Reciprocal altruism?
Helping someone else can be in your best interest because it increases the likelihood that you will be helped in return
What does the arousal: cost-reward model explain the thought processes involved in the decision to help someone?
The proposition that people react to emergency situations by acting in the most cost-effective way to reduce the arousal of shock and alarm
What is the debate b/n Dan Batson and Bob Cialdini re: prosocial behavior?
- Batson says that people help if they know or receive feedback on how what they are providing is helping
- Cialdini- says we help because it makes us feel good not that it is good for the other person
How did the murder of Kitty Genovese inspire work on the topic of helping behavior?
It brought about the bystander effect
Pluralistic ignorance keep people from helping others?
The state in which people mistakenly believe that their own thoughts and feelings are different from other of the others, even when everyone's behavior is the same.
Summarize the steps of Darley & Latan's emergency model?
- Emergency
- Step 1: Notice something is Happening- Distraction, noise, traffic, self concerns, I'm late
- Step 2: Interpret event as an emergency-Pluralistic ignorance, is he sick/drunk, is this a domestic dispute
- Step 3: take Responsibility for providing help-Diffusion of responsibility, that person needs help, but someone else will call 911
- Step 4: Decide how to help-Lack of competence, I'm not trained to handle this
- Step 5: Provide Help-Cost exceed reward, audience inhibition, I'll look stupid
How do perceived characteristics of the person in need influence whether we help them?
Researchers have paid special attention to two the personal attractiveness of the person in need and whether or not the person seems responsible for being in the position of needing assistance
Motivated by the desire to improve anothers welfare
Arousal: Cost Reward Model
The Proposition that people react to emergency situations by action in the most cost-effective way to reduce the arousal of shock and alarm
Audience inhibition
Reluctance to help for fear of making a bad impression on observers
Bystander Effect
The effect whereby the presence of others inhibits helping
Diffusion of responsibility
The belief that others will or should take the responsibility for providing assistance to a person in need
Motivated by the desire to increase one's own welfare
Empathy-altruism hypothesis
The proposition that empathic concern for a person in need produces an altruistic motive for helping
Good Mood Effect
The effect whereby a good mood increases helping behavior
Kin selection
Preferential helping of genetic relatives, which results in greater likelihood that genes held in common will survive
Negative state relief model
The proposition that people help others in order to counteract their own feelings of sadness
Norm of Social Responsibility
A moral standard emphasizing that people should help those who need assistance
Pluralistic Ignorance
The state in which people mistakenly believe that their own thoughts and feeling are different from those of others, even when everyone's behavior is the same
Prosocial Behaviors
Actions intended to benefit others
Social Norm
A general rule of conduct reflecting standards of social approval and disapproval
Threat-To-Self-Esteem Model
The theory that reactions to receiving assistance depend on whether help is perceived as supportive or threatening