
  1. Abyssinian
  2. Abyssinian
  3. American Bobtail
  4. American Bobtail
  5. American Bobtail
  6. American Bobtail
  7. American Curl
  8. American Curl
  9. American Curl
  10. American Curl
  11. American Shorthair
  12. American Shorthair
  13. American Shorthair
  14. American Wirehair
  15. American Wirehair
  16. American Wirehair
  17. Balinese
  18. Balinese
  19. Balinese
  20. Balinese-Javanese
  21. Balinese-Javanese
  22. Balinese-Javanese
  23. Birman
  24. Birman
  25. Birman
  26. Bombay
  27. Bombay
  28. Bombay
  29. British Shorthair
  30. British Shorthair
  31. Burmese
  32. Burmese
  33. Burmese
  34. Burmilla
  35. Burmilla
  36. Chartreux
  37. Chartreux
  38. Chartreux
  39. Chinese Li Hua
  40. Chinese Li Hua
  41. Chinese Li Hua
  42. Colorpoint Shorthair
  43. Colorpoint Shorthair
  44. Colorpoint Shorthair
  45. Cornish Rex
  46. Cornish Rex
  47. Cornish Rex
  48. Devon Rex
  49. Devon Rex
  50. Devon Rex
  51. Egyptian Mau
  52. Egyptian Mau
  53. Egyptian Mau
  54. European Burmese
  55. European Burmese
  56. European Burmese
  57. Exotic
  58. Exotic
  59. Exotic
  60. Exotic
  61. Exotic
  62. Havana Brown
  63. Havana Brown
  64. Havana Brown
  65. Japanese Bobtail
  66. Japanese Bobtail
  67. Japanese Bobtail
  68. Japanese Bobtail
  69. Japanese Bobtail
  70. Japanese Bobtail
  71. Korat
  72. Korat
  73. LaPerm
  74. LaPerm
  75. LaPerm
  76. Maine Coon
  77. Maine Coon
  78. Maine Coon
  79. Manx
  80. Manx
  81. Manx
  82. Manx
  83. Manx
  84. Norwegian Forest Cat
  85. Norwegian Forest Cat
  86. Norwegian Forest Cat
  87. Ocicat
  88. Ocicat
  89. Ocicat
  90. Oriental
  91. Oriental
  92. Oriental
  93. Oriental
  94. Oriental
  95. Oriental
  96. Oriental
  97. Persian
  98. Persian
  99. RagaMuffin
  100. RagaMuffin
  101. RagaMuffin
  102. Ragdoll
  103. Ragdoll
  104. Ragdoll
  105. Russian Blue
  106. Russian Blue
  107. Russian Blue
  108. Scottish Fold
  109. Scottish Fold
  110. Scottish Fold
  111. Scottish Fold
  112. Scottish Fold
  113. Selkirk Rex
  114. Selkirk Rex
  115. Selkirk Rex
  116. Selkirk Rex
  117. Selkirk Rex
  118. Selkirk Rex
  119. Siamese
  120. Siamese
  121. Siamese
  122. Siberian
  123. Siberian
  124. Siberian
  125. Singapura
  126. Somali
  127. Somali
  128. Somali
  129. Sphynx
  130. Tonkinese
  131. Tonkinese
  132. Tonkinese
  133. Turkish Angora
  134. Turkish Angora
  135. Turkish Angora
  136. Turkish Van
  137. Turkish Van
  138. Turkish Van
  139. Bengal
  140. Bengal
  141. Cymric
  142. Cymric
  143. Cymric
  144. Himalayan
  145. Himalayan
  146. Kurilian Bobtail
  147. Kurilian Bobtail
  148. Munchkin
  149. Munchkin
  150. Munchkin
  151. Nebelung
  152. Peterbald
  153. Peterbald
  154. Pixiebob
  155. Pixiebob
  156. Savannah
  157. Savannah
  158. Scottish Fold
  159. Scottish Fold
  160. Scottish Fold
  161. Snowshoe
  162. Snowshoe
  163. Snowshoe
  164. Thai
  165. Thai
  166. Thai
  167. Other names for Feline Panleukopenia
    • Feline Parvovirus
    • Feline Infectious Anemia
    • Feline Distemper
  168. Incubation for Feline Panleukopenia
    3-10 days
  169. Symptoms of Feline Panleukopenia
    Diarrhea, Leukopenia, Vomitting, Motality high in young kittens
  170. Treatment for Feline Panleukopenia
    Fluids and antibiotics
  171. Disease related to Feline Respiratory Complex
    • Feline Rhinotracheitis
    • Feline Calicivirus
    • Feline Pneumonitis - bacterial
  172. Incubation period for Feline Respiratory Complex
    3-10 days
  173. Symptoms for Feline Respiratory Complex
    Conjunctivitis, pyrexia, rhinits, sneezing
  174. Treatment for Feline Respiratory Complex
    Supportive therapy, antibiotics
  175. Incubation for Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV).
    Virus is ______ outside the cat's body
    How is it transmitted?
    • Incubation depends on the cat - maybe months or years.
    • unstable
    • Transmission is cat to cat contact.
  176. 11 Symptoms for Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV)
    Anemia, anorexia, depression, enlarged lymph nodes, polyuria, respiratory distress, weight loss, fetal resoprtion, abortion, infertility and "fading" kitten syndrome.
  177. How do you diagnose Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV)
    ELISA or IFA test
  178. Treatment for Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV)
    There is no cure. Chemotherapeutic agents may be effective for varting lenghts of time.
  179. Incubation period for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)
    How is disease transmitted?
    • Incubation: months or years
    • Transmission through bite wounds
  180. How do you diagnose Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)
    ELISA test
  181. Treatment for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)
    There is no cure - eventually fatal.
Card Set
Cat Fanciers' Association & TICA, Feline Infectious Disease