SFL 465 Test 2

  1. According to the FT text, helping family members cope better with members who have major mental disorders is called, WHAT?
    psychoeducational family therapy
  2. Name the following therapy:
    problem-solving training to manage day-to-day stress, therapeutic efforts, bring family’s competencies and resiliency into play, teach members of family how and from whom to obtain mental health, welfare and medical services
    psychoeducational family therapy
  3. What mental disorder was first treated with psychoeducational family therapy?
  4. What are the 4 components of most marriage ed programs?
    • Awareness
    • Feedback
    • Cognitive Change
    • Skills Training
  5. In marriage ed programs, what does Awareness mean?
    • focuses on transmission of information
    • clarification of expectations
    • increasing couple awareness of key processes that influence relationship outcomes
  6. In marriage ed programs, what does Feedback mean?
    individualized assessments and feedback to couple about their current relationships
  7. In Marriage ed programs, what does Cognitive Change mean?
    encourage attitudes and thoughts believed to promote positive couple relationships
  8. In marriage ed programs, what does Skills Training mean?
    mixture of lectures demonstrations, and opportunities to practice key relationship skills
  9. Halford says there are 2 approaches to marriage ed that have scientific evidence. What are they?
    PREP and RELATE have been systematically evaluated (EST)
  10. What does Halford say about the long-term effectiveness of marriage ed?
    It lasts longer than therapy because it teaches couples the skills necessary to enhance their own marriage (Prevention)
  11. What does Halford say about who attends Marriage Education?
    At risk couples are less likely to attend ME than low risk, but more likely to benefit.
  12. When is the best time for most couples to be involved in ME?
    The best time to be in ME is the beginning stages of marriage, transition to parenthood, relocation, major illness → life changing transitions
  13. The father of the ME movement is who?
  14. What are the historical antecedents of ME?
    • - Human potential movement
    • - Increase in self-help groups
    • - Growth of consumerism - cost effective treatments
    • - Behavioral therapy
    • - Family life education
  15. What are the myths and taboos couples must overcome to do ME?
    • - The Myth of naturalism (people naturally learn to listen & talk perfectly with their spouse & others)
    • - The intermarriage taboo
    • - The intramarriage taboo
    • - Net worth the time and money
    • - “If it works, don’t fix it!”
  16. How are ME and marital therapy different according to the Mace model?
    ME is for couples that are not at risk/distressed
  17. What are NOT good candidates for ME according to Mace?
    • - Very chaotic couples or families.
    • - Couples or families in crisis.
    • - Uncooperative couples.
    • - Individuals with chronic symptomology.
  18. What are the 3 levels of prevention?
    • Primary prevention
    • Seconday prevention
    • Remediation
  19. What is primary prevention?
    Intervention with normal and functioning couples (Marriage Enrichment)
  20. What is secondary prevention?
    Intervention with relationships at risk, ex: troubled marriages (Marriage Enrichment Therapy)
  21. What is remediation?
    Intervention with highly distressed couples (Marriage Therapy)
  22. What is expressed emotion and how does it cause families problems?
    “EE” is a misnomer, because it sounds like a good thing (to express our emotions) but it occurs in families with schizophrenia or other mental health disorders., where the ill person and their family cause “chronic chaotic conflict!” Their emotions are strongly outwardly negative.
  23. Which ME program we studied is entirely led by trained lay couples?
  24. What are the advantages of flexible delivery programs such as Couple CARE over traditional CRE programs?
    • - They can be done basically anywhere.
    • - In your own home
    • - At your own pace
  25. What are the 5 parts of the awareness wheel? (Couple Communication program)
    • 1. Cognitive (thoughts)
    • 2.Affective (feelings)
    • 3.Behavioral (actions)
    • 4.perceptual (sensory, verbal and nonverbal data)
    • 5.motivational-conative (valued wants/longings)
  26. What are the 5 steps of self-directed change (Couple CARE)?
    • Describe the behavior
    • Focus on your own behavior
    • Set goal
    • Action
    • Evaluate effectiveness
  27. What does step 1 of self directed change consist of? (Describe the behavior)
    what do I currently do and what are the positives and negatives of my behavior?
  28. What does step 2 of self directed change consist of? (Focus on your own behavior)
    what do I want to change?
  29. What does step 3 of self directed change consist of? (Set goal)
    Set a clear & specific goal that describes what I want to do differently in my relationship behavior.
  30. What does step 4 of self directed change consist of? (Action)
    Define what I will do (specific strategy & time bound)
  31. What does step 5 of self directed change consist of? (Evaluate effectiveness)
    what did I do? What were the positives & negative results? What do I need from here?
  32. What is couple dialogue?
    Couple Dialogue is a technique in which members of a couple face each other and talk about an agreed-upon topic, using communication skills to the best of their ability.
  33. What are the differences in the 3 types of “couple dialogue” used in the Better Marriages program?
    • Private couple dialogue
    • Simultaneous dialogue
    • Open couple dialogue
  34. What is private couple dialogue?
    A couple is given a task or discussion topic and then are asked to leave the room and discuss in private.
  35. What is simultaneous dialogue?
    Similar to Private Couple Dialogue, except the couple discusses the topic or task in the group setting with low voices. The low voices give a sense of privacy. All couples in the group discuss with their partners at the same time in the same room.
  36. What is open couple dialogue?
    One couple discusses the topic or task in front of the group. The group is able to observe the discussion.
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SFL 465 Test 2
SFL 465 Test 2