Body Fluids Defined
- Composed of molecules that
- move past one another freely
- Characterized by its ability
- to conform to the shape of the container that holds it
- About 50-70% of healthy
- adult body weight
Body Fluids
- n The body fluid composition
- of tissue varies by
q Tissue type: lean tissues have higher fluid content than fat tissues
- q Gender
- : males have more lean tissue and therefore more body fluid
- q Age:
- lean tissue is lost with age and body fluid is lost with it
Body Fluids
n Intracelluar Fluid (ICF)
- q Within the cell – 2/3 of
- body fluid
n Extracellular Fluid (ECF)
- q Outside the cell – 1/3 of
- body fluid
q Interstitial fluid flows between cells that make up a particular tissue or organ
q Intravascular fluid is the water in the blood and lymph
- q Plasma
- transports blood cells within arteries, veins, and capillaries
- n Substance that disassociates
- in solution into electrically charged particles ions
q Positive charge (cation): sodium, potassium
q Negative charge (anion): chloride, phosphorus
n Predominant electrolytes
q Extracellular fluid (ECF): sodium, chloride
q Intracellular fluid (ICF): potassium, phosphorus
Body Fluids
Body Fluids
Body Fluids
Functions of Body Fluids
- n Fluids dissolve and transport
- substances
- q Water is an excellent solvent
- because it dissolves a variety of substances
- q Blood plasma transport
- solutes in the body
- q Water soluble substances: amino acids, glucose, vitamins, minerals,
- medications
q Fat soluble substances must be attached to or surrounded by water soluble proteins
Functions of Body Fluids
n Fluids account for blood volume
- q Appropriate fluid levels is
- essential for maintaining healthful blood volume
q Blood pressure increases when blood volume rises
q High blood pressure (hypertension) is a risk factor for heart disease and stroke
q Kidneys help to regulate blood volume and blood pressure
Regulation of Blood Volume
Functions of Body Fluids
- n Fluids help maintain body
- temperature
- q Body temperature must be
- within a safe range
- q High heat capacity of water
- means that the temperature of our body fluids remains stable
- q Sweating releases heat as
- the evaporation of water from the skin cools the skin and blood
Functions of Body Fluids
- n Protect and Lubricate
- Tissues
- q Cerebrospinal fluid protects
- the brain and spinal cord
- q Amniotic fluid protects the
- fetus
- q Synovial fluid lubricates
- joints
- q Digestive juice (saliva)
- moistens food for ease of swallowing and transport
Functions of Electrolytes
- n Electrolytes help regulate
- fluid balance
- q ‘Water follows ion
- concentration’. Water follows the movement of electrolytes, moving by osmosis
- to areas where the concentration of electrolytes is high.
- q This allows for the controlled
- movement of fluids into and out of cells.
- q Osmotic pressure keeps electrolytes in
- solution from drawing liquid toward them across a semi-permeable membrane
Fluid and Electrolyte
Functions of Electrolytes
- n Electrolytes enable nerves
- to respond to stimuli
- q Movement of Na+
- and K+ across the membranes of nerve cells changes the electrical
- charge across the membrane
- q This change in electrical
- charge carries the nerve impulse along the nerve cell.
Functions of Electrolytes
- n Electrolytes signal muscles
- to contract
- q Influx of calcium into the
- muscle from the extracellular space stimulates contraction
- q Muscles can relax after
- contraction once the electrical signal is complete and calcium is pumped out of
- the muscle cell
Fluid Balance
- n Thirst mechanism
- (hypothalamus) prompts us to drink when it is stimulated by
- q Increased concentration of
- salt and other dissolved substances in the blood
- q A reduction in blood volume
- and blood pressure, such as during profuse sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, low
- fluid intake
- q Dryness in mouth and throat
- with low saliva
- n ADH signals the kidneys to
- retain water
n Water
q Essential for life
- q Required for fluid and
- electrolyte balance and many metabolic reactions
n Recommended intake
- q DRI: 2.7 liters for the
- adult female, 3.7 liters for the adult male
- q Varies with age, body size,
- health status, physical activity level, environment
Water Guidelines
n No RDA
n 1 ml/1kcal
q »8 cups/d
n 30 - 55ml/kg
n Infants have higher needs
- n Supplied by liquids, foods,
- metabolism
- Are You Drinking
- Enough Water?
Water Balance
n Dehydration
q Athletes, children, elderly
q Dry, loose skin
q Concentrated urine
q Labs
n Alb
n Na+
n Glu
n Fluid Overload (toxicity)
- q Too much water without
- sufficient electrolytes
q Kidneys not able to handle
- q Headaches, blurred vision,
- cramps, convulsions
q Labs
n Alb ¯
n Glu ¯
Sodium Na+
q Major cation of the ECF
q Water balance
q Nerve functions
- q Associated with BP & pH
- balance
- q Assists with transport of
- glucose into body cells
- q Preservative –
- canned/package foods
q Processed foods
- q White bread, rolls, hot
- dogs, lunch meats, cheese, condiments
q Table salt
q Muscle cramps
q Nausea
q Vomiting
q Dizziness
q Over hydration
q Confusion
q High blood pressure HTN
q Dehydration
Potassium K+
Potassium K+
q Major cation of the ICF
- q Fluid & electrolyte
- balance
- q Nerve impulse ; muscle
- contraction
q Fruits & vegetables
q Meats, milk
q Legumes
- q Many salt substitutes are
- made from potassium chloride
Potassium K+
q Irregular heart beat
q Loss of appetite
q Muscle cramps
- q Can occur in people with
- kidney disease
q Avoid salt substitutes
q Leads to heart failure
- q Seen in patients with kidney
- disease or diabetic ketoacidosis
- q Caution with certain
- diuretic meds
Chloride Cl-
Chloride Cl-
- q Major anion of the ECF –
- maintain fluid balance
- q Helps maintain gastric
- acidity – HCl
q Nerve transmission
q Processed foods
Chloride Cl-
q Rare in adults
- q Can occur in people with
- eating disorders
q Convulsion in children
- q High blood pressure in salt
- sensitive individuals
Phosphorus P
Phosphorus P
q Major ion of the ICF
- q Acid/Base balance; fluid
- balance
- q Required for bone and tooth
- strength
- q Part of various metabolic
- compounds - ATP
- q Protein rich foods; Dairy
- products, Meats, Eggs
q Soft drinks
- q More readily absorbed from
- animal sources
- q Phytic acid prevents
- absorption from plant sources
n Deficiency: Rare
n Toxicity:
- n Causes: kidney disease,
- excessive vitamin D supplementation or phosphorus-based antacids
- n S/S muscle spasms &
- convulsions
Medical Disorders
- n Disorders related to fluid
- and electrolyte imbalance include:
q Dehydration
q Heat stroke
q Water intoxication
q Hypertension
q Neuropsychiatric disorders
q Muscle disorders
- n Dehydration occurs when
- water loss exceeds water intake
- n Commonly due to heavy
- exercise or high environmental temperatures
- n Infants and the elderly are
- more at risk
Heat Stroke
- n Heat stroke occurs if the
- body’s temperature regulation mechanisms fail
- q Occurs in hot, humid
- environments
- q Symptoms include rapid
- pulse, hot, dry skin, high body temp, loss of consciousness
- q Has been fatal for athletes
- during exercise in extreme heat
- q Stop exercising when feeling
- dizzy, light-headed, disoriented, or nauseated
- n Hypertension is a chronic
- condition characterized by high blood pressure.
- q Systolic pressure over 140mm
- Hg
- q Diastolic pressure over 90mm
- Hg
- q May not show symptoms -
- “silent”
- q Increases a person’s risk of
- heart disease, stroke, kidney disease
n What causes hypertension?
- q
- The cause of 95% of hypertension cases is unknown – primary or
- essential hypertension
- q
- 5% are caused by kidney disease, sleep apnea, and salt sensitivity
- q Recommendations for reducing
- hypertension: weight loss, increased physical activity, reduced sodium intake,
- and more whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat protein sources, DASH
- diet
Neuropsychiatric and Muscle
- n
- Electrolyte imbalances can result in seizures or muscle
- cramps
- n Electrolyte imbalances cause
- changes in nervous system function and impair cognition
- n Nervous system changes can
- alter proper muscle function
are Antioxidants?
- n Compounds that protect cells
- from the damage caused by oxidation
- n Nutrients with antioxidant
- properties:
q Vitamin E
q Vitamin C
- q Vitamin A (precursor,
- beta-carotene)
q Selenium
Structure of Atoms
- n The atom is the smallest
- unit of matter
n Atoms are composed of
- q Nucleus – positive charged
- center
q Electrons – negative charged
particles that surround the nucleus
Transfer of Electrons
- n Molecules are composed of
- atoms
- n During metabolic reactions,
- electrons can be transferred
q from the atoms of one molecule
- q to the atoms of another
- molecule
Exchange Reactions
- n Oxidation is a chemical reaction in
- which atoms lose electrons
- n Reduction occurs when atoms gain a
- electron
Free Radicals
- n Stable atoms have an even
- number of electrons (pairs) in the outer orbit
- n Electron loss during
- oxidation leaves an odd number or unpaired electron
- n Such highly unstable atoms
- are called free radicals
- n Oxygen molecule that becomes
- a free radical is called reactive oxygen species (ROS)
- What Causes Free Radicals to
- Form?
n Many metabolic processes
- q Digestion and absorption of
- food
- q Immune system fighting
- infections
n Environmental factors
q Pollution
q Excess sunlight
q Toxic substances
q Tobacco smoke
q Asbestos
Cell Damage *
- n Free radicals form within
- the phospholipid bilayers of cell membranes
- q Damaged lipid molecules are
- unable to maintain the integrity of the cell membrane
- Diseases Linked with Free
- Radicals
n Various cancers
n Heart disease
n Diabetes
n Arthritis
n Cataracts
n Kidney disease
n Alzheimer disease
n Parkinson disease
do Antioxidants Work?
- n Antioxidants stabilize free
- radicals and repair the damage they cause
- n Antioxidant vitamins donate their electrons or
- hydrogen molecules to free radicals to stabilize them and reduce oxidation
- damage
- n Antioxidant minerals function within the enzyme
- systems that convert free radicals to less damaging substances that can be
- excreted
- How do Antioxidants
- Work? *
- n Other compounds help stabilize
- free radicals and prevent damage to cells and tissues:
q Beta-carotene
q Phytochemicals
- n Nutrients with antioxidant
- properties:
q Vitamin E
q Vitamin C
- q Vitamin A ( precursor,
- beta-carotene)
q Selenium
Vitamin E (fat-soluble)
n Functions:
- n Primary Function is to
- protect lipids from Free Radicals:
- PUFAs, Cell membranes, LDL oxidation
- n Normal nerve & Muscle
- development
n Enhances immune system
n Improves Vit A absorption
Vitamin E
n Food Sources:
- q Vegetable oils (Safflower,
- sunflower, canola, soybean)
q Nuts, seeds
q Wheat germ, soybeans
- n Vitamin E is destroyed by
- exposure to oxygen, metals, ultraviolet light, and heat
- q Little vitamin E in
- deep-fried and processed foods
- Vitamin E, too much or not
- enough?
n Toxicity uncommon
- n Interacts with
- anticoagulants (aspirin, Coumadin)
- n High doses associated with
- excessive bleeding, and possibly hemorrhagic stroke
- n True deficiency
- is uncommon
- n s/s hemolytic anemia, loss
- of muscle coordination & reflexes
n Anemia in premature infants
n In adults, caused by fat malabsorption diseases/conditions
Vitamin C (H2O soluble)
n Functions:
- q Synthesizes collagen
- (prevents scurvy)
q Enhances immune response
- q Assists synthesis of DNA,
- Serotonin, Bile
q Helps regulate hormones
q Enhances iron absorption
- q Acts as an antioxidant:
- protects LDL cholesterol, the lungs, white blood cells, and the stomach
Vitamin C
Food Sources:
n Fresh fruits & veggies
- n Destroyed by heat &
- oxygen
n Can be leached into water
n Minimize loss by:
n steaming, microwaving & stir-frying
- Vitamin C, too much or not
- enough?
n Deficiency:
- n Scurvy: s/s bleeding gums,
- loose teeth, weakness, wounds fail to heal; anemia
- n At risk: people who eat few
- fruits & veggies; people who abuse drugs & alcohol
n Toxicity: Rare d/t water soluble – excreted in kidneys.
n Only with supplements
n MEGADOSE: 10 X RDA over long time; can cause: nausea, diarrhea, nosebleeds.
n Caution with hemochromatosis
Beta Carotene
- Provitamin – an inactive form or
- precursor, of the vitamin that must be converted to its active formof vitamin A
- Carotenoid, a
- plant pigment
- Precursor - one of
- three carotenoids that can be converted to retinol
Functions of Beta Carotene
n Weak antioxidant
- n Effective against lipid
- oxidation in cell membranes
n Enhance immune system
- n Protect skin from UV light
- damage
- n Protect eyes from damage,
- preventing or delaying age-related vision impairment
- Beta Carotene, too much or
- not enough?
- n Food Sources: Colorful fruits & veggies – red, orange,
- yellow or deep green
- n Toxicity: Not toxic but excess can turn the skin yellow
- or orange
n Deficiency: None known
- n Heating foods improves
- absorption of beta carotene
Vitamin A (fat
n Antioxidant
n Essential for proper vision
- n Cell differentiation –
- process by which stem cells mature into specialized cells
n Sperm production & fertilization
n Bone growth
- n Derivatives of vitamin A are
- used to treat acne
Vitamin A
n Food sources:
- q animal (liver, eggs,
- whole-fat dairy, fortified foods)
- q plants (red, orange, yellow,
- and deep-green fruits and vegetables that are high in beta carotene can be
- converted to vitamin A)
- Vitamin A, too much or not
- enough?
- n Highly toxic at 3–4 times RDA, mainly
- from supplements
q Birth defects
q Damage to liver and eyes
- q Symptoms: loss of appetite,
- blurred vision, hair loss, skin disorders
- q night blindness, xerophthalmia an irreversible
- blindness hyperkeratosis
q impaired immunity, growth
– Se (trace mineral)
n Functions:
- n Antioxidant; part of an
- enzyme system
- n Decreases free radicals,
- sparing vit E
- n Needed for thyroxine
- production – thyroid hormone
n Food Sources: organ meats, pork, seafood, nuts, wheat, rice
- n Variable in plant foods d/t
- different soil conditions
- Selenium (Se) too much or
- not enough?
n Toxicity can occur from supplements
- q Brittle hair, nails, skin
- rashes, vomiting, nauseas, weakness, cirrhosis of the liver
n Deficiency associated with
- q Keshan disease, a heart
- disease
- q Kashin-Beck disease, a
- deforming arthritis
q Impaired immunity
Additional Antioxidants
- n Cofactor – a compound needed for
- proper enzyme function
- n These minerals play critical
- roles in blood health and energy metabolism:
- q Copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and
- manganese (Mn)
- are part of the superoxide dismutase enzyme antioxidant complex
- q Iron (Fe) is part of the catalase
- structure
- n Cancer is a group of
- diseases characterized by cells growing “out of control”
- n Primary steps of cancer
- development:
q Initiation
q Promotion
q Progression
Cancer Risk
n Risk factors
q Tobacco use
q Sun exposure (UV light)
q Nutrition
- q Environmental/occupational
- exposures
- q Low levels of physical
- activity
- n Antioxidants reduce cancer
- risk by
q Enhancing immune system
q Inhibit cancer cell growth
- q Prevent oxidative damage to
- cells
- n Naturally occurring
- chemicals in plants
- n May reduce risk for cancer,
- heart disease
- n Include phytoestrogen,
- lycopene, and flavonoids
- n Found in whole grains,
- fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, garlic, and soy products
Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)
- n Leading cause of death among
- adults in USA
- n Includes all diseases of the
- heart and blood vessels
q Coronary heart disease
- q Hypertension (high blood
- pressure)
- q Atherosclerosis (hardening
- of the arteries)
- n Primary manifestations of
- CVD:
q Heart attack
q Stroke
Major Risk Factors for CVD
n Smoking
n Hypertension
- n High blood levels of low
- density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol
n Obesity
n Sedentary lifestyle
Other Risk Factors for CVD
- n Low blood levels of high
- density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol
- n Impaired glucose tolerance
- or diabetes
n Family history of CVD
q males before age 55
q females before age 65
- n Being male older than 45
- years
- n Being postmenopausal in
- women
Low-grade Inflammation
More important than elevated cholesterol?
- n Weakens plaque, makes it
- more fragile
- q Likely to burst, break away
- from lining, lodge in blood vessels of heart or brain, and close off blood
- supply resulting in a heart attack or stroke
n C-reactive protein (CRP)
- q Marker for inflammation
- (laboratory blood test)
- q Associated with high risk
- for heart attack in the presence of normal cholesterol levels
- q High CRP + high cholesterol
- = high risk for heart attack
Antioxidants and CVD
- n Antioxidants (vitamins E and
- lycopene) reduce damage to blood vessels by
q Scavenging free radicals
- q Reducing low-grade
- inflammation
- q Reducing blood coagulation
- and clot formation
- n In fruits, vegetables, and
- whole grains
- q Dietary fiber (soluble) -
- oatmeal and oat bran
- q Folate - reduce
- homocysteine, a risk factor for CVD
q Others (flavonoids)
Aging Process
- n Associated with increased
- oxidative damage and reduced activity of antioxidant enzymes in most body
- tissues
- n Digestion, absorption, and
- metabolism of nutrients are impaired with age
- n What is the optimal
- antioxidant intake for older adults?
Vision Impairment
- n Diseases associated with
- aging
n Macular degeneration
q Leading cause of blindness
- q Deterioration of center
- portion of retina
- q Marked by loss or distortion
- of central vision
n Cataract
- q Damaged portion of eye’s
- lens causing cloudy vision
Macular Degeneration
Antioxidants and Vision
- n Possible role of
- antioxidants in vision impairment
- q Lack of nutrients (including
- antioxidants)
- q Free-radical damage caused
- by exposure to oxygen, UV light, and x-rays
- q Inflammation from eye
- disease
- n Current research does not
- support the use of antioxidant supplements in reversing or delaying aging