Chapter 11 glosary terms

  1. Electric circuit
    A closed path along which electrons that are powered by an energy source can flow
  2. Voltic cell
    A source of energy that generates an electric current by chemical reactions involving two different metals or metal compounds seperated by a conducting solution
  3. Battery
    A connection of two or more cells
  4. Electrode
    One or two metal terminals in a cell or battery
  5. Electolyte
    A solution or paste that conducts charge 
  6. Dry cell
    A cell that contains an electrolyte made of paste
  7. Wet cell
    A cell that contains a liquid electrolyte
  8. Priamary cell
    A cell that can be used only once
  9. Secondary cell
    A cell that can be used more than once or recharged
  10. Fuel cell
    A cell that generates electricity through cemical reactions of fuel that is stored outside
  11. Solar cell
    A cell that converts sunlight into electrical energy
  12. Terminal
    A position on a cell that must be connected to other components to form a circuit
  13. Switch
    A control device that can complete or break the circuit to which it is connected to
  14. Open circuit
    A cicuit that contains a gap or break
  15. Electric current
    A mesure of the number of charged particles that pass by a point in an electric circuit each second
  16. Coulumb(C)
     The quantity of charge that is equal to  the charge of 6.25x1018
  17. Ampere(A)
    The unit of electric current, equivelent to one coloumb per second
  18. Electric resistance
    The property of a substance that hinders elecric current and converts electrical energy into other forms of energy
  19. Resistor
    A device used in an electrical circuit to decrease the current throught a component by a specific amount
  20. Load
    A resistor or any other device that transforms electrical energy into heat,motion,sound,or light. EX: light,buzzer
  21. Potential difference(Voltage)
    The difference between the electric potential energy per unit of charge at two points in a circuit
  22. Volt
    The unit for potential difference;equivelent to one joule(J) Per coloumb(C)
  23. Cicuit diagram
    A diagram that uses standard symbols to represent the compounds in an electric circuit
  24. Series circuit
    A circuit in which there is only one path along the electrons can move
  25. Parellel circuit
    A cicuit in which there is more than one path for the electrons can flow
  26. Ohms law
    The ratio of potential difference to current in a constant called resistance
  27. Ohm(symbol not found on keyboard)
    The unit of resistance equivelent to one volt per ampere(V/A)
  28. Superconductor
    A material through which electrons can flow with no resistance
  29. Non-ohmic
    Not following ohms law
  30. Loads in series
    As more loads are added to the series more resistance is added and is simmilar to increasing the lenghth of the wire
  31. Loads in parallel
    The current entering a parellel connection divides thus, the  sum of current entering equals the current entering the connection
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Chapter 11 glosary terms
Chapter 11 glossary terms Mrs.DAY