Tone Vocab I-J

  1. Impartial
    • Fair
    • Just
    • Unpredijuce
    • Unbiased
  2. Impaitient
    • Anxious
    • Antsy
    • Keen
    • Unwilling to wait
  3. Incisive
    • Intelligent
    • Bright
    • Clear and direct
  4. Incredulous
    • Unbeliving
    • Doubtful
    • Skeptical
  5. Indifferent
    • Unintersted
    • Apathetic
    • Aloof
  6. Indignant
    • Angry
    • Annoyed
    • Prvoked
    • Furious
  7. Indirect
    • Unintended
    • Obsqure
    • Sneaky
    • Implied
  8. Inflammatory
    • Instigative
    • Angering
    • Provoking
    • Tending to cause anger of hostlity
  9. Informal
    • Causual
    • Everyday
    • Simple Easygoing
  10. Informative
    • Disctriptive
    • Edifying
    • Educational
    • Explanatory
  11. Insecure
    • uncertain
    • unconfident
    • unsre
    • apprihensive, affraid or worried
  12. Insipid
    • Dull
    • Uninteresting
    • Drab
    • Ordinary
    • Bland
  13. Insistent
    • Demanding
    • assertive
    • Forceful
    • Persistant
  14. Intimate
    • Colse
    • Affectionate
    • Devoted or regular
    • Snug/warm
  15. Introspective
    • Thoughtfull
    • Mindful
    • Aware
  16. Ironic
    • Coincedental
    • unexpected
    • satirical
    • Contradictory
  17. Irrverent
    • Disrespectful
    • Contempous
    • Rude
    • Ill-mannered
  18. Jocund
    • Cheerful
    • Jolly
    • Elated
    • Lighthearted
  19. Joking
    • humourous
    • Funny
    • Amusing
  20. Jovial
    • delightful
    • Pleasant
    • gleeful
    • Facetious
  21. Joyful
    • Glad
    • Delighted
    • Cheerful
  22. Joyous
    • Enjoyable
    • Jubilant
    • Ecstatic
Card Set
Tone Vocab I-J
Tone Vocab I-J