meaning of Never Go Down Any Ally's, Some People In Dallus Object.
- Nomnitive, Genitive, Dative, Accusitive, Ablative,
- Subject, Possession, Indirect Object, Direct object, other
translations of nomitive, genitive, dative, accusitive, ablative, voccative
- nomnitive = the
- genitive = of
- dative = to/for
- accussitive = the
- ablative = by/with/from/in
- Voccative = Oh
First Declention endings, Femine
- a-N-ae
- ae-G-arum
- ae-D-is
- am-Ac-as
- a-Ab-is
noun f. rumor, report, fame, reputation
forma, formae
noun f. form, shape, beauty
fortuna, fortunae
noun f. fortune, luck
ira, irae
noun f. ire, anger
nauta, nautae
noun. m. first declention sailor
patria, patriae
noun f. fatherland, native land, ones country
pecunia, pecuniae
noun f. money
philosophia, philosophiae
noun f. philosophy
poena, poenae
(poenas dare)
noun f. penalty punishment (idiom, to pay the penalty)
poeta, poetae
noun. m. first declention poet
porta, portae
noun f. gate, entrance
puella, puellae
noun f. girl
sententia, sententiae
noun f. feeling, thought, opinion, vote, sentence
vita, vitae
noun f. life, mode of life
antiquus, antiqua, antiquum
adj, ancient, old time
magnus, magna, magnum
adj. large, great, important
multus, multa, multum
adj. much, many
tuus, tua, tuum
adj. your
to fly, move quickly
venia, -ae
f. favor, pardon
clementia, -ae
f. clemency
to refuse, reject
turba, -ae
f. crowd, multitude
immodicus, -a, -um
sound, sane
insania, -ae
f. unsoundness, insanity
to be firm, tough