A&P Ch 12 and 13 Nervous system

  1. The CNS is made up of the ______ and ____ _____.
    brain, spinal cord
  2. Which of the following is NOT a supportive cell of the nervous system? 
     a. Astrocyte  
    b. Microglia  
    c. Pyramidal  
    d. Oligodendrocyte
    C pyramidal
  3. The point at which an impulse from one nerve cell is communicated to another is called the 
     a. effector 
     b. synapse  
    c. receptor 
     d. terminal
    b. synapse
  4. The gap between Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system is called a(n): 
     a. nissl body 
     b. node of Ranvier  
    c. connexon 
     d. Ohm
    b. node of Ranvier
  5. The period after an initial impulse when a neuron is not sensitive to another stimulus is the: 
     a. resting period 
     b. refractory period  
    c. depolarized period  
    d. repolarized period
    b. refractory period
  6. Which of the following is not a function of the autonomic nervous system? 
     a. innervation of smooth muscle of the digestive tract 
     b. innervation of cardiac muscle  
    c. innervation of glands 
     d. innervation of skeletal muscle
    d. innervation of skeletal muscle
  7. A neuron that has a primary function of connecting other neurons together is called a(n): 
     a. sensory neuron  
    b. motor neuron  
    c. connexon  
    d. association neuron
    d. association neuron
  8. The central nervous system includes 
     a. the autonomic nervous system  
    b. the spinal cord  
    c. the peripheral nerves 
     d. sensory receptors
    b. the spinal cord
  9. The supportive cells that are functionally similar to the schwann cells are the ____ cells.  

     d. astrocyte
    A. oligodendrocyte
  10. Motor neurons are  
    a. Unipolar 
     b. bipolar  
    c. multipolar  
    d. nonpolar
    c. multipolar
  11. After an action potential has peaked, which cellular gates open?  
    a. Calcium 
     b. Sodium  
    c. Potassium  
    d. Chloride
    c. potassium
  12. The sympathetic and parasympathetic are subdivisions of the: 
    a. central nervous system 
     b. voluntary nervous system  
    c. autonomic nervous system  
    d. somatic nervous system
    c. autonomic nervous system
  13. Direct-acting neurotransmitters  

    C. open ion channels to provoke rapid responses
  14. Neuron processes that carry inpulses away from the nerve cell body are called  
    a. nissl bodies  
    b. dendrites  
    c. axons  
    d. epineurium
    c axons
  15. Bipolar neurons are found:  

     d. in most nervous pathways.
    A. in the retina of the eye
  16. The function of ependymal cells is to  
    a. connect nerve processes and blood vessels together  
    b. clear debris and damaged cells from nervous tissue 
     c. circulate cerebral spinal fluid 
     d. cover nerve processes to help speed up nerve impulses
    c. circulate cerebral spinal fluid
  17. Saltatory conduction is made possible by the 
     a. myelin sheath 
     b. large nerve fibers  
    c. large nerve impulses  
    d. simultaneous impulses
    a. myelin sheath
  18. IPSPs function to  
    a. depolarize the postsynaptic neuron  
    b. depolarize the presynaptic neuron 
     c. hyperpolarize the postsynaptic neuron  
    d. hyperpolarize the presynaptic neuron
    c. hyperpolarize the postsynaptic neuron
  19. Which system functions during emergency situations?  
    a. sympathetic 
     b. parasympathetic  
    c. somatic 
     d. central
    a sympathetic
  20. A neural circuit in which a single impulse is repeated over and over again is called a  
    a. converging circuit  
    b. diverging circuit
    c. parallel circuit 
     d. reverberating circuit
    d. reverberation circuit
  21. Which is not a characteristic of neurons? 
     a. They are amitotic  
    b. They require a continuous supply of oxygen 
     c. They have a fast metabolic rate  
    d. They normally live for only a few days
    d. they normally live for only a few days.
  22. A major nerve of the cervical plexus is the:  
    a. radial. 
     b. sciatic. 
     c. vagus.  
    d. phrenic.
    d phrenic
  23. A reflex that causes muscle relaxation and lengthening in response to muscle contraction is called a: 
     a. deep tendon reflex.  
    b. crossed extensor reflex.  
    c. plantar reflex.  
    d. flexor reflex.
    a. deep tendon reflex
  24. A simple spinal reflex goes along which of the following reflex arcs?  

    C.  receptor, afferent neuron, integration center, efferent neuron, effector
  25. Basic reflexes: 
     a. may be modified by learned behavior. 
     b. are rapid, predictable, learned responses. 
     c. are autonomic only.  
    d. are always mediated by the brain.
    a. may be modified by learned behavior. 
  26. Golgi tendon organs: 
     a. are proprioceptors.  
    b. are photoreceptors.
      c. are exteroceptors. 
     d. are found primarily in dermal papillae.
    a. are proprioceptors
  27. If the ventral root of a spinal nerve were cut, what would be the result in the tissue or region that nerve supplies?  a. complete loss of sensation 
     b. a complete loss of sensation and movement 
     c. loss of neither sensation nor movement but only of autonomic control  
    d. a complete loss of voluntary movement
    d. a complete loss of voluntary movement
  28. In a crossed extensor reflex, if the right arm were grabbed it would flex and the left arm would:  
    a. also flex.  
    b. adduct.  
    c. abduct. 
     d. extend.
  29. Nerves that carry impulses toward the CNS only are:  
    a. mixed nerves.  
    b. efferent nerves. 
     c. afferent nerves. 
     d. motor nerves.
    c. afferent nerves
  30. Select the statement about plexuses that is most correct:  a. Only ventral rami form plexuses. 
     b. The ventral rami of thoracic spinal nerves unite to form the thoracic plexus.  
    c. The dorsal rami of all spinal nerves unite to form complex networks.  
    d. Each branch of the plexus contains fibers from a single spinal nerve.
    a. only ventral rami form plexuses
  31. The sciatic nerve is a combination of which two nerves?  
    a. posterior femoral cutaneous and tibial 
     b. pudendal and common peroneal 
     c. pudendal and posterior femoral cutaneous 
     d. common peroneal and tibial
    d. common peroneal and tibial
  32. Neurotransmitter Receptor Mechanisms 

    _______ binds to G protein-linked ______. G protein is activated and ___ is hydrolyzed to GDP. The activated ______ complex activates adenylate cyclase. Adenylate cyclase catalyzes the formation of _____ from ATP.  cAMP, a _____ messanger, brings about various cellular responses.
    Neurotransmitter, receptor, GTP, G protein, cAMP. second

    Neurotransmitters binds to G protein-linked receptors. G protein is activated and GTP is hydrolyzed to GDP. The activated G protein complex activates adenylate cyclase. Adenylate cyclase catalyzes the formation of cAMP from ATP.  cAMP, a second messanger, brings about various cellular responses.
  33. The PNS or peripheral nerous system is _____ _____ and _____ _____.
    paired spinal, cranial nerves.
  34. The ________ is a collection of nerve cell bodies outside the CNS.
  35. Are sensory neres afferent or efferent?
    afferent (input)
  36. Are motor nerves afferent or efferent?
    efferent (output)
  37. The _______ sensory division carries impulses from skin, skeletal muscles, and joints to the brain.

  38. The 2 divisions of the Autonomic nervous system is the ___________ and the _________.
    sympathetic, parasympathetic
  39. Another name for a nerve cell is a ______.
  40. physiological properties of nerve cells are:
    • Excitability- response to stimuli
    • Conductivity- passing electrical signals to distant cells
    • Secretion- neurotransmitters
  41. What are neurotransmitters?
    Chemical messengers in axon terminals.
  42. The three parts of a neuron are?
    soma, axon, dendrites
  43. The ________ is the receptive, input region of the neuron.
  44. A quick involuntary, stereotyped response to stimulus is called a ____.
  45. Identify the functions of the spinal cord.
    • locomotion
    • reflexes
    • conduction
  46. The ______ is a series of fibrous connective tissue membranes covering the CNS.
  47. Place the reflex arc pathway in order.
    integration center
    afferent nerve fiber
    efferent nerve fiber
    • receptor
    • afferent nerve fiber
    • integrating center
    • efferent nerve fiber
    • effector
  48. The spinal cord begins at the _______ ______.
    medullary cone
    foramen magnum
    foramen magnum
  49. "nerve fiber" refers to the _____ of a neuron.
  50. The ____ matter of the CNS is where the neuron cell bodies, dendrites, and synapses are found.
  51. Image Upload 2
    Image Upload 4
  52. Post-gagnlionic ______ fibers are nerve fibers that innervate skin, skeletal muscles, bones and joints.
  53. The ________ is a fibrous connective tissue membrane covering the central nervous system.
  54. Adult humans have ____ pairs of spinal nerves.
  55. How many spinal nerves emerge from the lumbar?
    8 pairs
    5 pairs
    12 pairs
    5 pairs
  56. How many spinal nerves emerge from the cerical?
    8 pairs
    5 pairs
    12 pairs
    8 pairs
  57. How many spinal nerves emerge from the thoracic?
    8 pairs
    5 pairs
    12 pairs
    12 pairs
  58. ______ matter is myelinated nervous tissue deep to the cortex of the cerebrum and cerebellum.
  59. What are the 3 functions of the Nervous System?
    • Sensory input- monitoring stimuli
    • Integration- interpretation of sensory input
    • Motor output- response to stimuli by activation effector organs
  60. Which are cells of the PNS?
    ependymal cells
    • Oligodendrocytes
    • ependymal cells
    • microglia
  61. Which are cells of the CNS?
    ependymal cells
    • Schwann
    • satellite
  62. The ______ are branched cells that wrap CNS nerve fibers.
    schwann cells
  63. The ___________ line the central cavities of the brain and spinal column. Produce CSF and help with the circulation of CSF.
    Ependymal cells
  64. The ________are small, ovoid cells with spiny processes that function as Phagocytes that monitor the health of neurons.
  65. The _________ are the most abundant, versatile cells, they are the "scaffolding" of the CNS
  66. ________ cells surround nerve fibers in the PNS.
  67. _______ cells surround neuron cell bodies in ganglia in PNS.
  68. Sensory or ______ trasmit impulses toward the CNS.
  69. Motor or ______ carry impulses away from the CNS.
  70. _______ shuttle signals through CNS pathways.
  71. Schwann cells make up the ____ _____.
    myelin sheath
Card Set
A&P Ch 12 and 13 Nervous system
nervous system