WFF Review Sheet.txt

  1. 1. What are the Principles of Mission Command?
    • a. Build cohesive teams through mutual trust
    • b. Create shared understanding
    • c. Provide a clear commander's intent
    • d. Exercise disciplined initiative
    • e. Use mission orders
    • f. Accept prudent risk
  2. 2. What are the two Forms of Control?
    • a. Positive control � active regulation.
    • b. Procedural control � use of instructions which do not require permission to execute.
  3. 3. What Manuals are associated with Mission Command?
    a. ADRP 6-0
  4. 4. What are the Key Tasks of Fires WFF?
    • a. Deliver Fires
    • b. Integrate Fires
    • c. Conduct Targeting
  5. 5. How do Army Fires support Unified Land Operations?
    a. Fires Supports ULO with Fire Support Operations through the application of FA and ADA
  6. 6. What are the Principles of Fires?
    • a. Precision
    • b. Scalability
    • c. Synchronized
    • d. Responsive
    • e. Networked
  7. 7. What is described as Operational Reach, Freedom of Action, and Endurance
    a. The Relationship between Fires and Sustainment
  8. 8. What are the Primary Intelligence Tasks
    • a. Support Force Generation
    • b. Support Situational Understanding
    • c. Conduct Information Collection
    • d. Support Targeting and Information Capabilities
  9. 9. Which Intelligence task encompasses Target Acquisition assets?
    a. Support Targeting and Information Capabilities
  10. 10. Intel Staff develops situational understanding of what?
    a. Threats, Terrain and Weather, Civil considerations, and synchronizes Intelligence Activity.
  11. 11. How many information categories are there, what are they?
    • a. Accuracy
    • b. Timeliness
    • c. Usability
    • d. Completeness
    • e. Precision
    • f. Reliability
  12. 12. What are the major elements of the Sustainment WFF
    • a. Logistics
    • b. Personnel Services
    • c. Army Health System
  13. 13. What are the Principles of Sustainment?
    • a. Continuity
    • b. Anticipation
    • c. Simplicity
    • d. Economy
    • e. Integration
    • f. Responsiveness
    • g. Improvisation
    • h. Survivability
  14. 14. Army Commands associated with Sustainment
    • a. US Army Materiel Command
    • b. US Army Medical Command
    • c. US Army Financial Management Command
    • d. US Army Installation Management Command
    • e. US Army Space and Missile Defense Command
  15. 15. What is the purpose of the Sustainment WFF
    a. To provide support and services to ensure freedom of action, to extended operational reach, and to prolong endurance.
  16. 16. How do we Integrate IIA? (Articulate)
    a. Slides 41 � 42 in IIA
  17. 17. Who is the Primary Advisor to the Commander in IIA?
    a. S-7 / G-7
  18. 18. What is the Annex for IIA?
    a. Annex J
  19. 19. What are the types of Soldier and Leader engagements
    • a. Dynamic
    • b. Deliberate
  20. 20. Principles of the Protection WFF?
    • a. Redundant
    • b. Enduring
    • c. Layered
    • d. Integrated
    • e. Comprehensive
  21. 21. Supporting tasks to the Protection WFF?
    • a. Conduct operational area security
    • b. Employ safety techniques (fratricide avoidance)
    • c. Implement OPSEC
    • d. Provide intelligence support to protection
    • e. Implement physical security procedures
    • f. Apply AT measures
    • g. Conduct law and order
    • h. Conduct survivability operations
    • i. Provide force health protection
    • j. Conduct chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) operations
    • k. Provide explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) and protection support
    • l. Coordinate air and missile defense
    • m. Conduct personnel recovery
    • n. Conduct internment and resettlement
  22. 22. How do we assess Protection?
    • a. Measures of Effectiveness
    • b. Measures of Performance
  23. 23. What is the purpose and definition of Civil Affairs?
    • a. To shape foreign political and military environments by working through and with host nations, regional partners and indigenous population.
    • b. Designated Active Army and United State Army Reserve (USAR) forces and units organized, trained, and equipped specifically to conduct Civil Affairs Operation (CAO) and to support the commander in planning and conducting Civil Military Operations (CMO)
  24. 24. What assets do we use to gather CA Data
    • a. Staff Assets
    • b. Tactical Assets
    • c. Civilian Assets
  25. 25. What are the two types of CA Assessments?
    • a. Preliminary
    • b. Deliberate
  26. 26. CA Activities
    • a. Populace and resources control (PRC)
    • b. Foreign humanitarian assistance (FHA)
    • c. Nation assistance (NA)
    • d. Civil information management (CIM)
    • e. Support to civil administration (SCA)
  27. 27. What form do we use to request CAS?
    a. DD Form 1972
  28. 28. How many types of CAS requests are there?
    • a. Immediate
    • b. Preplanned
  29. 29. ASOC is at what level of TACS?
    a. Division
  30. 30. Who is the senior army Liaison to the TACS?
    a. Battlefield Coordination Detachment (BCD)
  31. 31. What are the different types of CAS? (restrictions and limitations)
    • a. Type 1 � JTAC must visually acquire Aircraft and Target, must clear each engagement
    • b. Type 2 � JTAC is unable to acquire either aircraft or target, must clear each engagement
    • c. Type 3 � JTAC requires ability to provide clearance for multiple attack
  32. 32. What is the TACP, what do they do?
    a. Tactical Air Control Party provides air liaison to the land forces and the control of aircraft.
  33. 33. What is CEP? What is TLE?
    • a. Circular Error Probability � Weapon Accuracy Measurement
    • b. Target Location Error � Difference between the actual location of target and the expected location
  34. 34. What is requested with a DD Form 1972?
    a. Effects on Target
  35. 35. Classifications of Bombs; nomenclature M82, M83, M84
    • a. Mk82 = 500 lb (BLU111)
    • b. Mk83 = 1000 lb (BLU110)
    • c. Mk84 = 2000 lb (BLU117)
  36. 36. How do we mark targets for aircraft?
    • a. Laser
    • b. IR
    • c. Smoke
  37. 37. What is another name for Mk82
    a. GBU = Guided Bomb Unit
  38. 38. What are the three different types of targets acquired by Radar?
    • a. Normal � Mortar, Artillery, Rocket
    • b. False � Information that causes the radar to report when there is no actual target
    • c. Unwanted � Targets other than Mortar, Artillery, or Rocket that the radar reports to the operator
  39. 39. Capabilities of Q-36
    a. Short Range, High Angle, Low Velocity Indirect Fire
  40. 40. Capabilities of Q-37
    a. Long Range, Low Angle, High Velocity Indirect Fire
  41. 41. What are the three different Beam types?
    • a. Search
    • b. Verify
    • c. Track
  42. 42. What are the Flat masks of the Q36 and Q37
    • a. Q36 = 20 mils
    • b. Q37 = 8 mils
  43. 43. FSCMs
    • a. CFL � Coordinated Fire Line
    • b. FSCL � Fire Support Coordination Line
    • c. RFL � Restricted Fire Line
    • d. RFA � Restricted Fire Area
    • e. NFA � No Fire Area
    • f. FFA � Free Fire Area
    • g. ACA � Airspace Coordination Area
  44. 44. What are the different Radar Zones?
    • a. CFZ � Critical Friendly Zone
    • b. CFFZ � Call For Fire Zone
    • c. ATI � Artillery Target Intelligence
    • d. CZ � Censor Zone
  45. 45. What type of message is generated from Radar Zones?
    • a. FM:CFF from CFZ and CFFZ
    • b. ATI:CDR from ATI Zone
  46. 46. Target Location Errors for Q-36?
    • The maximum 50% TLEs (TLE 50) 
    • Mortar – 40m or .4% of range whichever is greater 
    • Cannon – 65m or .65% of range whichever is greater 
    • Long-Range Rocket – 120m or 1% of range whichever is greater 
    • The maximum 90% TLEs (TLE 90) 
    • Mortar – 100m or 1% of range whichever is greater 
    • Cannon – 150m or 1.5% of range whichever is greater 
    • Rocket – 300m or 2.5% of range whichever is greater
  47. 47. What does the Radar Acronym mean?
    a. Radio Detection and Ranging
  48. 48. How does a Firefinder Radar Operate?
    a. Beam sent out, hits object, and returns. System generates a location based on return.
  49. 49. Define ULO
    a. Unified Land Operations � How the Army seizes, retains and exploits initiative to gain and maintain a position of relative advantage in sustained land operations through simultaneous offensive, defensive, and stability operations.
  50. 50. What are the Informing and Influencing Capabilities?
    • a. Public Affairs
    • b. Military Information Support Operations
    • c. Combat Camera
    • d. Soldier and Leader Engagements
    • e. Civil Affairs Operations
    • f. Civil and Cultural Considerations
    • g. Operational Security
    • h. Military Deception
  51. What is the TLE for the Q-37?
    • The maximum 50% TLEs (TLE 50) 
    • Cannon – 35m or .35% of range whichever is greater 
    • Long-Range Rocket – 70m or .4% of range whichever is greater
    • The maximum 90% TLE (TLE 90) 
    • Cannon – 90m or .9% of range whichever is greater 
    • Long-Range Rocket – 175m or 1% of range whichever is greater
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WFF Review Sheet.txt
WFF Review Sheet