Study Guide For Exam Two

  1. CSF Flow
    Choroid plexus in the lateral ventricles produces CSF. CSF flows through interventricular foramina into third ventricle.Choroid plexus in the third ventricle adds more CSF.CSF flows down cerebral aqueduct to fourth ventricle.Choroid plexus in the fourth ventricle adds more CSF.CSF flows out two lateral apertures and one medial aperture.CSF fills subarachnoid space and bathes external surfaces of brain and spinal cordAt arachnoid villi, CSF if reabsorbed into venous blood of dural venous sinuses.
  2. Nervous System Process For Hand On Stove Scenerio
    • Heat sensation would be detected by the sensory receptors of the somatic sensory in the Afferent Division of the peripheral
    • nervous system. This information is then sent to the central nervous system who would make the decision to remove the hand then send the information back to the peripheral nervous system though the efferent division to somatic sensory's skeletal muscle effector who would the move the hand
  3. Nervous System Process for upset stomach
    Nausated feeling would be detected by the sensory receptors of the visceral sensory in the Afferent Division of the peripheral nervous system. This information is then sent to the central nervous system who would make the decision to throw up then send the information back to the peripheral nervous system though the efferent division to Automonic Motor Divison's  Muscle effector which would then tell your stomach to throw up.
  4. What is the correct listing of a skeletal muscles components, beginning with the smallest
    • Myofibrils
    • Muscle Fiber
    • Fascicle
    • Skeletal Muscle
  5. What is the correct order of the connective tissue layers of the skeletal muscle beginning with the outermost first
    • Epimysium
    • Permysium
    • Endomysium
  6. True or False?
    Z lines move further apart during
    skeletal muscle contraction
    • False
    • Z-lines come closer together
  7. Image Upload 2
    • 1.H Zone
    • 2.Z line
    • 3.I band
    • 4.A band
  8. What are the three general functions of the nervous system?
    • Collecting Information
    • Processing and evaluating information
    • Responding to information
  9. The afferent division of the nervous system is also known as the
    Sensory Division
  10. the portion of the nervous system that sends sensation from the skin, joints, skeletal muscles, and special senses is the
    somatic sensory
  11. the glial cell that helps to from cerebrospinal fluid is the
    Ependymal cells
  12. Why are most axons white in appearance?
    axons are wrapped with a myelin sheath, a protective fatty coating that gives it glossy-white appearance
  13. A nerve is:
    Senosry, Motor or mixed
  14. meninges composed of
    dense irregular connective tissue w/ lots of collagen fibers
  15. Meniges composed of a delicate "web" of collagen and elastic fibers
  16. Excess CSF is removed from the subarchnoid space by small structures called
    arachnoid villis
  17. clusters of gray matter containing neuron cell bodies that lie within the CNS are called
    cerebral nuclei
  18. The space contains areola connective tissue and adipose connective tissue and surrounds the spinal cord:
    epidural space
  19. Blood brain barrier is mostly explained by the
    continuous tight junctions around endothelial cells in brain capillaries
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Study Guide For Exam Two
Study Guide For Exam 2