Module 3

  1. The _____ _____ are body temperature, pulse, respirations and blood pressure.
    Vital signs
  2.  _____ _____ reflects the balance between the heat produced and the heat lost from the body, and is measured in heat units called degrees.
    Body Temperature
  3. What is Core Temperature?
    It is the temperature of the deep tissues of the body, such as the abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity. It remains relatively constant. 
  4. What is Surface temperature?
    It is the temperature of the skin, the subcutaneous tissue, and fat. It rises and falls in response to the environment.
  5. There are Factors Affecting body temperature, name them?
    Age, Diurnal variations (circadian rhythms), Exercise, Hormones, Stress, and Environment
  6. A body temperature above the usual range is called _____, _____, or _____.
    • pyrexia, hyperthermia, or fever.
    • The range of a hyperthermia is 100.4 to 104.0
  7. What is febrile?
    The client who has a fever or above normal temperature. The client who does not have a fever is called afebrile.
  8. During an _____ _____, the body temperature alternates at regular intervals between periods of fever and periods of normal or subnormal temperatures.
    Intermittent Fever
  9. During a _____ ______ such as with a cold or influenza, a wide range of temperature fluctuations occurs over the 24-hour period, all of which are above normal.
    Remittent Fever
  10. What is Relapsing fever?
Card Set
Module 3
Vital Signs (Chapter 29)