Chapter 11 Review

  1. Electric Circuit
    A closed path along which electrons that are powered by an energy source can flow.
  2. Voltaic Cell
    A source of energy that generates an electic current by chemical reactions invloving two different metals or metal compounds separated by a conducting solution
  3. Battery
    A connection of two or more cells
  4. Electrode
    One of two metal terminals in a cell or battery
  5. Electrolyte
    • A solution or paste that conducts charge
    • e.g. acetic acid
  6. Dry Cell
    A cell that contains an electrolyte made of a paste
  7. Wet Cell
    A cell that contains an electrolyte made of a liquid
  8. Primary Cell
    A cell that can be used only once
  9. Secondary Cell
    A cell that can be recharged
  10. Fuel Cell
    A cell that generates electricity through the chemical reactions of fuel that is stored outside the cell.
  11. Solar Cell
    • A cell that converts sunlight into electrical energy
    • e.g. a solar panel
  12. Terminal
    A position on a cell that must be connected to other components to form a circuit
  13. Switch
    A control device that can be complete or break the circuit it is connected to
  14. Open Circuit
    A circuit that contains a gap or break
  15. Electric Current
    • A measure of the number of charged particles that pass by a point in an electric circuit each second
    • Measured in Amps(A)
    • Symbol:
    • I
  16. Coulomb (C)
    The quantity of charge that is equal to the charge of 6.25 x 1018
  17. Ampere (A)
    The unit of electric current, equivalent to 1 coulomb per second
  18. Electrical Resistance
    The property of a substance that hinders electric current and converts electrical energy to other forms of energy
  19. Resistor
    A device used in an electric circuit to decrease the current through a component by a specific amount
  20. Load
    A resistor or any other device that transforms electrical energy into heat, motion, sound, or light
  21. Potential Difference (voltage)
    • The difference between the electric potential energy per unit of charge at two points in a circuit
    • Measured in Volts(V)
    • Symbol:
    • V
  22. Volt
    The unit for potential difference; equivalent to one joule (J) per coulomb (C)
  23. Circuit Diagram
    A diagram that uses standard symbols to represent the components in an electric circuit and their connections
  24. Series Circuit
    A circuit in which there is only one path along which electrons can flow
  25. Parallel Circuit
    A circuit in which there is more than one path along which electrons can flow
  26. Ohm's law
    The ratio of potential difference to current is a constant called resistance
  27. Ohm (Ω)
    • The unit for resistance, equivalent to one volt per ampere (V/A)
    • Measured in Ohms(Ω)
    • Symbol:
    • R
  28. Superconductor
    A material through which electric charge can flow with no resistance
  29. Non-ohmic
    Not following ohm's law
  30. Loads In Series
    • The current is the same at any point and the potential difference of the loads will always add up to the potential difference across the cell.
    • VT=V1+V2+V3
    • IT=I1=I2=I3
    • RT=R1+R2+R3
  31. Loads in Parallel
    • VT=V1=V2=V3
    • IT=I1+I2+I3
    • RT<R1; RT<R2; RT< R3
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Chapter 11 Review
The chapter 11 glossary terms