part of the medial condyle of tibia
    • A: knee flexion, hip extension, hip hyperextension, hip internal rotation, hip adduction
  13. semitendinosus
    • O: iscial tuberosity
    • I: upper medial part of shaft of tibia
    • A: knee flexion, hip extension, hip hyper, hip internal rotation, hip adduction
    • superficial
  14. gluteus maximus
    • O: gluteal line of ilium, sacrum/ coccyx
    • I: IT band
    • A: hip extension, hyper, external rotation
    • adduction
  15. gluteus medius
    • O: posterior surface of ilium
    • I: greater trochanter
    • A: abduction, flexion, internal rotation, extension, hyper, external rotation
    • superficial
  16. gluteus minimus
    • O: lower part of posterior surface of ilium
    • I: greater trochanter
    • A: abduction, internal rotation, flexion
  17. Tensor fasciae latae
    • O: ASIS
    • I: IT band
    • A: abduction, hip flexion, internal rotation
  18. External rotators
    • O: ischium
    • I: greater trochanter
    • A: external rotation, stabilize femur
    • piriformis
    • obturator externus
    • obturator internus
    • gemellus superior
    • gemellus inferior
    • quadratus femoris
  19. What do the hamstrings do and how are they injured?
    • helps slow the leg down at the end of the walking/running swing phase
    • occurs when trying to slow the tibia right before ground contact because that is when it is maximally stretched
  20. gastrocnemius
    • O: medial head: medial condyle of femur
    • lateral head: lateral condyle of femur
    • I: achilles tendon to calcaneus
    • A: assists with knee flexion, plantar flexion
  21. popliteus
    • O: lateral condyle of femur
    • I: upper posterior part of tibia
    • A: knee flexion
  22. plantaris
    • O: lateral condyle of femur
    • I: achilles tendon to calcaneus
    • A: assists in knee flexion, plantar flexion
  23. vastus intermedius
    • O: anterior surface of femur
    • I: top of patella to the tibial tuberosity by way of the patellar tendon
    • A: knee extension
  24. vastus medialis
    • O: medial surface of femur, linea aspera
    • I: top of patella to the tibial tuberosity by way of the patellar tendon
    • A: knee extension
  25. vastus lateralis
    • O: lateral part of femur, greater trochanter, linea aspera
    • I: top of patella to the tibial tuberosity by way of the patellar tendon
    • A: knee extension
  26. tibialis anterior
    • O: lateral condyle, upper part of tibia shaft
    • I: plantar part of 1st cuneiform and metatarsal
    • A: dorsiflexion, inversion
  27. extensor digitorum longus
    • O: lateral condyle of tibia, upper part of fibula
    • I: dorsal part of 2-5th toes
    • A: extension, hyper of toes, dorsiflexion, eversion
  28. extensor hallucis longus
    • O: middle part of fibula
    • I: big toe
    • A: extension, hyper of big toe, dorsiflexion, inversion
  29. peroneus tertius (peroneus=eversion)
    • O: lower 1/3 of fibula
    • I: dorsal surface of 5th metatarsal
    • A: dorsiflexion, eversion
  30. peroneus longus
    • O: upper lateral 2/3 of fibula
    • I: plantar surface of 1st cuneiform and metatarsal
    • A: plantar flexion, eversion
  31. peroneus brevis
    • O: lower 2/3 of fibula
    • I: lateral side 5th metatarsal
    • A: plantar flexion, eversion
  32. soleus
    • O: upper part tibia and fibula
    • I: achilles tendon to calcaneus
    • A: plantar flexion
  33. tibialis posterior
    • O: lateral part of tibia, upper part of fibula
    • I: plantar surface of navicular bone, cuboid, the cuneiforms, 2-4th metatarsals, and calcaneus
    • A: plantar flexion, inversion
  34. flexor digitorum longus
    • O: medial-posterior part of tibia
    • I: plantar surface of 2-5th toes
    • A: tow flexion, flantar flexion, inversion
  35. flexor hallucis longus
    • O: lower 2/3 of fibula
    • I: plantar surface of big toe
    • A: big toe flexion, plantar flexion, inversion
  36. toe muscles
    • quadratus plantae: flex toes
    • lumbricals: plantar surface toe flexors
    • plantar and dorsal interossei: plantar adducts, dorsal abducts
Card Set
Anatomical Kinesiology
Test 3