Social Learning Theory
States that we learn by observing and imitating others.
Self Serving Bias
A readiness to percieve oneself favorably.
Long-Term Memory
Relatively permantent and limitless store-house of the memory system. Information stored here is held in semantic form.
Ingroup Bias
The tendency to favor one's own group.
Helps prepare explicit memories for storage.
The tendency of a close-knit group to emphasize consensus at the expense of critical thinking and rational decision making.
Group Polarization
The tendency for a dominant point of view in a group to be strengthened to a more extreme position after a group discussion.
Frontal Lobes
Involved in speaking, muscle movements and in making plans and judgements.
Foot-in-the-Door Phenomenon
The tendency for people who have first agreed to a small request to comply later with a large request.
Corpus Callosum
Carries messages between the two hemispheres of the brain.
Conditioned Stimulus
An originally irrelevant stimulus that, after association with an unconditioned stimulus comes to trigger a conditioned response.
Conditioned Response
The learned response to a previously neutral conditioned stimulus.
Circadian Rythm
The biological clock; Regular bodily rythms that occur on a 24-hour cycle.
Cerebral Cortex
The body's ultimate control and information-processing center.
Helps coordinate voluntary movement and balance.
Attribution Theory
We tend to give a causal explanation for someone's behavior, often by crediting either the situation or the other person's disposition.
Interpreting one's new experience in terms of existing schemas.
Linked to emotion and emotional memory.
Negative Reinforcement
The termination of a nuicence as a resault of behavior.
Positive Reinforcement
When a desirable consequence occurs as a resault of behavior.
What is the Difference Between Operant and Classical Conditioning?
- In operant conditioning, the subject's behavior depends on what follows- it's learning the consequences of a particular behavior.
- In classical conditioning, a stimulus is paired with an involuntary response; the subject's behavior depends on what preceeds it.
Aversion Therapy
Aims to remove undesirable responses to certain stimuli by associating them with other aversive stimuli in the hope that the undesirable responses will be avoided in the future.
Systematic Desensitisation
Aims to extinguish the fear response of a phobia and substitute a relaxation response to the conditioned stimulus gradually.
Implosion/ Flooding
Forced reality testing aimed to produce the extinction of a phobic's fear by the continual and dramatic presentation of the phobic object or situation.
Short-Term Memory
A memory system that stores a limited amount of information in phonetic form for a brief period.
Adoption Studies
Studies in which researchers examine trait similarities between adopted children and there biological and adoptive parents to figure out wether that trait might be inherited.
Evaluations people make about objects, ideas, events, or other people.
Alpha Waves
The type of brain waves present when a person is very relaxed or meditating.
Beta Waves
The type of brain waves present when a person is awake and alert.
Classical Conditioning
A type of learning in which a subject comes to respond to a neural stimulus as he would to another stimulus by learning to associate the two stimuli.
Defence Mechanisms
Behaviors that protect people from anxiety.
Delta Waves
The type of brain waves present when a person is deeply asleep.
Situational Attribution
An inference that a person's behavior is due to situational factors.
Learned Helplessness
A tendency to give up passively in the face of unavoidable stressors.
A hormone that regulates the sleep cycle.
The capacity for storing and retrieving information.
Normative Social Influence
An individual's tendency to conform because of a nees to be accepted or not rejected by a group.
Misinformation Effect
The tendency for recollections of events to be distorted by information given after the event occured.
Compliance with commands given by an authority figure.
Operant Conditioning
A type of learning in which responses come to be controlled by their consequences.
A group to which one does not belong.
A negative belief or feeling about a particular group of individuals.
Proactive Interference
The forgetting of new information because of previously learned information.
Rapid Eye Movement Sleep
A stage of deep sleep in which brain wave activity is similar to that in the waking state.
REM Rebound Effect
The tendency to spend more time in the REM stage of sleep after a period of REM sleep deprivation.
The process of remembering without any external cues.
The process of identifying learned information by using externall cues.
The process of practicing material in order to remember it.
The proportion of learned information that is retained or remembered.
The process of getting information our of memory.
Retrieval Cues
Stimuli that help to get information out of memory.
Retroactive Interference
Forgetting of old information because of newly learned information.
A mental model of an object or event that includes knowledge about it as well as beliefs and expectations.
A neurotransmitter involved in sleep, appetite, agression, impulsivity, sensory perseption, pain supression, and mood.
Beliefs about people based on their membershi in a particular group.
Theta Waves
The type of brain waves present when a person is lightly asleep.
Unconditioned Response
A naturally occuring response that happens without previous conditioning.
Unconditioned Stimulus
A stimulus that evokes an innate response.
Physcal or verbal behavior intended to hurt or destroy.
Theories of Agression
- 1. Genetic- Behavior tends to run in families.
- 2. Neural- There is less activity in the frontal lobe, corpus collosum, and left hemisphere
- 3. Neurochemical- High levels of testosterone has been linked to agression.
Assumptions of the Social Perspective
- 1. All behavior occurs in a social context, even when nobody else is physically present.
- 2. A major influence on other people's behavior, thought processes, and emotions are other people and the society they have created.
Assumptions of the Biological Perspective
- 1.All that is psychological is first physiological. The mind is in the brain so all thoughts, feelings and behaviors have a biological cause.
- 2. Psychology should investigate the brain, neurvous system, endocrine system, neurochemistry, and genes.
- 3. Much of behavior will have a genetic basis because human genes have evolved over millions of years to adapt physiology and behavior to the environment.
Assumptions of the Learning Perspective
- 1. The majority of all behavior is learned from the environment after birth. Behavior is determined by the environment since we are merely the total of our past learning experiences.
- 2. Only observable behaviors should be studied. Animals can be studied and the findings applied to humans, as animals only differ in the complexity of their behavior.
Environmental Determinism
Learning from the environment writes upon the blank slate of our minds at birth to cause behavior. Deterministic laws of learning can predict and control the future.
Assumptions of the Cognitive Perspective
- 1. The study of internal mental processes is important in understanding behavior. Cognitive processes actively organize and manipulate the information we recieve- Humans do not just passively respond to the environment.
- 2. Humans, like computers, are information processors: regardless of our harware, both percieve, interpret, and respong to information.
Yeilding to group pressure, either real (involving the physical presence of others) or imagined (involving the pressures of social norms).
Social Identity Theory
The tendency of all humans to categorize themselves into groups.
Conditions that Strengthen Conformity
- 1. One is made to feel insecure
- 2. Group has at least three people
- 3. Group is unanimous
- 4. One admires the group
- 5. No prior comitment to any response
- 6. The group observes one's behavior
- 7. One's culture strongly encourages respect of social standards
Informative Social Influence
We accept other's opinions about reality.
Milgram's Agency Theory
We see ourselves as agents of a larger group. In order to maintain society, we must all give up some of our freedom, at least some of the time.
Factors Affecting Obedience
- 1. Person giving orders is close
- 2. Ther person giving orders is supported by an institution
- 3. Victim is dehumanized or at a distance
- 4. No models for defiance