Geography test

  1. An independent political unit with an established territory, boundaries, population, and Government controlling its own internal and foreign affairs.
  2. A state, or Nation, the territory of a nation
  3. the difference between country and state
    the word "state" has a more constitutional and political association; "country" has more of a territorial association.)
  4. a large body of people, associated with a particular territory, that is sufficiently conscious of its unity to seek or to possess a government peculiarly its own:
  5. Rule by one Person-Oldest form of government systems, achieve and maintain their position of authority through inheritance or by ruthless military or police power
  6. when a single leader determines government policy and seeks to control all aspects of social and economic life of citizens.
    totalitarin dictaorship
  7.  A King or Queen exercises Supreme Power (Saudi Arabia
  8. the control or governing influence of a nation over a dependent country, territory, or people.
  9. required by regulations or laws; obligatory
  10. Monarchs share governmental Powers with elected legislatures (
    constitutional monarchy
  11. Rule by many People
  12. First know democracy that arose in ancient Athens in the fifth century B.C. or B.C.E. All citizens voted on issues directly.
    direct democracy
  13. is a form of government founded on the principle of elected individuals representing the people.
    represenative democracy
  14. a person exercising absolute power, especially a ruler who has absolute, unrestricted control in a government without hereditary succession.
  15. of government divides governmental powers between the national government and state or provincial governments. Examples – US, Mexico
    federal government
  16. Rule by a few people
  17. government by a body of cabinet ministers who are chosen from and responsible to the legislature and act as advisers to a nominal chief of state.
    parliamentary government
  18. It simply means a government without a King or Queen. Often, the people in a Republic choose Representatives to make decisions can be governed by a group of hereditary nobles.
  19. supreme and unrestricted power, an independent state
  20. a government run by religious leaders
  21. is a political system where the state recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible.
  22. sovereign state governed as a single entity. The central government is supreme, and the administrative divisions exercise only powers that the central government has delegated to them.
    unitary system
  23.     Recognize that in a command economy (also known as planned), decisions about what and how     much to produce, where to locate economic activities, and what prices to charge for goods and services are made by a single, central government agency or authority. Communism and Socialism are two examples of a command economy. In a command economy, the price of goods including agricultural products is controlled by the government, not market forces.
    comand economy
  24. business owners (capitalist) used their wealth to take advantage of workers by taking away most of the value of what they produced. He predicted that the conditions would get so bad that workers would eventually rise-up and overthrow their capitalist rulers in violent revolution. After revolution, workers would establish an equal society and live in perfect harmony (communism). Communism is an economic system in which all economic decisions are made by the government leaders. Government officials develop a national plan, often five- year periods, that specify which goods each factory will make
  25. People use their spare time in their home to produce other goods to supplement their income.
    cottage industries
  26. decisions about what and how much to produce, where to locate economic activities, and what prices to charge for goods and services are determined by laws of supply and demand and "the market." Profit drives decisions in a market economy.
    free enterprise
  27. Began in the 1800's as a political movement in response to injustices of industry and the exploitation of workers in Europe: Low wages, long hours, and unsafe conditions. Economic     system in which the most important business producing goods are owned by the government rather than individuals. Socialist governments typically own: railroads, airlines, hospitals, banks, utility companies, mining, oil companies, and other major industries.  Unlike communism, socialism encourages private ownership of small businesses. Economists sometimes refer socialist economies as "free market socialism" because their economies do not involve state planning.
    socialism economy
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Geography test