co2+h20--c6 h12 06 + 02
vascular bundles
bring in water
mesophyll cells
full of chloroplasts
microscopic organelles found in plants
what proccess occurs in chloroplasts?
what happens in the light dependent reactions?
convert energy to ATP
what happens in the calvin cycle?
convert c02 to glucose
what is glucose used for?
energy, starch, cellulose
photosynthesis and global warming
deforestation and temerature change...less growth when hot
glucose metabolism
c6 h12 06 02-- c02+h20
adenosine triphosphate
with out oxygen
where does the respiration take place in the cell?
cytoplasim of cell
Step 1 glycolysis
aerobic end product, anaerobic end product
step 2 krebs cycle
carbon dioxide, NADH
step 3 electron transport chain
which steps take place in mitochondria?
2 and 3
which step froms the most ATP?
What is the effect of temperature on respiration (glucose metabolism)?
increase rate of reproduction because cellular respiration increases (bark beetle example)
What happens when neurotransmitters are released?
diffuses across the synaptic cleft
Where are neurotransmitters released from?
terminal bouton
dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, eninephrine, endorphins
reward/increase heart rate
zoloft,prozac, anti depressent
binary fission-bacteria, budding-hydra
benifits of asexual
one parent
benifits of sexual?
two parents
sexual reproduction
most organisms, male sperm female egg
produce both sperm and egg
external fertilization
out of body. usual needs water common for fish and amphibians
internal fertilization
inside body
prostate and seminal vesicle
makes semen
is sperm continuosly made?
yes after puberty
what is the male hormone?
enviornmental tobacco smoke
second hand smoke and exhaled smoke
large number of chemicals in tobacco smoke
nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide
why does second hand smoke contain more carbon monoxide?
higher concentrations of toxic chemicals are present
pathway of air from enviornment to blood in the body
what is the function of cilia located in the trachea?
stop lung damage, sweeps away bacteria through saliva
What effect does smoking have on the cilia?
destroys it
lungs contain alveoli...they are sacs of what?
are the sites of gas exchange with blood capillaries
when the diaphram contracts what happens to the pressure and air movement?
lung expands..negative
When the disphragm relaxes what happens to pressure and air movement?
push air out of lungs
What are the characteristics of a health lung?
pink, alveoli makes lungs spongy
smokers lungs?
large irregular air sacs/shrinking blood sacs
What happens during emphysema?
damage to lungs and air sacs/harder to breathe
What is typical survial rate of lung cancer?
42% in one year, 5 years 16%
blood is comprised of
platelets, plasma, and cells
red and white cells
trigger blood clotting. needs proteins
hemoglobin binds to what molecule from tobacco smoke?
carbon monoxide
what is anemia?
lower than normal amount of red blood cells
pump blood AWAY from heart
which chamber recieves blood?
which chambers pump out blood?
whch chamber recieves oxygen rich blood?
left atrium
which chamber recieves oxygen poor blood?
right atrium
which chamber sends blood to the whole body?
left ventricle
which chamber sends blood to the lungs?
right ventricle
any vessel that carries blood AWAY from heart
carries blood TOWARD the heart
oxygen exchange in lungs and body. exhange of waste such as carbon dioxide and urea
How do lungs get rid of carbon dioxide?
central nervous system
spinal cord, brain
peripheral nervouse system
connect to CNS
recieve sensory receptors
transfer and interpret impulses
control of muscles and glands
impulses/intructions to muscles and glands
cells of nervous system
neurons and Glia
Neuron Components- dentrites
branched projections of a neuron
neuron components- cell body
N.C- axon
protoplasmic protusions that extrude from the cell body of a neuron
N.C.-axon terminal
distal terminations
N.C.- synapse between neurons
permits neurons to pass an electrical or chemical signal to another cell
what is the input part of a neuron?
what is the output part of a neuron?
what is action potentials?
short lasting event, electrical membrane potential of cell rapidly rises and falls
Where does action potentials occur?
excitable cells- neurons
what happens during ovulation?
release of egg
when ovulation occurs are estorgen levels high or low?
at what time does ovulation occur?
14 days
how long does an egg last?
12 hours
how long does a sperm last?
3-5 days
contangous disease that spreads rapidly