
  1. p21
    • CDK-inhibitor -> block progression of cell cycle
    • Activated by TGF-b binding to its receptor and DNA damage
    • Inhibited by Akt/PKB
  2. pRb
    • Tumor suppressor gene - gatekeeper
    • G0 dephosphorylated -> phosphotrylated -> G1 hyperphosphorylated -> allow cell cycle progression
    • Phosphorylated by CDK-complexes (cyclin D)
    • Inhibits E2F transcription factor
  3. E2F
    • Drives expression of genes important for progression through cell cycle (ex. cyclin E)
    • Inibited by Rb
    • Rb inhibited by hyperphosphorylation -> E2F activiation -> mitotic gene upregulation -> cell cycle progression
    • Rb -/- -> embryonic letal
    • Turns on ARF
  4. SV40 large T antigen
    • Oncogene
    • Binds Rb and p53 -> inactivates them both
  5. p53
    • Tumor supressor gene
    • Mutant p53 present in elevated amounts in transformed cells
    • p53 -/- -> born normal then have accelerated rate of tumor formation
    • Usually has point mutations found in sequence specific DNA binding domain
    • Only takes one p53 in the tetramer to render the whole unit inactive -> dominant negative mutation
    • Induces p21 -> p21 acts as CDKI -> inhibit cell cycle
    • Important in cell death after DNA damage -> ensures cell dies rather than carrying over a genetic mutation
  6. p53 control
    • p53 targets MDM2 -> induces ubiquination at p53
    • Increase in p53 -> increase in MDM2 -> negative feedback loop -> ubiquination and degradationof p53
  7. MDM2
    • Negative regulator of p53
    • Too much p53 -> too much cell death
    • Lead to ubiquinate and degradation of p53
    • AP1 -> induce expression of MDM2
    • Phosphorylated MDM2 -> increased activation
    • Inhibited by ARF
  8. ARF
    • Inhibits MDM2
    • No ARF -> unregulated MDM2 -> decrease p53 -> mouse is viable
  9. AP1
    Transcription factor induced by mitogens
  10. p16ink4a
    • CDK4/6 inhibitor
    • Inhibits progress through the cell cycle
    • Splicing variant -> p14ARF -> prevents MDM2 from associating with p53 -> growth arrest and apoptosis
  11. cytochrome c
    • Important in respiration
    • When you induce apoptosis -> cytochrom c leaks in cytoplasm -> signal for apoptosis
  12. Bcl-2
    Pro-survival (anti-apoptotic gene)
  13. Bax, Bad, Bok...
  14. FADD
    • Fas -> fas receptor -> FADD -> activate caspase 8 -> induction of death-induced signaling complex (DISC) -> caspase cascade
    • Induced by p53
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