ICM: Test 2

  1. Name 2 things that are dull.
    • Consolidation
    • Atelectasis
  2. What has ipsilateral shift of trachea.
  3. What two things have contralateral shift of trachea?
    Pleural effusion, pneumothorax
  4. Hyper-resonant or tympanic breath sounds.
  5. Restriction:
    Difficulty getting air in or out?
    • In
    • Small volumes of air move in rapidly
    • Small volumes of air rapidly move out
  6. Obstructive:
    Difficulty getting air in or out?
    • Out
    • Air gets trapped in alveoli and small airways
  7. OR:
    Fine inspiratory crackles
    Minimal or no wheezing
    Muscular atrophy
  8. OR:
    Pulsus paradoxus
    Accessory Muscles
  9. OR:
    Increased thoracic volume
  10. Normal FEV1/FVC ratio (although both are reduced)
  11. Name Restrictive Diseases
    • Idiopathic ....
    • Thoracic cage deformities
    • Pneumoconiosies
    • Sarcoidosis
  12. Obstructive Diseases
    • Asthma
    • COPD
    • Bronchectasis
    • Cystic Fibrosis
    • Sarcoidosis
  13. ABG notation
  14. A typical exam finding consistent with restrictive lung disease is
    Dry inspiratory crackles
  15. A 20 year old with severe scoliosis will typically have which finding on pulmonary function test?
    Decreased FVC (restrictive disease)
  16. Restrictive lung disease typically presents in 3 different ways- lung parenchymal/pleural abnormalities, thoracic cage/spine abnormalities, and
    Neuromuscular weakness
  17. Both restrictive and obstructive lung diseases cause a sensation of dyspnea.  In a mild exacerbation of asthma, the obstruction is primarily a result of inflammation.  This inflammatory changes in the lung induce dypsnea by causing
    Inability to exhale easily
  18. Lateral film taken with
    left side against cassette
  19. PA Film
  20. Penetration:  You should be able to see the ____ through the heart and mediastinum
  21. Things that ensure CXR is technically adequate.
    • Inspiration
    • Penetration
    • Rotation
  22. When you lose the AP window between the aortic arch and PA it could be a sign of ____.
    aortic aneurism
  23. Chelazia (eye)
    Stopped up oil gland
  24. Left diaphragm has heart on top of it, not translucent like the right one.
  25. Major fissure starts at T4
  26. What part of lung sits next to the right atria?
    Right middle lobe
  27. What part of the lung sits next to the left ventricle?
    Left Upper Lobe Lingula
  28. 2 same densities in direct contact
  29. When part of the lung is consolidated, air may be seen inthe bronchi.  This is an?
    Air bronchogram
  30. Lobar or segmental density, no loss of lung volume
  31. Adjacent lobes or the opposite lung is hyperinflated.
  32. Chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways in which many cells and cellular elements play a role.
  33. 3 Main Characteristics of Asthma
    • Reversible Airway Obstruction
    • Airway inflammation
    • Airway hyperreactivity
  34. ABG findings in asthma
    • Low paO2
    • High PaCO2
  35. Name 4 things found in sputum of asthma patients.
    • Curschmann's Spirals
    • Charcot-Leyden Crystals
    • Creola Bodies
    • Eosinophils
  36. Clumps of airway epithelial cells
    Creola Bodies
  37. Protects from eosinophils in asthma
    Charcot-Leyden Crystals
  38. Small airways casts
    Curschmann's Spirals
  39. Mainstay for asthma control?
    Inhaled corticosteroids
  40. Only asthma treatment medication with survival advantage, most effective medication for preventing exacerbation
    Inhaled corticosteroids
  41. Leukotriene modifiers (montelukast) are useful in
    aspirin induced asthma
  42. Prevents mast cell degranulation
  43. Affects calcium uptake in smooth muscles, IV form used in ED for acute exacervations of asthma
    Mg Sulfate
  44. Samter's Triad
    • Asthma
    • Aspiring Sensitivity
    • Nasal polyps
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ICM: Test 2