Muscle of Neck and back

  1. Levator Scapulae
    • Orgin-C1-4,
    • Insertion-Upper vertebral border of scapula,
    • Action-Elvates scapula,abducts and rotates neck
  2. Sternocleidomastoid
    • Orgin-Sternum,clavicle
    • Insertion-Mastoid Process of temporal
    • Action-Abducts, rotates, and flexes head
  3. External Abdominal oblique
    • Orgin-Ribs 5-12,
    • Insertion-Linea alba,Iliac crest,pubis
    • Action-Compresses abdominal wall, laterally rotates trunk
  4. Internal abdominal oblique
    • Orgin-Inguinal liagment,iliac crest
    • Insertion-Linea alba ribs10-12
    • Action-Compress abdominal wall,laterally rotates trunk
  5. Transverse abdmoninis
    • Orgin-Inguinal liagement, ribs 7-12
    • Insertion-Linea albas crest of pubis
    • Action-Compresses abdominal wall,laterally rotates trunk
  6. Rectus Abdominis
    • Orgin-Crest of pubis,symphysis pubis
    • Insertion-Cartilages of ribs 5-7,xiphoid process,
    • Action- Flexes vertehral column,
  7. Seratus Anterior
    • Orgin-ribs1-8
    • Insertion-Vertebral border and infrerior angle of scapula
    • Action-Abducts scapula
  8. Quadratus Lumborum
    • Orgin-Posterior iliac crest
    • Insertion- T12 and L1-4 and rib12
    • Action-extends and abducts vertberal column
  9. Rhomboideus Major
    • Orgin-Spine of T2-5
    • Insertion-Lower one-third of vertebral border of scapula
    • Action-Adducts scapula
  10. Rhomboideus Minor
    • Orgin-Ligamentum nuchae,Spines C7-T1
    • Insertion-Border of scupla at spine
    • Action-Adducts scapula
  11. Spenius Capitus
    • Orgin-Ligamentum nuchae,spinous process of C7-T3
    • Insertion- Mastiod process of temporal and occipital bone
    • Action-Extend,rotate and laterally flex head
Card Set
Muscle of Neck and back
test 3