- bacterial infection
- Leptospira canicola
- Leptospira icterohemorrhagica
lethargy, anorexia, pyrexia(fever), conjuctivitis, icterus(liver failure/yellow skin & eyes), abdominal pain, kidney damage - WBC increase
- BUN & ALT elevated
- treat with antibiotics
- prevent with vaccine
Infectious canine hepatitis (blue eye)
- viral-canine adenovirus 1
- WBC decrease (leukopenia)
- lethargy, anorexia, thirst, oculonasal discharge, pyrexia (fever)
- treat with fluid & antiobiotics to prevent/ treat possible baterial infection
- prevent with vaccine
Kennel cough
- Bacterial infection--Bordetella bronchisepticViral--parainfluenza virus, cannie adenoviruscough for @ 2 wks, slight pyrexia, slight increased WBC
- treat with antibiotics and cough suppressants
- vaccine requires 2 wks to work up antibodies against bacteria/virus
- prevent with vaccine
Lyme disease
- Borrelia burgdorgferi
- transmitted by deertick of northern states
- inflammatory, arthritis
- treat with antibiotics
- prevent with vaccine
Heartworm disease
- parasitic--Dirofilaria immitisbiological arthroped vector
- takes @ 7-8 mths to show symptoms
- direct smear looks for live microfilaria movement
- millipore filtration looks for dead microfilaria
- occult (snap) test checks for antibody when heartworms are present
- gradual lethargy, cough, weight loss, decreased renal & hepatic functions
- treat with Immiticide
- precent with monthly preventative (heartgard-ivermectin)
Canine distemper
- viral
- dyphasic temp (up & down), mucopuralent oculonasal discharge, anorexia, diarrhea
- aka hard pad disease (hyperkeratosis
- neuro symptoms- chorea (small seizures/twitch), paralysis, full seizures
- leukopenia (decreased WBC)
- prevent with vaccine
Canine parvovirus
- Viral (very contagious)
- vomiting, anorexia, lethargy, diarrhea, dehydration
- smell is from necrotic intestinal tissue
- leukopenia (decreased WBC), bloody diarrhea, pyrexia,
- prolonged illness is uncommon
- recovery or death w/in 2 days
White blood cells (WBC)
- with bacteria WBC increase
- with virus WBC decrease (leukopenia)