Albatross around one's neck
Back to the drawing board
Born with a silver spoon in one's mouth
Burn the candle at both ends
Burn your bridges behind you
Can't see the forest for the trees
- A famous warrior in Classic mythology
- leader in the Trojan War
- Shipwrecked at Carthage,
- Dido fell in love with him then committed suicide
- Eventually arrived in what is now Italy
- Ancient Romans believe decendants of followers of A.
- Hero of Aeneid of Virgil
- Carried Dad out of ruined Troy - filial devotion/duty
- Doomed love - source of artistic creation since ancient
- The food of the gods
- classical mythology
- said if eaten, become immortal
delicious food sometimes called ambrosia
- Venus
- goddess of love and beauty
- mother to Eros and Aeneas
- Beauty contest won apple of discord over Hera and Athena
- Born from sea foam
- The birth of venus - Botticelli
- god of poetry prophecy, medicine and light
- represents all aspects of civilization and order
- worshipped at Delphic Oracle - priestess gave predictions
- Zeus - father
- Artemis - sister
- Contrasted with Dionysus
- Sun is describeds as Apollo's chariot
- Mars
- god of war
- son of Zeus and Hera
- Father of the Amazons
- Companions of Jason in the quest of the Golden Fleece
- Ship was the Argo
Naut means "sailor" in Greek
astronaut, nautical
- 100 eyes
- created by Hera to watch Io (mistress of Zeus)
- Hermes helped by playing music
- Zeus kills Argus
- Hera put eyes on peacock
common name for papers (always on the watch)
- Minerva
- goddess of wisdom
- sprung fully grown out of Zeus
- angered by Judgment of Paris
- helped the Greeks in Trojan war
- protector of Odysseus
Guardian of the city of Athens
Augean stables
- stables from "Labors of Hercules"
- Belonged to King Augeas
- Never cleaned and a great mess
- Hercules ordered to clean, diverted two rivers to flow through the stables
clean the Augean stables is to clean up a large amount of physical filth or moral corruption or to accomplish a large or distasteful and arduous job.
Blarney Stone
- stone in Blarney Castle
- those who kiss receive the gift of eloquence that enables themmto obtain, through persuasion, anything they want.
Blue Beard
- Fairy Tale Character - Charles Perrault
- Marries 7 women
- don't look behind the door
- only one passes the test
- Classic Mythology
- prophetess in Troy
- predictions never believed - result of Apollo being denied
- Greeks took her
- Athena helped - ship wrecks - great loss of life
- *one that constantly predicts bad news
Golden Fleece
- Classical
- pure gold
- from flying ram
- Janson sought it iwht Argonauts
- kept in a kigdom on the Black Sea
- Classical
- escape with father from Labyrinth
- died from flying to high
- Roman god of doors and gateways
- beginnings
- two faces / opposite / old & young
- January
- Classical
- vast maze on island of Crete
- Daedalus designed it to keep Minotaur
- two made out of Labyrinth - Theseus - killed Minotaur - string
- and Daedalus with son
- either a physical maze or complex problem
- Classical
- queen of sparta
- raped by Zeus in swan form
- Helen of Troy - product
- river that flows through Hades
- dead drink of it to forget what they did said or suffered
- Classical
- half man half bull
- Born to Pasiphae, mated with sacred bull
- Minos, hid shame, construct Labyrinth
- Minos ordered 14 (7g 7b) in as tributes for food
- Theseus volunteered to kill