vital signs

  1. apnea
    absence or cessation of breathing
  2. arrhythmia
    an abnormality or irregularity in the heart rhythm
  3. bounding
    a pulse that feels full because of increased power of cardiac contraction or as a result of increased blood volume
  4. bradycardia
    a slow heartbeat , a pulse belwo 60 beats per minute
  5. bradypnea
    respirations that are regular in rhythm but slower than normal in rate
  6. cerumen
    a waxy secretion in the ear canal , ear wax
  7. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
    a progressive , irreversible lung condition that results in diminished lung capacity
  8. diurnal rhythm
    a pattern of activity or behavior that follows a day-night cycle
  9. dyspnea
    difficult or painful breathing
  10. essential hypertension
    elevated blood pressure of unknown cause that develops for no apparent reason also called primary hypertension
  11. febrile
    pertaining to an elevated body temperature
  12. homeostatsis
    internal adaptation and change in response to environmental factors. body's functions balance
  13. hyperpnea
    an increase in the depth of breathing
  14. hypertension
    high blood pressure
  15. hyperventilation
    abnormally prolonged and deep breathing usually associated with acute anxiety or emotional tension
  16. hypotension
    blood pressure that is below normal ( systolic below 90/ diastolic below 50mm Hg)
  17. intermittent pulse
    a pulse in which beats ocasionally are skipped
  18. orthopnea
    a condition in which an individual must sit or stand to breathe comfortably
  19. orthostatic (postural) hypotension
    a temporary fall in blood pressure when a person rapdily changes form a recumbent position to a standing position
  20. otitis externa
    inflammation or infection of the external auditory canal ( swimmer's ear)
  21. peripheral
    area outside of or away from an organ or structure
  22. pulse deficit
     radial pulse is less than the apical pulse , it may indicate a peripheral vascular abnormality
  23. pulse pressure
    the difference between the systolic and the diastolic blood pressure 30 to 50 mmHg is considered normal 
  24. pyrexia
     a febrile condition or fever
  25. rales
    crackling breath sounds during inspiration
  26. rhonchi
    rumbling sounds on expiration
  27. secondary hypertension
    elevated blood pressure resulting from another condition , typically kidney disease
  28. sinus arrhythmia
    irregular heartbeat that originates in the sinoatrial node ( pace maker)
  29. spirometer
    an instrument that measures the volume of air inhaled and exhaled
  30. stertorous
    a strenuous respiratory effort marked by a snoring soung
  31. syncope
  32. tachycardia
    a rapid but regular heart rate  that exceeds 100 beats per minute
  33. tachypnea
    rapid shallow breathing
  34. thready
    pulse that is scarcely perceptilbe
  35. wheezing
    a high-pitched sound heard on expiration , obstruction or narrowing of respiratory passages
  36. body temperature
    the balance between the heat lost and the heat produced by the body
  37. vital signs (TPR)
    temperature, pulse , respirtion and  BP blood pressure
  38. vital signs are also called
    cardinal signs
  39. anthropometic measurements
    height , weight , fat composition or head circumference in infants
  40. factors that affect body temperature
    • age
    • stress and physical activity
    • smoking , drinking , hot fluids
  41. new born vital signs
    pulse 120-160

    respirations 30-50

    blood pressure 60-96 30-62 
  42. toddlers vital signs
    pulse 90-140

    respirations 20-30

    blood pressure 78-112/48-78
  43. preschool vital signs
    pulse 80-110

    respirations 18-26

    blood pressure 78-112/50-82
  44. school age vital signs
    pulse 75-110

    respirations 16-22

    blood pressure 85-114/52-85
  45. adolescent vital signs
    pulse 60-100

    respirations 14-20

    blood pressure 94-136/58-88
  46. adult vital signs
    pulse 60-110

    respirations 12-20

    blood pressure 100-140/60-90
  47. fever also called
    • febrile
    • pyrexia
  48. continuous fever
    rises and falls only slightly during the 24-hour period but remains above average normal ranges
  49. intermittent fever
    comes and goes or it spikes then returns to average range
  50. remittent fever
    has great fluctuation but never returns to the average range. constant fever
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vital signs
vital signs