Unit 1

  1. What happened in the 70's & 80's in regards to the cost of healthcare?
    A new prospective payment system based on diagnosis-related groups (DRGs) emerged.  Hospitals received monies for reimbursement based on client's diagnosis.
  2. What is a Government sponsered hospital?
    Provide care at no or reduced cost to client, receive local, state, or federal government support.  VA or Madigan
  3. What is a voluntary/Not-For-Profit health agencies?
    Sponsored/run by non-profit, tax-exempt organizations, must still be concerned about the bottom dollar.  TG & Franciscan
  4. What are For-Profit hospitals?
    Privately owned, part of a chain, have stockholders. Capital Medical Center
  5. What are Specialty or Limited-Service Hospitals?
    Physican group owned
  6. What are Magnet hospitals?
    Excellent client outcomes, low staff nurse turnover rate, nurse involvement in how hospitals are run, increased job satisfaction, high morale.  St. Pete's, Seattle Childrens, UW
  7. Explain Provider of Direct Care?
    Assess, care for, educate, and comfort clients and their significant others.  LPNs, RNs, health care professionals work together.
  8. Describe an Educator role?
    • Informal education, teaching is done, instructing client how to care for wound, etc.
    • Formal education, lactation, diabetes
  9. What is a researchers role?
    Promote evidence based practice, research committees
  10. What is a Manager of Care?
    • Formal (care manager)-coordination of resources
    • Informal-time management, multiple patients needs, human and material resources
  11. Describe Functional Nursing
    System of care that concentrates on duties, assembly line model.  Coordinates care for an entire unit or team based on scope of practice
  12. Define Team Nursing
    RN works with one or more health care personnel to provide care for 4 or more clients.  Similar to functional nursing except more involement of care.  RN/LPN, RN/CNA
  13. What is Primary Nursing?
    RN works independently, does everything for patients
  14. What is Case Management?
    Addresses short and long term physical, psychological and social needs to clients, promotes self care, upgrading quality of life and using resources.  Follows patient through entire process and helps the patient return to home and utilize resources in the community
  15. Explain delegation
    Tasking within scope of practice to CNAs or other healthcare providers.
  16. Why regulate and accredit and who does it?
    • JCAHO, National quality forum, Centers for Medicaid and medicare services, Agency for healthcare research and quality.
    • Look at needs for quality improvement, cost effective care, improve standards of care, maintenance of minimum standard
  17. What is family-centered care?
    recognizes the family as the one constant in a child's life.  Involving entire family in care of child
  18. Describe Atraumatic care
    Ensuring the care of the child is as least traumatic as possible by utilizing therapeutic relationships, family adovcacy, disease prevention and health promotion, health teaching, support and counseling, coordination and collaboration, ethical decision making and research
Card Set
Unit 1
Introduction to Acute care